Python GroupBy语句不像字符串那样分组

Python GroupBy语句不像字符串那样分组,python,pandas,group-by,mask,Python,Pandas,Group By,Mask,晚上, 我的数据: display(dfRFQ_Breakdown_By_Done_Traded_Away_Grp.sort_values('security_type1',ascending=True)) state security_type1 count 0 Done CORP 239 4 Tied Done CORP 9 6 Tied Traded Away CORP




    state     security_type1    count
0   Done             CORP           239
4   Tied Done        CORP            9
6   Tied Traded Away CORP            7
9   Traded Away      CORP          1075
1   Done             GOVT           40
5   Tied Done        GOVT           2
7   Tied Traded Away GOVT           16
10  Traded Away      GOVT          150
2   Done             MTGE           4
8   Tied Traded Away MTGE           3
11  Traded Away      MTGE           7
3   Done            SUPRA           31
12  Traded Away     SUPRA           88

state     security_type1    count
Done        CORP             248
Traded Away CORP             1082
Done        GOVT             42
Traded Away GOVT             166
Done        MTGE             4
Traded Away MTGE             10
Done        SUPRA            31
Traded Away SUPRA            88

# Updating any Tied Done to Done and Tied Traded Away to Traded Away  
mask = (dfRFQ_Breakdown_By_Done_Traded_Away_Grp['state'].str.contains('Tied Done'))       
dfRFQ_Breakdown_By_Done_Traded_Away_Grp.loc[mask, 'state'] = 'Done'

mask = (dfRFQ_Breakdown_By_Done_Traded_Away_Grp['state'].str.contains('Tied Traded Away'))       
dfRFQ_Breakdown_By_Done_Traded_Away_Grp.loc[mask, 'state'] = 'Traded Away'

state   security_type1  count
Done         CORP        239
Done         CORP        9
Traded Away  CORP        7
Traded Away  CORP        1075
Done         GOVT        40
Done         GOVT        2
Traded Away  GOVT        16
Traded Away  GOVT        150
Done         MTGE        4
Traded Away  MTGE        3
Traded Away  MTGE        7
Done         SUPRA       31
Traded Away  SUPRA       88


res = df.query('(state == "Done") | (state == "TradedAway")')\
        .groupby(['state', 'security_type1'], as_index=False)['count'].sum()\
        .sort_values(['security_type1', 'state'])


        state security_type1  count
0        Done           CORP    239
4  TradedAway           CORP   1075
1        Done           GOVT     40
5  TradedAway           GOVT    150
2        Done           MTGE      4
6  TradedAway           MTGE      7
3        Done          SUPRA     31
7  TradedAway          SUPRA     88