C++ 自定义表ADT(map)FSM(有限状态机)

C++ 自定义表ADT(map)FSM(有限状态机),c++,arrays,dictionary,data-structures,C++,Arrays,Dictionary,Data Structures,我必须编写模拟std::map的代码。我有一个模板化的pair类和一个table类 我得到了一张过渡表: A B C D E nke fa1 ok1 fa1 fa1 fa1 ok1 ok2 fa2 fa2 fa2 fa2 ok2 ok3 fa3 fa3 fa3 fa3 ok3 nke nke



        A       B       C       D       E
nke     fa1     ok1     fa1     fa1     fa1
ok1     ok2     fa2     fa2     fa2     fa2
ok2     ok3     fa3     fa3     fa3     fa3
ok3     nke     nke     nke     nke     nke
fa1     fa2     fa2     fa2     fa2     fa2
fa2     fa3     fa3     fa3     fa3     fa3
fa3     nke     nke     nke     nke     nke
          A             B           C            D          E
ok3     alarm       alarm       alarm       unlock      alarm
fa3     alarm       alarm       alarm       alarm       alarm   

        A       B       C       D       E
nke     fa1     ok1     fa1     fa1     fa1
ok1     ok2     fa2     fa2     fa2     fa2
ok2     ok3     fa3     fa3     fa3     fa3
ok3     nke     nke     nke     nke     nke
fa1     fa2     fa2     fa2     fa2     fa2
fa2     fa3     fa3     fa3     fa3     fa3
fa3     nke     nke     nke     nke     nke
          A             B           C            D          E
ok3     alarm       alarm       alarm       unlock      alarm
fa3     alarm       alarm       alarm       alarm       alarm   



int (*Mapping)( Key k); 




#ifndef  TABLE_H
#define  TABLE_H

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include "pair.h"    // Pair class

using namespace std;
// implements a table containing key/value pairs.
// a table does not contain multiple copies of the same item.
// types T and Key must have a default constructor

template < class Key, typename T >
class Table
Table();  //default constructor
~Table(); //destructor

typedef Key key_type;
// for  convenience

// table implemented using a one dimensional array of key-value pairs
int tableSize;
Pair< key_type, T > *the_table;

int (*Mapping)( Key k);
// Mapping is a function which maps keys to
// an array index; ie a key to address mapping
// the idea is that Mapping will act on a given key
// in such a way as to return the relative postion
// in the sequence at which we expect to find the key
// Mapping will be used in the remove, add, lookup. =
// member functions and copy constructor

// for debugging
void   print();

Table( int n, int (*map)( Key k)  );
// map is a function to map key to address
// in the implementation
// set the function ie have the code line
// Mapping = map;
// populates table with default values
// for the class Key and T

bool insert(  Pair<  Key, T >  kvpair );
// return true if item could be added to the
// table false if item was not added.

bool remove(  const Key  aKey );
// erase the key/value pair with the specified key
// from the table and return if successful
// removed item is replaced with default
// values for Key and T

T  lookUp (const Key aKey) ;
// what if key not in table??

//need copy constructor
//need destructor
// void operator= ( const Table & initTable );
// bool empty() const;
// is the table empty?
// bool full() const;
// is the table full?
// int size() const;
// return the number of elements in the table
// bool isIn(const Key& key) const;
// returns true/false in response to obvious question

#include "table.t"


你有35对可能的。您是否需要一个哈希函数,将每对映射到一个唯一的数组索引?另外,使用模板的意义是什么?有什么理由不使用两个枚举,比如名称空间报警{enum state{nke,//…};枚举输入{A,//…}?是的,我想问的是如何将每对映射到唯一的数组索引。使用模板的目的是使代码具有通用性。让我试着改写一下。使用模板时,模板参数通常有某种用途。Key和T应该代表什么?密钥应该是一个状态nk0、…、一个转换a、B、…、一个动作报警、…,还是它们的一对/组合?您在中声明不能有重复的项目。这是否意味着没有像普通映射那样的重复键或没有重复的键值对?key:nke,bt:ok1 key表示一对,T表示值。