Python 将一个函数的返回参数值传递给另一个函数

Python 将一个函数的返回参数值传递给另一个函数,python,flask,Python,Flask,我想将一个值从一个函数返回到另一个函数,并使用它来筛选我的excel。 下面是我试图做的: @app.route('/bzrules') def show_tables(): rules = pd.read_excel('static/dummy_data.xlsx') # User will select value in drop down in view.html. I want the user selection to be passsed to my second f

我想将一个值从一个函数返回到另一个函数,并使用它来筛选我的excel。 下面是我试图做的:

def show_tables():
    rules = pd.read_excel('static/dummy_data.xlsx')
    # User will select value in drop down in view.html. I want the user selection to be passsed to my second function below to filter my excel sheet
    subarealist = rules['Subject_Area'].unique().tolist()
    return render_template('view.html', subarealist=subarealist)

def postfields():
    # this is were user selection from first function to pass and help select sheet from my excel
    dt = pd.read_excel('static/AllDataSheets.xlsx', sheetname='User selection from subarealist')

<form action="{{ url_for('show_tables') }}" method="POST">
     <div class="form-group">
      <div class="input-group">
            <select name='fieldnames'onchange="this.form.submit()">
                {% for val in subarealist %}
                  <option value='{{val}}' selected="search_key" {% if search_key==val %}{% endif%}>{{val}}</option>
                  <option selected="selected"></option>
                {% endfor %}       


<form action="{{ url_for('postfields', sheet_name=val) }}" method="POST">
     <div class="form-group">
      <div class="input-group">
            <select name='fieldnames'onchange="this.form.submit()">
                {% for val in subarealist %}
                  <option value='{{val}}' selected="search_key" {% if search_key==val %}{% endif%}>{{val}}</option>
                  <option selected="selected"></option>
                {% endfor %}

@app.route('/postfields/<sheet_name>', methods=['POST'])
def postfields(sheet_name):
    # this is were user selection from first function to pass and help select sheet from my excel
    dt = pd.read_excel('static/AllDataSheets.xlsx', sheetname=sheet_name)


必须将HTML中的表单配置为将表单数据发布到第二个端点。我已附加了HTML代码,请您建议必要的更改@MiguelChange action属性以指向您的postfields路由,然后在该路由中添加表单args的处理。