Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/2/python/276.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Python屏幕未完全加载_Python_Arduino_Raspberry Pi_Pygame - Fatal编程技术网


Python屏幕未完全加载,python,arduino,raspberry-pi,pygame,Python,Arduino,Raspberry Pi,Pygame,作为一名程序员爱好者,感谢您对我的帮助。我已将Arduino控制器连接到树莓Pi。我可以从Arduino接收数据,但是Raspberry Pi使用Python,在我单击屏幕标题栏之前不会总是完全加载数据。我需要一个有经验的人帮我弄清楚发生了什么 我的Arduino代码: void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { Serial.println("1//February 1, 2016"); Serial.println

作为一名程序员爱好者,感谢您对我的帮助。我已将Arduino控制器连接到树莓Pi。我可以从Arduino接收数据,但是Raspberry Pi使用Python,在我单击屏幕标题栏之前不会总是完全加载数据。我需要一个有经验的人帮我弄清楚发生了什么


void setup() 

void loop()
  Serial.println("1//February 1, 2016");
  Serial.println("2//19:41:32 CST");
  Serial.println("3// 30.092771 N, -95.225553 W");

#!/usr/bin python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

__title__= "GPS Time Clock"

    # Enable module-specific functions
    import sys, os, time, serial, threading
    import pygame
    from pygame.locals import *
    from datetime import datetime
except ImportError, err:
    print("ERROR: {0}...".format(err))

class Window(object):

    # Global color reference
    BLACK = (   0,   0,   0 )
    WHITE = ( 255, 255, 255 )
    BLUE  = (   0,  46, 179 )
    GREEN = (  66, 179,  27 )
    AMBER = ( 217, 162,   0 )
    RED   = ( 141,   0,  36 )
    PURPLE= ( 140,  27, 179 )

    # Initialize object
    def __init__(self):
        self._running = True                                                            # trigger for program shutdown
        self.screen = None                                                              # remember display mode selection
        self.font = None                                                                # remember font selection
        self.windowBackground = self.BLACK                                              # default background color
        self.windowForeground = self.WHITE                                              # default foreground color
        self.windowWidth = 800                                                          # default display width
        self.windowHeight = 480                                                         # default display height
        self.fullscreen = False                                                         # remember fullscreen status
        self.iCounter = 0                                                               # counter used to select color scheme
        self._serial_port = serial.Serial()                                             # name instance of serial port

    # Initialize screen parameters
    def on_init(self):
        self._running = True
        self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Consolas", 40)                                 # monospaced, fixed-width font
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.windowWidth, self.windowHeight), pygame.RESIZABLE, 32)

     # Respond to keyboard input
    def on_event(self, event):
        if (event.type == pygame.QUIT): self._running = False
        elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): self._running = False
        elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_F9): self.screen_resize()
        elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_F10):
            self.iCounter += 1
            if (self.iCounter > 7):
                self.iCounter = 1
            self.screen_colors(self.iCounter)                                           # change color scheme

    # Open serial port
    def serial_open(self):
        if (self._serial_port.isOpen() == False):                                       # serial port is not open
            pygame.event.pump()                                                         # keep program interaction alive
            self._serial_port = serial.Serial()                                         # name serial port instance
            self._serial_port.port = "COM15"                                            # serial port address used to communicate with the Arduino
            self._serial_port.baudrate = 9600
            self._serial_port.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS
            self._serial_port.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE
            self._serial_port.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE
            self._serial_port.timeout = 1                                               # read timeout (seconds)
            self._serial_port.xonxoff = False                                           # disable software flow control
            self._serial_port.rtscts = False                                            # disable hardware flow control
            self._serial_port.dsrdtr = False                                            # disable hardware flow control
            self._serial_port.write_timeout = 1                                         # write timeout (seconds)
            print "Searching for Arduino on",
            print str(self._serial_port.port) + "...",                                  # look for path inside the Arduio IDE
                self._serial_port.open()                                                # try to open serial port
                self._serial_port.flush()                                               # clear pre-existing data
                print "found!"
            except Exception, ex:
                print "NOT found!"
                print "Error: " + str(ex)
                sys.exit(1)                                                             # '0' = normal; '1' = abnormal termination
        else:                                                                           # serial port is already open; do nothing
            pygame.event.pump()                                                         # keep program interaction alive

    # Read from serial port
    def serial_read(self):
        if (self._serial_port.isOpen() == True):                                        # serial port is open
            pygame.event.pump()                                                         # keep program interaction alive
            if (self._serial_port.inWaiting() > 0):
                incoming = ""
                incoming = self._serial_port.readline(self._serial_port.inWaiting())    # read from serial buffer
                incoming = incoming.rstrip()                                            # remove trailing special characters, e.g., crlf
                if incoming.find("1//") == 0:                                           # row 1: display the date
                    incoming = incoming.replace("1//", "")
                    strDate={"Date": inDate}
                    row1=" Date:    {Date}".format(**strDate)
                    label1= self.font.render(row1, True, self.windowForeground, self.windowBackground)
                    self.screen.blit(label1, (0,40))
                elif incoming.find("2//") == 0:                                         # row 2: display the time
                    incoming = incoming.replace("2//", "")
                    strTime={"Time": inTime}
                    row2=" Time:    {Time}".format(**strTime)
                    label2= self.font.render(row2, True, self.windowForeground, self.windowBackground)
                    self.screen.blit(label2, (0,120))
                elif incoming.find("3//") == 0:                                         # row 3: display the GPS coordinates
                    incoming = incoming.replace("3//", "")
                    strCoord={"Coords": inCoord}
                    row3=" Coords: {Coords}".format(**strCoord)
                    label3= self.font.render(row3, True, self.windowForeground, self.windowBackground)
                    self.screen.blit(label3, (0,200))
                elif incoming.find("4//") == 0:                                         # row 4: display the Maidenhead location
                    incoming = incoming.replace("4//", "")
                    strLoc={"Locator": inLoc}
                    row4=" Locator: {Locator}".format(**strLoc)
                    label4= self.font.render(row4, True, self.windowForeground, self.windowBackground)
                    self.screen.blit(label4, (0,280))
                    incoming = ""                                                       # discard unusable data
                pygame.display.flip()                                                   # refresh display with current data
            else:                                                                       # port is open, but no incoming data; do nothing
                pygame.event.pump()                                                     # keep program interaction alive
            pygame.event.pump()                                                         # keep program interaction alive
            self.serial_open()                                                          # serial port is not open; try to open

    # Change screen colors
    def screen_colors(self, index):
        if index == 1:                                                                  # color scheme 1
            self.windowBackground = self.AMBER
            self.windowForeground = self.BLACK
        elif index == 2:                                                                # color scheme 2
            self.windowBackground = self.GREEN
            self.windowForeground = self.BLACK
        elif index == 3:                                                                # color scheme 3
            self.windowBackground = self.WHITE
            self.windowForeground = self.BLACK
        elif index == 4:                                                                # color scheme 4
            self.windowBackground = self.BLUE
            self.windowForeground = self.WHITE
        elif index == 5:                                                                # color scheme 5
            self.windowBackground = self.PURPLE
            self.windowForeground = self.WHITE
        elif index == 6:                                                                # color scheme 6
            self.windowBackground = self.RED
            self.windowForeground = self.WHITE
        elif index == 7:                                                                # default color scheme
            self.windowBackground = self.BLACK
            self.windowForeground = self.WHITE

    # Change screen size
    def screen_resize(self):
        if self.fullscreen == False:
            self.fullscreen = True
            self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.windowWidth, self.windowHeight),
                        pygame.FULLSCREEN | pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.NOFRAME, 32)
        elif self.fullscreen == True:
            self.fullscreen = False
            self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.windowWidth, self.windowHeight), pygame.RESIZABLE, 32)

    # Execute program
    def on_execute(self):
        if self.on_init() == False:                                                     # execute 'on_init' and get running status
            self._running = False
        self.serial_open()                                                              # open serial port
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                self.on_event(event)                                                    # check for events
            self.serial_read()                                                          # read data from serial port
        sys.exit(0)                                                                     # '0' = normal; '1' = abnormal termination

if __name__ == "__main__" :
    window = Window()                                                                   # class instantiation automatically invokes __init__()
    window.on_execute()                                                                 # following class instantiation, run 'on_execute()' 
