C++ 或呼叫数和响铃缓冲区。当然,您不会从所有调用中得到结果,但这两个调用应该可以帮助您缩小占用大部分时间的函数范围。哦,如果你能以某种方式捕获函数调用,那么你就可以使其自动执行。 void a() sleep ( rand() % 10 + 10 ) v

C++ 或呼叫数和响铃缓冲区。当然,您不会从所有调用中得到结果,但这两个调用应该可以帮助您缩小占用大部分时间的函数范围。哦,如果你能以某种方式捕获函数调用,那么你就可以使其自动执行。 void a() sleep ( rand() % 10 + 10 ) v,c++,c,profiling,C++,C,Profiling,或呼叫数和响铃缓冲区。当然,您不会从所有调用中得到结果,但这两个调用应该可以帮助您缩小占用大部分时间的函数范围。哦,如果你能以某种方式捕获函数调用,那么你就可以使其自动执行。 void a() sleep ( rand() % 10 + 10 ) void b() sleep ( rand() % 14 + 2 ) main for (1 .. 100) a() b() // code profile.cpp : Defines the entry point

void a()
  sleep ( rand() % 10 + 10 )

void b()
  sleep ( rand() % 14 + 2 )

  for (1 .. 100)
// code profile.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"

class cProfile
    // construct profiler for a particular scope
    // call at begining of scope to be timed
    // pass unique name of scope
    cProfile( const char* name )
        myName = string( name );
        QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER *)&myTimeStart );
    // destructor - automatically called when scope ends

    // constructor - produces report when called without parameters

    typedef accumulator_set<__int64, stats<tag::variance(lazy)> > acc_t;
    static map < string, acc_t > myMap;
    string myName;
    __int64 myTimeStart;
map < string, accumulator_set<__int64, stats<tag::variance(lazy)> > > cProfile::myMap;

    __int64 t=0;
    QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER *)&t );
    t -= myTimeStart;

    map < string, acc_t >::iterator p = myMap.find( myName );
    if( p == myMap.end() ) {
        // this is the first time this scope has run
        acc_t acc;
        pair<string,acc_t > pr(myName,acc);
        p = myMap.insert( pr ).first;
    // add the time of running to the accumulator for this scope
    (p->second)( t );

// Generate profile report
    __int64 f;
    QueryPerformanceFrequency( (LARGE_INTEGER *)&f );

    printf("%20s Calls\tMean (secs)\tStdDev\n","Scope");
    for( map < string, accumulator_set<__int64, stats<tag::variance(lazy)> > >::iterator p = myMap.begin();
        p != myMap.end(); p++ )
        float av = mean(p->second) / f;
        float stdev = sqrt( ((double) variance(p->second))  ) / f;
        printf("%20s %d\t%f\t%f\n",p->first.c_str(),
            boost::accumulators::count(p->second), av, stdev);
void a()
    cProfile profile("a"); 

    Sleep ( rand() % 10 + 10 );
void b()
    cProfile profile("b");

    Sleep ( rand() % 20 + 5 );

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    for (int k=1;k<=100;k++) {

    cProfile profile_report;

    return 0;
       Scope Calls      Mean (secs)     StdDev
           a 100        0.014928        0.002827
           b 100        0.015254        0.005671
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *fn, void *call)
    __attribute__ ((no_instrument_function));
void __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *fn, void *call)
    __attribute__ ((no_instrument_function));

void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *fn, void *call) {
  printf("Enter %x,%x\n",fn,call);
void __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *fn, void *call) {
  printf("Exit %x,%x\n",fn,call);

int foo(int i) {
  printf("inside foo\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  printf("inside main 1\n");
  printf("inside main 2\n");