Recursion 芯片测试问题

Recursion 芯片测试问题,recursion,complexity-theory,recurrence,Recursion,Complexity Theory,Recurrence,算法是基于这个问题,我们能移除这个芯片吗?所以,对于要移除的每个芯片,我们只需将其从我们的链接列表中删除,在适当的位置,或者更确切地说,没有任何位置 Finding ONE good VLSI chip in a population of good and bad ones, by using the pair test. Chip A Chip B Conclusion ------- -------


    Finding ONE good VLSI chip in a population of good and bad ones, by using the
 pair test.      
        Chip A      Chip B      Conclusion  
        -------     -------     ----------  
        B is good   A is good  both are good or both are bad  
        B is good   A is bad    at least one is bad  
        B is bad    A is good   at least one is bad  
        B is bad    A is bad    at least one is bad  

    Assumption : number of goods > number of bads
    We can solve this in O(n) time complexity by splitting the population in half 
    every time and collecting one element of the GOOD, GOOD pair. 
     T(n) = T(n/2) + n/2
    But to collect the pairs we need n/2 memory separately. 
    Can we do this in-place without using extra memory ??