
Python矩阵绘图中的递归错误,python,matrix,Python,Matrix,我正在使用Python解决一些光学多层问题 我在试图解决这个问题时遇到了这个错误,因为我是初学者,调试这个问题对我来说太难了。任何意见和帮助都将不胜感激 问题是找到| 1 | 2 |…N…的反射率和透射率|1 | 2 |结构。 我有一个由材料1和2组成的单元。总结构为单元的N=5 我用传递矩阵法计算了总透过率和反射率 我在下面附上了我的代码 import numpy as np import sympy as sm from sympy import symbols from sympy.plo



问题是找到| 1 | 2 |…N…的反射率和透射率|1 | 2 |结构。 我有一个由材料1和2组成的单元。总结构为单元的N=5



import numpy as np
import sympy as sm
from sympy import symbols
from sympy.plotting import plot

# 111

d1, d2, lam, n1, n2 = symbols('d1, d2, lam, n1, n2', real=True, positive=True)

d1 = 100e-9
d2 = 120e-9

n1 = 1.7
n2 = 1.4

N = 5

r12, t12 = (n1 - n2) / (n1 + n2), (2 * n1) / (n1 + n2)
r21, t21 = (n2 - n1) / (n2 + n1), (2 * n2) / (n2 + n1)

psi1 = 2 * np.pi * n1 * d1 / (lam * 1e-9)
psi2 = 2 * np.pi * n2 * d2 / (lam * 1e-9)

# Transfer Matrix at the 1st Border (without 1/t12)
I12 = sm.Matrix([[1, r12], [r12, 1]])
print(f'I12 Matrix:\n{I12}')

# Transfer Matrix in the Slab
L1 = sm.Matrix([[sm.exp(psi1 * -sm.I), 0], [0, sm.exp(psi1 * sm.I)]])
print(f'L1 Matrix:\n{L1}')

# Transfer Matrix at the 2nd Border (without 1/t23)
I21 = sm.Matrix([[1, r21], [r21, 1]])
print(f'I23 Matrix:\n{I21}')

# Transfer Matrix in the Slab
L2 = sm.Matrix([[sm.exp(psi2 * -sm.I), 0], [0, sm.exp(psi2 * sm.I)]])
print(f'L2 Matrix:\n{L2}')

# Total Transfer Matrix: I12 X L2 X I23
coeff = (1 / t12) * (1 / t21)

M1 = I21 * L2
print(f'M1 Matrix:\n{M1}')
M2 = L1 * M1
print(f'M2 Matrix:\n{M2}')
M3 = I12 * M2
print(f'M3 Matrix:\n{M2}')

Munit = coeff * M3
print(f'Munit Matrix:\n{Munit}')

for i in range(N):
    if i == 0:
        Mt = Munit
        Mt = Mt * Munit

t = 1 / Mt[0, 0]
r = Mt[1, 0] / Mt[0, 0]
print(f'r and t:\n{r} {t}')

T = n2 / n1 * abs(t) ** 2
R = abs(r) ** 2
print(f'R and T:\n{R} {T}')

graph = plot(T, (lam, 300, 800), label='T', line_color='b', Show=False)
graph.extend(plot(R, (lam, 300, 800), label='R', line_color='r', Show=False))
graph.xlabel = 'wavelength in nm'
graph.yLabel = 'Transmittance and Reflectance'
graph.legend = True


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 68, in <module>
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
Process finished with exit code 1



import numpy as np
import sympy as sm
from sympy import symbols
from sympy.plotting import plot

# 222

d, lam, n1, n2, n3 = symbols('d, lam, n1, n2, n3', real=True, positive=True)

d = 5e-6

n1 = 1
n2 = 2.6
n3 = 1.45

r12, t12 = (n1 - n2) / (n1 + n2), (2 * n1) / (n1 + n2)
r23, t23 = (n2 - n3) / (n2 + n3), (2 * n2) / (n2 + n3)

psi = 2 * np.pi * n2 * d / (lam * 1e-9)

# Transfer Matrix at the 1st Border (without 1/t12)
I12 = sm.Matrix([[1, r12], [r12, 1]])
print(f'I12 Matrix:\n{I12}')

# Transfer Matrix in the Slab
L2 = sm.Matrix([[sm.exp(psi * -sm.I), 0], [0, sm.exp(psi * sm.I)]])
print(f'L2 Matrix:\n{L2}')

# Transfer Matrix at the 2nd Border (without 1/t23)
I23 = sm.Matrix([[1, r23], [r23, 1]])
print(f'I23 Matrix:\n{I23}')

# Total Transfer Matrix: I12 X L2 X I23
coeff = (1 / t12) * (1 / t23)

M1 = L2 * I23
print(f'M1 Matrix:\n{M1}')
M2 = I12 * M1
print(f'M2 Matrix:\n{M2}')

Mt = coeff * M2
print(f'Mt Matrix:\n{Mt}')

t = 1 / Mt[0, 0]
r = Mt[1, 0] / Mt[0, 0]
print(f'r and t:\n{t} {r}')

T = n3 / n1 * abs(t) ** 2
R = abs(r) ** 2

graph = plot(T, (lam, 500, 600), label='T', line_color='b', Show=False)
graph.extend(plot(R, (lam, 500, 600), label='R', line_color='r', Show=False))
graph.xlabel = 'wavelength in nm'
graph.yLabel = 'Transmittance and Reflectance'
graph.legend = True