Algorithm 将find min/find max堆栈推广到任意顺序统计?

Algorithm 将find min/find max堆栈推广到任意顺序统计?,algorithm,data-structures,stack,Algorithm,Data Structures,Stack,在中,OP要求提供一种类似于堆栈的数据结构,每个堆栈支持O(1)次以下操作: Push,它在堆栈顶部添加一个新元素 Pop,它从堆栈中删除顶部元素 Find Max返回(但不删除)堆栈中最大的元素,以及 Find Min,它返回(但不删除)堆栈的最小元素 几分钟前,我发现要求澄清一个类似的数据结构,它不允许查询max和min,而是允许查询堆栈的中间元素。这两种数据结构似乎是支持以下操作的更通用数据结构的特例: Push,将元素推到堆栈顶部 弹出,弹出堆栈顶部,然后 Find Kth返回堆栈


  • Push,它在堆栈顶部添加一个新元素
  • Pop,它从堆栈中删除顶部元素
  • Find Max返回(但不删除)堆栈中最大的元素,以及
  • Find Min,它返回(但不删除)堆栈的最小元素

  • Push,将元素推到堆栈顶部
  • 弹出,弹出堆栈顶部,然后
  • Find Kth返回堆栈中第k个最大的元素,该元素用于在创建结构时确定的固定k

通过存储一个堆栈和一个包含前k个元素的平衡二叉搜索树,可以支持所有这些操作,这将使所有这些操作能够在O(logk)时间内运行。我的问题是:是否有可能比这更快地实现上述数据结构?也就是说,我们能为所有三个操作得到O(1)吗?或者O(1)用于push和pop,O(log k)用于order statistic查找?

这是否实际比log k实现快,取决于最常用的操作,我建议使用O(1)Find kth和pop以及O(n)push实现,其中n是堆栈大小。我还想与SO分享这一点,因为乍一看,这只是一个有趣的数据结构,但可能是合理的


与普通链接堆栈一样,集合本身需要维护对顶部节点(和底部节点?)的引用。为了适应Find kth方法的O(1)性质,集合还将保留对第k个最大元素的引用

pop方法的工作原理如下: 弹出的节点将从排序的双链接列表中删除,就像从普通排序的链接列表中删除一样。它采用O(1)作为集合对顶部的引用。根据弹出的元素是大于还是小于第k个元素,对第k个最大元素的引用设置为上一个还是下一个。因此,该方法仍然具有O(1)复杂度




编辑:所述结构的实现 对这个问题悬赏,这表明我最初的回答不够好:p也许OP希望看到实现



  • 推送O(n)
  • 流行音乐(1)
  • FindKth需要O(1)
  • 改变k取O(δk)


  • K
  • KthValue
  • HasKthValue
  • 构造函数

public sealed class KthTrackingStack<T>
    private readonly Stack<Node> stack;
    private readonly IComparer<T> comparer;
    private int k;
    private Node smallestNode;
    private Node kthNode;

    public int K
        get { return this.k; }
            if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            for (; k < value; k++)
                if (kthNode.NextInOrder == null)
                kthNode = kthNode.NextInOrder;
            for (; k >= value; k--)
                if (kthNode.PreviousInOrder == null)
                kthNode = kthNode.PreviousInOrder;
    public T KthValue
        get { return HasKthValue ? kthNode.Value : default(T); }
    public bool HasKthValue
        get { return k < Count; }
    public int Count
        get { return this.stack.Count; }

    public KthTrackingStack(int k, IEnumerable<T> initialElements = null, IComparer<T> comparer = null)
        if (k < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("k");
        this.k = k;
        this.comparer = comparer ?? Comparer<T>.Default;
        this.stack = new Stack<Node>();
        if (initialElements != null)
            foreach (T initialElement in initialElements)
    public void Push(T value)
        //just a like a normal sorted linked list should the node before the inserted node be found.
        Node nodeBeforeNewNode;
        if (smallestNode == null || comparer.Compare(value, smallestNode.Value) < 0)
            nodeBeforeNewNode = null;
            nodeBeforeNewNode = smallestNode;//untested optimization: nodeBeforeNewNode = comparer.Compare(value, kthNode.Value) < 0 ? smallestNode : kthNode;
            while (nodeBeforeNewNode.NextInOrder != null && comparerCompare(value, nodeBeforeNewNode.NextInOrder.Value) > 0)
                nodeBeforeNewNode = nodeBeforeNewNode.NextInOrder;
        //the following code includes the new node in the ordered linked list
        Node newNode = new Node
                            Value = value,
                            PreviousInOrder = nodeBeforeNewNode,
                            NextInOrder = nodeBeforeNewNode == null ? smallestNode : nodeBeforeNewNode.NextInOrder
        if (newNode.NextInOrder != null)
            newNode.NextInOrder.PreviousInOrder = newNode;
        if (newNode.PreviousInOrder != null)
            newNode.PreviousInOrder.NextInOrder = newNode;
            smallestNode = newNode;
        //the following code deals with changes to the kth node due the adding the new node
        if (kthNode != null && comparer.Compare(value, kthNode.Value) < 0)
            if (HasKthValue)
                kthNode = kthNode.PreviousInOrder;
        else if (!HasKthValue)
            kthNode = newNode;

    public T Pop()
        Node result = stack.Pop();
        //the following code deals with changes to the kth node
        if (HasKthValue)
            if (comparer.Compare(result.Value, kthNode.Value) <= 0)
                kthNode = kthNode.NextInOrder;
    else if(kthNode.PreviousInOrder != null || Count == 0)
            kthNode = kthNode.PreviousInOrder;
        //the following code maintains the order in the linked list
        if (result.NextInOrder != null)
            result.NextInOrder.PreviousInOrder = result.PreviousInOrder;
        if (result.PreviousInOrder != null)
            result.PreviousInOrder.NextInOrder = result.NextInOrder;
            smallestNode = result.NextInOrder;
        return result.Value;
    public T Peek()
        return this.stack.Peek().Value;
    private sealed class Node
        public T Value { get; set; }
        public Node NextInOrder { get; internal set; }
        public Node PreviousInOrder { get; internal set; }
public class MedianTrackingStack<T>
    private readonly KthTrackingStack<T> stack;
    public void Push(T value)
        stack.K = stack.Count / 2;
    public T Pop()
        T result = stack.Pop();
        stack.K = stack.Count / 2;
        return result;

    public T Median
        get { return stack.KthValue; }
    public MedianTrackingStack(IEnumerable<T> initialElements = null, IComparer<T> comparer = null)
        stack = new KthTrackingStack<T>(initialElements == null ? 0 : initialElements.Count()/2, initialElements, comparer);
公共int K
With this data structure, inserting/deleting would take O(ln(k))

and finding the maximum O(1)
[number in the stack] [ skip list  linked with that number]
1 [7,2,1] 
7 [7,2,null]
2 [2,null,null]
8 [7,2,1] since 8 > kth element  therefore skip list doesn't change
3 [3,2,1] since 3 < kth element, the kth element has changed. I first delete 7 who was the previous kth element (O(ln(k))) then insert 3 O(ln(k)) => total O(ln(k))
9 [3,2,1] since 9 > kth element
9 [3,2,1]
3 [3,2,1]
8 [7,2,1]
1 [7,2,1] 
7 [7,2,null]
2 [2,null,null]
I get 3 in O(1)
8 [7,2,1]
1 [7,2,1] 
7 [7,2,null]
2 [2,null,null]
I get 7 in O(1)
0 [2,1,0]
8 [7,2,1]
1 [7,2,1] 
7 [7,2,null]
2 [2,null,null]
BTrie* BTrieInsert(BTrie* t, Item key, int data);
BTrie* BTrieFind(BTrie* t, Item key);
BTrie* BTrieDelete(BTrie* t, Item key);
BTrie* BTrieNextKey(BTrie* t, Item key);
BTrie* BTriePrevKey(BTrie* t, Item key);
void KSStackPush(KStack* ks, Item val)
   BTrie* node;
   //resize if needed
   if (ks->ct == ks->sz) ks->stack = realloc(ks->stack,sizeof(Item)*(ks->sz*=2)); 

   //push val

   //record count of value instances in trie
   node = BTrieFind(ks->trie, val);
   if (node) node->data++;
   else ks->trie = BTrieInsert(ks->trie, val, 1);

   //adjust kth if needed
//check if inserted val is in set of K
void ksCheckDecreaseKth(KStack* ks, Item val)
   //if less than K items, track the max.
   if (ks->ct <= ks->K) {
      if (ks->ct==1) { ks->kthValue = val; ks->iCount = 1;} //1st item
      else if (val == ks->kthValue) { ks->iCount++; }
      else if (val > ks->kthValue) { ks->kthValue = val; ks->iCount = 1;}

   //else if value is one of the K, decrement instance count
   else if (val < ks->kthValue &&  (--ks->iCount<=0))  {
      //if that was only instance in set,
      //find the previous value, include all its instances
      BTrie* node = BTriePrev(ks->trie, ks->kthValue);
      ks->kthValue = node->key;
      ks->iCount = node->data;
Item KSStackPop(KStack* ks)
   //pop val
   Item val = ks->stack[--ks->ct];
   //find in trie
   BTrie* node = BTrieFind(ks->trie, val);
   //decrement count, remove if no more instances
   if (--node->data == 0)
      ks->trie = BTrieDelete(ks->trie, val);
   //adjust kth if needed
   return val;
//check if removing val causes Kth to increase
void ksCheckIncreaseKth(KStack* ks, Item val)
   //if less than K items, track max
   if (ks->ct < ks->K)
   {  //if removing the max,
      if (val==ks->kthValue) {
         //find the previous node, and set the instance count.
         BTrie* node = BTriePrev(ks->trie, ks->kthValue);
         ks->kthValue = node->key;
         ks->iCount = node->data;
   //if removed val was among the set of K,add a new item
   else if (val <= ks->kthValue)
      BTrie* node = BTrieFind(ks->trie, ks->kthValue);
      //if more instances of kthValue exist, add 1 to set. 
      if (node && ks->iCount < node->data) ks->iCount++;
      //else include 1 instance of next value
      else {
         BTrie* node = BTrieNext(ks->trie, ks->kthValue);
         ks->kthValue = node->key;
         ks->iCount = 1;