C# 类型'的例外情况;System.FormatException';关于double.Parse

C# 类型'的例外情况;System.FormatException';关于double.Parse,c#,exception,C#,Exception,mscorlib.dll中发生类型为“System.FormatException”的第一次意外异常 其他信息:输入字符串的格式不正确 之后立即跳到此代码 double parts = double.Parse(partsTextBox.Text); 文本框上没有任何内容我应该在应用程序中输入一个数字 我尝试了Try.Parse,得到了一个错误“方法'TryParse'不重载1个参数” 我不知道那是什么意思 这就是全部代码 namespace Project03_18Mar15_Alan_Me




double parts = double.Parse(partsTextBox.Text);




namespace Project03_18Mar15_Alan_Mederos_B
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

    private void calculateTotalButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        double oil = 0, lube = 0, radiator = 0, trans = 0, inspection = 0; double muffler = 0,tire = 0;
        if (oilChangeBx.Checked == true)
            oil = 26;
        if (lubeJobBx.Checked == true)
            lube = 18;
        if (radiatorFlushBx.Checked == true)
            radiator = 30;
        if (transFlushBx.Checked == true)
            trans = 80;
        if (inspectionBx.Checked == true)
            inspection = 15;
        if (replaceMufflerBx.Checked == true)
            muffler = 100;
        if (tireRotationBx.Checked == true)
            tire = 20;

        // Convert all values to doubles
            double parts = double.Parse(partsTextBox.Text);   
            double labor = double.Parse(laborTextBox.Text);
            double oillube = OilLubeCharges(oil, lube);
            double flush = FlushCharges(radiator, trans);
            double misc = MiscCharges(inspection, muffler, tire);
            double other = OtherCharges(parts, labor);
            double tax = TaxCharges(parts, labor, oillube, flush, misc, labor);
            double total = TotalCharges(oillube, flush, misc, other, tax);
            double services = oillube + flush + misc;
            servicesOutputLb.Text = services.ToString("c");
            partsOutputLb.Text = other.ToString("c");
            taxOutputLb.Text = tax.ToString("c");
            totalOutputLb.Text = total.ToString("c");

    private double OilLubeCharges (double oil, double lube)
        //return oil and lube charges
        return oil + lube;
    private double FlushCharges(double radiator, double trans)
    // returns radiator and transmission flush charges
        return radiator + trans;
    private double MiscCharges(double inspection, double muffler, double tire)
        //return inspection, muffler, and tire rotation charges
        return inspection + muffler + tire;

    private double OtherCharges (double parts, double labor)
        //return parts and labor
        return parts + labor;

    private double TaxCharges (double parts, double labor, double oillube, 
        double flush, double misc, double other)
    //returns sales tax on parts only
        if (parts != 0 && labor != 0 && (oillube != 0
            && flush != 0 && misc != 0 && other != 0))
            // sales on tax is 6%
            return (0.06 * parts);
        else return 0;

    private double TotalCharges(double oillube, double flush, 
        double misc, double other, double tax)
        return oillube + flush + misc + other + tax;

    private void clearBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Clears all fields
        oilChangeBx.Checked = false;
        lubeJobBx.Checked = false;
        radiatorFlushBx.Checked = false;
        transFlushBx.Checked = false;
        inspectionBx.Checked = false;
        replaceMufflerBx.Checked = false;
        tireRotationBx.Checked = false;
        partsTextBox.Text = "";
        laborTextBox.Text = "";
        servicesOutputLb.Text = "";
        partsOutputLb.Text = "";
        taxOutputLb.Text = "";
        totalOutputLb.Text = "";

    private void exitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //exits form


消息“方法'TryParse'不重载1个参数”是不言自明的。 只能使用两个或多个参数调用TryParse


double output;
bool success = double.TryParse(partsTextBox.Text, out output);


double parts;

    parts = double.Parse(partsTextBox.Text);
catch (FormatException fe)
    MessageBox.Show("Quantity of parts not informed");


        double parts = double.Parse(partsTextBox.Text);   
        double labor = double.Parse(laborTextBox.Text);

        double parts;
        double labor;
           double.TryParse(partsTextBox.Text, out parts)
           && double.TryParse(laborTextBox.Text, out labor))
            double oillube = OilLubeCharges(oil, lube);
            double flush = FlushCharges(radiator, trans);
            double misc = MiscCharges(inspection, muffler, tire);
            double other = OtherCharges(parts, labor);
            double tax = TaxCharges(parts, labor, oillube, flush, misc, labor);
            double total = TotalCharges(oillube, flush, misc, other, tax);
            double services = oillube + flush + misc;
            servicesOutputLb.Text = services.ToString("c");
            partsOutputLb.Text = other.ToString("c");
            taxOutputLb.Text = tax.ToString("c");
            totalOutputLb.Text = total.ToString("c");
            MessageBox.Show("Quantity of parts and quantity of labors must be informed and must be valid!");

你看过文件了吗?还有一个例子。发生这种情况时,文本框中是什么?什么都没有?TryParse带了一个字符串和一个out参数。创建一个double对象并将其作为out参数“double result=0”传入;如果(double.TryParse(partsTextBox.Text,out result)){},那么您的问题是如何避免异常或如何使用