R 如何使用两个不同的y轴进行绘图?

R 如何使用两个不同的y轴进行绘图?,r,plot,yaxis,R,Plot,Yaxis,我想在R中叠加两个散点图,这样每组点都有自己不同的y轴,即图上的位置2和4,但这些点似乎叠加在同一个图上 有可能用plot实现这一点吗 编辑显示问题的示例代码 # example code for SO question y1 <- rnorm(10, 100, 20) y2 <- rnorm(10, 1, 1) x <- 1:10 # in this plot y2 is plotted on what is clearly an inappropriate scale pl




# example code for SO question
y1 <- rnorm(10, 100, 20)
y2 <- rnorm(10, 1, 1)
x <- 1:10
# in this plot y2 is plotted on what is clearly an inappropriate scale
plot(y1 ~ x, ylim = c(-1, 150))
points(y2 ~ x, pch = 2)



"e0AL fxAL e0CO fxCO e0BR fxBR anos
 51.8  5.9 50.6  6.8 51.0  6.2 1955
 54.7  5.9 55.2  6.8 53.5  6.2 1960
 57.1  6.0 57.9  6.8 55.9  6.2 1965
 59.1  5.6 60.1  6.2 57.9  5.4 1970
 61.2  5.1 61.8  5.0 59.8  4.7 1975
 63.4  4.5 64.0  4.3 61.8  4.3 1980
 65.4  3.9 66.9  3.7 63.5  3.8 1985
 67.3  3.4 68.0  3.2 65.5  3.1 1990
 69.1  3.0 68.7  3.0 67.5  2.6 1995
 70.9  2.8 70.3  2.8 69.5  2.5 2000
 72.4  2.5 71.7  2.6 71.1  2.3 2005
 73.3  2.3 72.9  2.5 72.1  1.9 2010
 74.3  2.2 73.8  2.4 73.2  1.8 2015
 75.2  2.0 74.6  2.3 74.2  1.7 2020
 76.0  2.0 75.4  2.2 75.2  1.6 2025
 76.8  1.9 76.2  2.1 76.1  1.6 2030
 77.6  1.9 76.9  2.1 77.1  1.6 2035
 78.4  1.9 77.6  2.0 77.9  1.7 2040
 79.1  1.8 78.3  1.9 78.7  1.7 2045
 79.8  1.8 79.0  1.9 79.5  1.7 2050
 80.5  1.8 79.7  1.9 80.3  1.7 2055
 81.1  1.8 80.3  1.8 80.9  1.8 2060
 81.7  1.8 80.9  1.8 81.6  1.8 2065
 82.3  1.8 81.4  1.8 82.2  1.8 2070
 82.8  1.8 82.0  1.7 82.8  1.8 2075
 83.3  1.8 82.5  1.7 83.4  1.9 2080
 83.8  1.8 83.0  1.7 83.9  1.9 2085
 84.3  1.9 83.5  1.8 84.4  1.9 2090
 84.7  1.9 83.9  1.8 84.9  1.9 2095
 85.1  1.9 84.3  1.8 85.4  1.9 2100", header=T)

twoord.stackplot(lx=data$anos, rx=data$anos, 
                 ldata=cbind(data$e0AL, data$e0BR, data$e0CO),
                 rdata=cbind(data$fxAL, data$fxBR, data$fxCO),
                 lcol=c("black","red", "blue"),
                 rcol=c("black","red", "blue"), 
                 lylab="Años de Vida", rylab="Hijos x Mujer", 
legend("bottomright", c(paste("Proy:", 
                      c("A. Latina", "Brasil", "Colombia"))), cex=1,
        col=c("black","red", "blue"), lwd=2, bty="n",  
        lty=c(1,1,2), pch=c(NA,1,1) )
更新:复制了R wiki上的材料,链接现在已断开:也可从

同一绘图上的两个不同y轴 一些材料最初由Daniel Rajdl 2006/03/31 15:26编写



x <- 1:10
y <- rnorm(10)
## second data set on a very different scale
z <- runif(10, min=1000, max=10000) 
par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.3)  # Leave space for z axis
plot(x, y) # first plot
par(new = TRUE)
plot(x, z, type = "l", axes = FALSE, bty = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
axis(side=4, at = pretty(range(z)))
mtext("z", side=4, line=3)


如果您可以放弃比例/轴标签,则可以将数据重新缩放为0,1间隔。例如,这适用于染色体上不同的“摆动”轨迹,当你通常对轨迹之间的局部相关性感兴趣时,它们的覆盖范围以千为单位,Fst 0-1

# rescale numeric vector into (0, 1) interval
# clip everything outside the range 
rescale <- function(vec, lims=range(vec), clip=c(0, 1)) {
  # find the coeficients of transforming linear equation
  # that maps the lims range to (0, 1)
  slope <- (1 - 0) / (lims[2] - lims[1])
  intercept <- - slope * lims[1]

  xformed <- slope * vec + intercept

  # do the clipping
  xformed[xformed < 0] <- clip[1]
  xformed[xformed > 1] <- clip[2]



"e0AL fxAL e0CO fxCO e0BR fxBR anos
 51.8  5.9 50.6  6.8 51.0  6.2 1955
 54.7  5.9 55.2  6.8 53.5  6.2 1960
 57.1  6.0 57.9  6.8 55.9  6.2 1965
 59.1  5.6 60.1  6.2 57.9  5.4 1970
 61.2  5.1 61.8  5.0 59.8  4.7 1975
 63.4  4.5 64.0  4.3 61.8  4.3 1980
 65.4  3.9 66.9  3.7 63.5  3.8 1985
 67.3  3.4 68.0  3.2 65.5  3.1 1990
 69.1  3.0 68.7  3.0 67.5  2.6 1995
 70.9  2.8 70.3  2.8 69.5  2.5 2000
 72.4  2.5 71.7  2.6 71.1  2.3 2005
 73.3  2.3 72.9  2.5 72.1  1.9 2010
 74.3  2.2 73.8  2.4 73.2  1.8 2015
 75.2  2.0 74.6  2.3 74.2  1.7 2020
 76.0  2.0 75.4  2.2 75.2  1.6 2025
 76.8  1.9 76.2  2.1 76.1  1.6 2030
 77.6  1.9 76.9  2.1 77.1  1.6 2035
 78.4  1.9 77.6  2.0 77.9  1.7 2040
 79.1  1.8 78.3  1.9 78.7  1.7 2045
 79.8  1.8 79.0  1.9 79.5  1.7 2050
 80.5  1.8 79.7  1.9 80.3  1.7 2055
 81.1  1.8 80.3  1.8 80.9  1.8 2060
 81.7  1.8 80.9  1.8 81.6  1.8 2065
 82.3  1.8 81.4  1.8 82.2  1.8 2070
 82.8  1.8 82.0  1.7 82.8  1.8 2075
 83.3  1.8 82.5  1.7 83.4  1.9 2080
 83.8  1.8 83.0  1.7 83.9  1.9 2085
 84.3  1.9 83.5  1.8 84.4  1.9 2090
 84.7  1.9 83.9  1.8 84.9  1.9 2095
 85.1  1.9 84.3  1.8 85.4  1.9 2100", header=T)

twoord.stackplot(lx=data$anos, rx=data$anos, 
                 ldata=cbind(data$e0AL, data$e0BR, data$e0CO),
                 rdata=cbind(data$fxAL, data$fxBR, data$fxCO),
                 lcol=c("black","red", "blue"),
                 rcol=c("black","red", "blue"), 
                 lylab="Años de Vida", rylab="Hijos x Mujer", 
legend("bottomright", c(paste("Proy:", 
                      c("A. Latina", "Brasil", "Colombia"))), cex=1,
        col=c("black","red", "blue"), lwd=2, bty="n",  
        lty=c(1,1,2), pch=c(NA,1,1) )




请提供样本数据。从美学角度来看,这通常是一个坏主意。ggplot2具体案例中的答案和讨论:搜索[r]两个y轴或[r]两个字。plot-还有一些其他相关的答案,尽管让我惊讶的是,这是一个r FAQidentical@chase-我添加了该问题的工作示例。谢谢你在美学问题上的警告。这就是为什么只链接答案是个坏主意。。。wiki.r-project.org似乎不存在,我在问r-devel@r-org@BenBolker你的解决方案真是天才!不过,我有一个问题。如果两边有多条线,我仍然可以使用这种方法,但只能使用符号。当我尝试使用line=plot时,它会尝试连续地绘制它们。你会提出一个技巧来解决这个问题吗?@BenBolker如果时间是类型为2019-01-01的日期格式怎么办。如何更改axis1,GetTime,10行?很好。谢谢你的卡车装载的例子。我很想看到其中一个带有负值的线条和线条示例。而且堆叠也很好。
"e0AL fxAL e0CO fxCO e0BR fxBR anos
 51.8  5.9 50.6  6.8 51.0  6.2 1955
 54.7  5.9 55.2  6.8 53.5  6.2 1960
 57.1  6.0 57.9  6.8 55.9  6.2 1965
 59.1  5.6 60.1  6.2 57.9  5.4 1970
 61.2  5.1 61.8  5.0 59.8  4.7 1975
 63.4  4.5 64.0  4.3 61.8  4.3 1980
 65.4  3.9 66.9  3.7 63.5  3.8 1985
 67.3  3.4 68.0  3.2 65.5  3.1 1990
 69.1  3.0 68.7  3.0 67.5  2.6 1995
 70.9  2.8 70.3  2.8 69.5  2.5 2000
 72.4  2.5 71.7  2.6 71.1  2.3 2005
 73.3  2.3 72.9  2.5 72.1  1.9 2010
 74.3  2.2 73.8  2.4 73.2  1.8 2015
 75.2  2.0 74.6  2.3 74.2  1.7 2020
 76.0  2.0 75.4  2.2 75.2  1.6 2025
 76.8  1.9 76.2  2.1 76.1  1.6 2030
 77.6  1.9 76.9  2.1 77.1  1.6 2035
 78.4  1.9 77.6  2.0 77.9  1.7 2040
 79.1  1.8 78.3  1.9 78.7  1.7 2045
 79.8  1.8 79.0  1.9 79.5  1.7 2050
 80.5  1.8 79.7  1.9 80.3  1.7 2055
 81.1  1.8 80.3  1.8 80.9  1.8 2060
 81.7  1.8 80.9  1.8 81.6  1.8 2065
 82.3  1.8 81.4  1.8 82.2  1.8 2070
 82.8  1.8 82.0  1.7 82.8  1.8 2075
 83.3  1.8 82.5  1.7 83.4  1.9 2080
 83.8  1.8 83.0  1.7 83.9  1.9 2085
 84.3  1.9 83.5  1.8 84.4  1.9 2090
 84.7  1.9 83.9  1.8 84.9  1.9 2095
 85.1  1.9 84.3  1.8 85.4  1.9 2100", header=T)

twoord.stackplot(lx=data$anos, rx=data$anos, 
                 ldata=cbind(data$e0AL, data$e0BR, data$e0CO),
                 rdata=cbind(data$fxAL, data$fxBR, data$fxCO),
                 lcol=c("black","red", "blue"),
                 rcol=c("black","red", "blue"), 
                 lylab="Años de Vida", rylab="Hijos x Mujer", 
legend("bottomright", c(paste("Proy:", 
                      c("A. Latina", "Brasil", "Colombia"))), cex=1,
        col=c("black","red", "blue"), lwd=2, bty="n",  
        lty=c(1,1,2), pch=c(NA,1,1) )
x  <- 1:10
y1 <- rnorm(10, 100, 20)
y2 <- rnorm(10, 1, 1)
par(mar=c(5,5,5,5)+0.1, las=1)

plot.window(xlim=range(x), ylim=range(y1))
points(x, y1, col="red", pch=19)
axis(2, col.axis="red")

plot.window(xlim=range(x), ylim=range(y2))
points(x, y2, col="limegreen", pch=19)
axis(4, col.axis="limegreen")