Automation Arduino自动照明系统故障代码。PIR、LDR、RTC、LED

Automation Arduino自动照明系统故障代码。PIR、LDR、RTC、LED,automation,arduino,Automation,Arduino,事先谢谢你的帮助! 我正在尝试制作一个自动照明系统,在特定的时间范围内,在黑暗中照亮运动 使用的部件包括: Arduino Clone Pro Mini 5V Atmega328 AM312 PIR传感器 DS3231 RTC分接板,带3v电池 5819 LDR(光刻胶),带10k 1/4电阻器 2n2222晶体管,带10k电阻器 3个带1欧姆电阻器的白色LED 1个9V电池 我测试并校准了所有传感器和电子设备。除了我上传以下代码外,一切正常: #include "RTClib.h" RT

事先谢谢你的帮助! 我正在尝试制作一个自动照明系统,在特定的时间范围内,在黑暗中照亮运动


  • Arduino Clone Pro Mini 5V Atmega328
  • AM312 PIR传感器
  • DS3231 RTC分接板,带3v电池
  • 5819 LDR(光刻胶),带10k 1/4电阻器
  • 2n2222晶体管,带10k电阻器
  • 3个带1欧姆电阻器的白色LED
  • 1个9V电池

#include "RTClib.h"
RTC_DS3231 rtc;

const int ldrPin = A1; // Photoresistor Input Pin
const int pirPin = 4; // AM312 Motion Sensor Input Pin
const int ledPin = 13; // 3 white LEDs Ouput Pin

int ldrValue = 0; // Initial Value for the LDR

int pirState = LOW; // Initial State for the PIR
int pirValue = 0; // Initial Value for the PIR

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(9600); // Starting Serial Monitor

  // This is required by RTC DS3231 BreakOut Board
  if (! rtc.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Couldn't find RTC");
    while (1);

  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Sends signal to Transistor to Light 3 white LEDs
  pinMode(ldrPin, INPUT); // Signals to Arduino if there is any lights
  pinMode(pirPin, INPUT); // SIgnals to Arduino if there is any movement


void loop() {

  DateTime now =;  // Starts RTC

  if ((now.hour() >= 6 && now.minute() >= 00) && (now.hour() <= 19 && now.minute() <= 59)) { // IF the time NOW is between 6:00(am) and 7:59(pm) then...

    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // ... keep the LEDs OFF

  } else {

    pirValue = digitalRead(pirState); // Scan for any movement
    ldrValue = analogRead(ldrPin);  // Scan for any lights

    if (pirValue == HIGH) { // IF there is any movement
      if (ldrValue <= 400) { // IF there is NO lights
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn the LEDs ON
        delay(120000); // Wait 2 mins

if (pirState == HIGH) {
     Serial.println("Motion Detected");