
在python中将字典传递给具有可修改元素的进程,python,multithreading,multiprocessing,pyroot,Python,Multithreading,Multiprocessing,Pyroot,我正在尝试使用多处理库的进程模块来执行我的代码,以获得更好的性能 代码的框架是为他们处理的每个线程创建字典,完成后,这些字典被汇总并保存到一个文件中。 创建的资源如下所示: histos = {} for int i in range(number_of_threads): histos[i] = {} histos[i]['all'] = ROOT.TH1F objects histos[i]['kinds_of'] = ROOT.TH1F objects


代码的框架是为他们处理的每个线程创建字典,完成后,这些字典被汇总并保存到一个文件中。 创建的资源如下所示:

histos = {}
for int i in range(number_of_threads):
    histos[i] = {}
    histos[i]['all'] =      ROOT.TH1F objects
    histos[i]['kinds_of'] = ROOT.TH1F objects
    histos[i]['keys'] =     ROOT.TH1F objects

然后在这些进程中,每个线程使用自己的histos[thread_number]对象,处理包含的ROOT.TH1Fs。 但是,我的问题是,如果我以如下方式启动线程:

proc = {}
for i in range(Nthreads):
    it0 = 0 + i * n_entries / Nthreads  # just dividing up the workload
    it1 = 0 + (i+1) * n_entries / Nthreads 
    proc[i] = Process(target=RecoAndRecoFix, args=(i, it0, it1, ch,histos)) 
    # args: i is the thread id (index), it0 and it1 are indices for the workload,
    # ch is a variable that is read-only, and histos is what we defined before, 
    # and the contained TH1Fs are what the threads put their output into.
    # The RecoAndFix function works inside with histos[i], thus only accessing
    # the ROOT.TH1F objects that are unique to it. Each thread works with its own histos[i] object.
typecoder = {}
histos = Array(typecoder,number_of_threads)
for int i in range(number_of_threads):
    histos[i] = {}
    histos[i]['all'] =      ROOT.TH1F objects
    histos[i]['kinds_of'] = ROOT.TH1F objects
    histos[i]['keys'] =     ROOT.TH1F objects
然后线程确实可以访问histos[i]对象,但不能写入它们。 确切地说,当我对TH1F直方图调用Fill()时,没有数据被填充,因为它无法写入对象,因为它们不是共享变量

因此,这里: 我发现我应该使用multiprocessing.Array()来创建一个线程可以读写的数组,如下所示:

proc = {}
for i in range(Nthreads):
    it0 = 0 + i * n_entries / Nthreads  # just dividing up the workload
    it1 = 0 + (i+1) * n_entries / Nthreads 
    proc[i] = Process(target=RecoAndRecoFix, args=(i, it0, it1, ch,histos)) 
    # args: i is the thread id (index), it0 and it1 are indices for the workload,
    # ch is a variable that is read-only, and histos is what we defined before, 
    # and the contained TH1Fs are what the threads put their output into.
    # The RecoAndFix function works inside with histos[i], thus only accessing
    # the ROOT.TH1F objects that are unique to it. Each thread works with its own histos[i] object.
typecoder = {}
histos = Array(typecoder,number_of_threads)
for int i in range(number_of_threads):
    histos[i] = {}
    histos[i]['all'] =      ROOT.TH1F objects
    histos[i]['kinds_of'] = ROOT.TH1F objects
    histos[i]['keys'] =     ROOT.TH1F objects

那么,解决这个问题的最佳方法是什么? 我需要的是将字典中存储的每个“各种键”的一个实例传递给每个线程,以便它们自己工作。他们必须能够写入这些接收到的资源







