
我应该如何编写这个SQL查询?,sql,Sql,我有这样一个问题: SELECT SUM(tab1.amount) amount FROM tab1 JOIN tab2 ON tab1.lp_id = tab2.id JOIN tab3 ON tab3.employee_id = tab2.employee_id WHERE tab1.officeid =123 AND tab3.space <> 2 SELECT SUM(tab1.amount) amount FROM tab1 JOIN tab2 ON t


SELECT SUM(tab1.amount) amount
FROM tab1
JOIN tab2
  ON tab1.lp_id = tab2.id
JOIN tab3
  ON tab3.employee_id = tab2.employee_id
WHERE tab1.officeid =123
  AND tab3.space <> 2
SELECT SUM(tab1.amount) amount
FROM tab1
JOIN tab2
   ON tab1.lp_id = tab2.id
JOIN tab3
   ON tab3.employee_id            = tab2.employee_id
WHERE tab1.officeid     =123
   AND tab3.space <> 2
   AND (
        select salary 
        from (
              select * 
              from tab4 
              where  tab4.employee_id  = tab2.employee_id
              order by effective_d desc
        where rownum = 1
        ) > 10000
这个很好用。 现在我想给它添加更多的过滤器。基本上我有一个表tab4,其中有employee\u id、effective\u date和salary列。对于每位员工,我们维护工资变动的日期,即每位员工的多个记录。我只想挑选最新工资高于10000的员工。我该怎么写? 基本上我想要这样的东西:

SELECT SUM(tab1.amount) amount
FROM tab1
JOIN tab2
  ON tab1.lp_id = tab2.id
JOIN tab3
  ON tab3.employee_id = tab2.employee_id
WHERE tab1.officeid =123
  AND tab3.space <> 2
SELECT SUM(tab1.amount) amount
FROM tab1
JOIN tab2
   ON tab1.lp_id = tab2.id
JOIN tab3
   ON tab3.employee_id            = tab2.employee_id
WHERE tab1.officeid     =123
   AND tab3.space <> 2
   AND (
        select salary 
        from (
              select * 
              from tab4 
              where  tab4.employee_id  = tab2.employee_id
              order by effective_d desc
        where rownum = 1
        ) > 10000
我正在尝试添加最后两行,但由于无法使用tab2.employee\u id,因此出现了一个错误



SELECT      t.employee_id, t.salary
FROM        tab4 t
INNER JOIN  (SELECT     employee_id, MAX(effective_date) as eff_date
            FROM        tab4
            GROUP BY    employee_id) x
            ON t.employee_id = x.employee_id AND t.effective_date = x.eff_date
WHERE       t.salary > 10000


SELECT SUM(tab1.amount) amount
FROM tab1
JOIN tab2
   ON tab1.lp_id = tab2.id
JOIN tab3
   ON tab3.employee_id            = tab2.employee_id
WHERE tab1.officeid     =123
   AND tab3.space <> 2
        select salary 
        from (
              select * 
              from tab4, tab2
              where  tab4.employee_id  = tab2.employee_id
              order by effective_d desc
        where rownum = 1
        ) > 10000


SELECT SUM(tab1.amount) amount
FROM tab1
JOIN tab2
ON tab1.lp_id = tab2.id
JOIN tab3
ON tab3.employee_id = tab2.employee_id
WHERE tab1.officeid     =123
AND tab3.space <> 2
     select salary 
     from (
          select * 
          from tab4 join tab2
          on tab4.employee_id  = tab2.employee_id
          order by effective_d desc
    where rownum = 1
    ) > 10000

