Excel VBA-我的动态数组仅包含最后添加的值

Excel VBA-我的动态数组仅包含最后添加的值,vba,excel,dynamic-arrays,Vba,Excel,Dynamic Arrays,我正在尝试填充一个动态数组,它确实可以获得正确数量的值。 例如,它需要有3个值。它有3个值,但只有最后一个值是真实值 为了澄清这一点,以下是该阵列的外观: 数组,实际字符串值 所以前2个值是空的 我不知道我做错了什么。代码如下: Dim LinkSheet As Worksheet Set LinkSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Resources") Dim LinkNameRange As Range Set LinkNameRang

我正在尝试填充一个动态数组,它确实可以获得正确数量的值。 例如,它需要有3个值。它有3个值,但只有最后一个值是真实值

为了澄清这一点,以下是该阵列的外观: 数组,实际字符串值 所以前2个值是空的


    Dim LinkSheet As Worksheet
    Set LinkSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Resources")
    Dim LinkNameRange As Range
    Set LinkNameRange = LinkSheet.Range("Table4[Resource Name]")

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim PlannedProjArr() As String
    i = 0

   'loop through all links and find the projects that the chosen employee is linked to

    For Each linkname In LinkNameRange
        If linkname = Employee Then
            ReDim PlannedProjArr(i)
            PlannedProjArr(i) = linkname.Offset(, -1).Value
            i = i + 1
        End If
    Next linkname

    'test if array works
    For x = 0 To UBound(PlannedProjArr)
        Debug.Print PlannedProjArr(x)
    Next x





Sub testArray()
'Dim the array
Dim MyArr As Variant
'Set the Array to be the values of the range. We use transpose to change the orientation from columns going down to an array which goes accross
MyArr = Application.Transpose(Range("M1:M4"))
'Join the Array and display it for testing
MsgBox Join(MyArr, " - ")
End Sub

PlannedProjArr = Application.Transpose(LinkNameRange)

Sub testArray()
'Dim the array
Dim MyArr As Variant
'Set the Array to be the values of the range. We use double transpose to change the orientation from rows to columns then back
MyArr = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Range("M1:O1")))
'Join the Array and display it for testing
MsgBox Join(MyArr, " - ")
End Sub
