
将术语频率对列表放入R中的矩阵中,r,matrix,information-retrieval,tm,word-frequency,R,Matrix,Information Retrieval,Tm,Word Frequency,我有一个以下格式的大数据集,每行上都有一个文档,编码为word:文档中的Frequency,用空格分隔;行的长度可以是可变的: aword:3 bword:2 cword:15 dword:2 bword:4 cword:20 fword:1 etc... 例如,在第一份文件中,“aword”出现3次。我最终想做的是创建一个小搜索引擎,在那里匹配查询的文档(格式相同)被排序;我考虑过如何使用TfIdf和tm软件包(基于本教程,本教程要求数据的格式为TermDocumentMatrix:)。否则


aword:3 bword:2 cword:15 dword:2
bword:4 cword:20 fword:1


docs <- scan("data.txt", what="", sep="\n")
doclist <- strsplit(docs, "[[:space:]]+")



## Your sample data
x <- c("aword:3 bword:2 cword:15 dword:2", "bword:4 cword:20 fword:1")
## Split on a spaces and colons    
B <- strsplit(x, "\\s+|:")
## Add names to your list to represent the source document
B <- setNames(B, paste0("document", seq_along(B)))
## Put everything together into a long matrix
out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(B), function(x) 
  cbind(document = names(B)[x], matrix(B[[x]], ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
                                dimnames = list(NULL, c("word", "count"))))))

## Convert to a data.frame
out <- data.frame(out)
#    document  word count
# 1 document1 aword     3
# 2 document1 bword     2
# 3 document1 cword    15
# 4 document1 dword     2
# 5 document2 bword     4
# 6 document2 cword    20
# 7 document2 fword     1
## Make sure the counts column is a number
out$count <- as.numeric(as.character(out$count))

## Use xtabs to get the output you want
xtabs(count ~ word + document, out)
#        document
# word    document1 document2
#   aword         3         0
#   bword         2         4
#   cword        15        20
#   dword         2         0
#   fword         0         1

        doc1 doc2 doc3 doc4 ...
aword   3    0    0    0 
bword   2    4    0    0
cword:  15   20   0    0
dword   2    0    0    0
fword:  0    1    0    0
## Your sample data
x <- c("aword:3 bword:2 cword:15 dword:2", "bword:4 cword:20 fword:1")
## Split on a spaces and colons    
B <- strsplit(x, "\\s+|:")
## Add names to your list to represent the source document
B <- setNames(B, paste0("document", seq_along(B)))
## Put everything together into a long matrix
out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(B), function(x) 
  cbind(document = names(B)[x], matrix(B[[x]], ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
                                dimnames = list(NULL, c("word", "count"))))))

## Convert to a data.frame
out <- data.frame(out)
#    document  word count
# 1 document1 aword     3
# 2 document1 bword     2
# 3 document1 cword    15
# 4 document1 dword     2
# 5 document2 bword     4
# 6 document2 cword    20
# 7 document2 fword     1
## Make sure the counts column is a number
out$count <- as.numeric(as.character(out$count))

## Use xtabs to get the output you want
xtabs(count ~ word + document, out)
#        document
# word    document1 document2
#   aword         3         0
#   bword         2         4
#   cword        15        20
#   dword         2         0
#   fword         0         1