
go中的存储库模式和联接表,go,design-patterns,domain-driven-design,ddd-repositories,Go,Design Patterns,Domain Driven Design,Ddd Repositories,我目前正试图围绕领域驱动的设计、实体、服务、回购等构建我的应用程序 所有基本的crud操作都很简单,基本上1个实体=>1个表=>1个存储库=>1个服务 但我想不出处理两个实体之间的联接表的最干净的方法 可以在联接内部按表进行一次查询,而且它是“干净的”(也就是说),但效率不高,因为一个简单的联接会导致一次查询 在这种模式下,表在哪里连接 我一直在考虑现在构建实体来封装答案,但这将有效地为一个查询创建一个实体+存储库 我还认为,将多个实体合并到一个接口中可能会部分解决这个问题,但这会导致我的实体






  • 我一直在考虑现在构建实体来封装答案,但这将有效地为一个查询创建一个实体+存储库

  • 我还认为,将多个实体合并到一个接口中可能会部分解决这个问题,但这会导致我的实体有许多空参数(很少在执行连接时需要所有选项卡中的所有字段)


-- 编辑示例:

type User struct {
    ID          int       `db:"id"`
    ProjectID      int    `db:"project_id"`
    RoleID      int       `db:"role_id"`
    Email       string    `db:"email"`
    FirstName   string    `db:"first_name"`
    LastName    string    `db:"last_name"`
    Password    string    `db:"password"`

type UserRepository interface {
    FindById(int) (*User, error)
    FindByEmail(string) (*User, error)
    Create(user *User) error
    Update(user *User) error
    Delete(int) errorr

type Project struct {
    ID          int       `db:"id"``
    Name   string    `db:"name"`
    Description    string    `db:"description"`



我需要在user.project\u id和project.id中做一个简单的连接,并在一个查询中检索用户+项目名称+描述的所有信息



user := userRepo.Find(user_id)
project := projectRepo.FindByuser(user.deal_id)

这将“起作用”,但我正试图在一个查询中找到一种方法。由于user.project\u id和project.id上的简单sql连接将为我提供查询中的所有数据。


好的,让我们设想一下,我们正在开发一个具有多语言支持的教育课程后端,其中我们需要连接两个表,然后映射到对象。我们有两个表(第一个表包含与语言无关的数据,第二个表包含与语言相关的数据) 如果您是存储库倡导者,那么您将拥有以下内容:

// Course represents e.g. calculus, combinatorics, etc.
type Course struct {
    ID     uint   `json:"id" db:"id"`
    Name   string `json:"name" db:"name"`
    Poster string `json:"poster" db:"poster"`

type CourseRepository interface {
    List(ctx context.Context, localeID uint) ([]Course, error)
type courseRepository struct {
    db *sqlx.DB

func NewCourseRepository(db *sqlx.DB) (CourseRepository, error) {
    if db == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("provided db handle to course repository is nil")

    return &courseRepository{db:db}, nil

func (r *courseRepository) List(ctx context.Context, localeID uint) ([]Course, error) {

    const query = `SELECT c.id, c.poster, ct.name FROM courses AS c JOIN courses_t AS ct ON c.id = ct.id WHERE ct.locale = $1`
    var courses []Course
    if err := r.db.SelectContext(ctx, &courses, query, localeID); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("courses repostory/problem while trying to retrieve courses from database: %w", err)

    return courses, nil
// UnitOfWork is the interface that any UnitOfWork has to follow
// the only methods it as are to return Repositories that work
// together to achieve a common purpose/work.
type UnitOfWork interface {
    Entities() EntityRepository
    OtherEntities() OtherEntityRepository

// StartUnitOfWork it's the way to initialize a typed UoW, it has a uowFn
// which is the callback where all the work should be done, it also has the
// repositories, which are all the Repositories that belong to this UoW
type StartUnitOfWork func(ctx context.Context, t Type, uowFn UnitOfWorkFn, repositories ...interface{}) error

// UnitOfWorkFn is the signature of the function
// that is the callback of the StartUnitOfWork
type UnitOfWorkFn func(ctx context.Context, uw UnitOfWork) error
然后为sql db实现它,我们将有如下内容:

// Course represents e.g. calculus, combinatorics, etc.
type Course struct {
    ID     uint   `json:"id" db:"id"`
    Name   string `json:"name" db:"name"`
    Poster string `json:"poster" db:"poster"`

type CourseRepository interface {
    List(ctx context.Context, localeID uint) ([]Course, error)
type courseRepository struct {
    db *sqlx.DB

func NewCourseRepository(db *sqlx.DB) (CourseRepository, error) {
    if db == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("provided db handle to course repository is nil")

    return &courseRepository{db:db}, nil

func (r *courseRepository) List(ctx context.Context, localeID uint) ([]Course, error) {

    const query = `SELECT c.id, c.poster, ct.name FROM courses AS c JOIN courses_t AS ct ON c.id = ct.id WHERE ct.locale = $1`
    var courses []Course
    if err := r.db.SelectContext(ctx, &courses, query, localeID); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("courses repostory/problem while trying to retrieve courses from database: %w", err)

    return courses, nil
// UnitOfWork is the interface that any UnitOfWork has to follow
// the only methods it as are to return Repositories that work
// together to achieve a common purpose/work.
type UnitOfWork interface {
    Entities() EntityRepository
    OtherEntities() OtherEntityRepository

// StartUnitOfWork it's the way to initialize a typed UoW, it has a uowFn
// which is the callback where all the work should be done, it also has the
// repositories, which are all the Repositories that belong to this UoW
type StartUnitOfWork func(ctx context.Context, t Type, uowFn UnitOfWorkFn, repositories ...interface{}) error

// UnitOfWorkFn is the signature of the function
// that is the callback of the StartUnitOfWork
type UnitOfWorkFn func(ctx context.Context, uw UnitOfWork) error

type City struct {
    ID                      uint            `db:"id"`
    Country                 Country         `db:"country"`

type Country struct {
    ID   uint  `db:"id"`
    Name string `db:"name"`

// CityRepository provides access to city store.
type CityRepository interface {
    Get(ctx context.Context, cityID uint) (*City, error)

// Get retrieve city from database by specified id
func (r *cityRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, cityID uint) (*City, error) {

    const query = `SELECT 
    city.id, country.id AS 'country.id', country.name AS 'country.name',
    FROM city JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.id WHERE city.id = ?`

    city := City{}
    if err := r.db.GetContext(ctx, &city, query, cityID); err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
          return nil, ErrNoCityEntity
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("city repository / problem occurred while trying to retrieve city from database: %w", err)

    return &city, nil


// Course represents e.g. calculus, combinatorics, etc.
type Course struct {
    ID     uint   `json:"id" db:"id"`
    Name   string `json:"name" db:"name"`
    Poster string `json:"poster" db:"poster"`

type CourseRepository interface {
    List(ctx context.Context, localeID uint) ([]Course, error)
type courseRepository struct {
    db *sqlx.DB

func NewCourseRepository(db *sqlx.DB) (CourseRepository, error) {
    if db == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("provided db handle to course repository is nil")

    return &courseRepository{db:db}, nil

func (r *courseRepository) List(ctx context.Context, localeID uint) ([]Course, error) {

    const query = `SELECT c.id, c.poster, ct.name FROM courses AS c JOIN courses_t AS ct ON c.id = ct.id WHERE ct.locale = $1`
    var courses []Course
    if err := r.db.SelectContext(ctx, &courses, query, localeID); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("courses repostory/problem while trying to retrieve courses from database: %w", err)

    return courses, nil
// UnitOfWork is the interface that any UnitOfWork has to follow
// the only methods it as are to return Repositories that work
// together to achieve a common purpose/work.
type UnitOfWork interface {
    Entities() EntityRepository
    OtherEntities() OtherEntityRepository

// StartUnitOfWork it's the way to initialize a typed UoW, it has a uowFn
// which is the callback where all the work should be done, it also has the
// repositories, which are all the Repositories that belong to this UoW
type StartUnitOfWork func(ctx context.Context, t Type, uowFn UnitOfWorkFn, repositories ...interface{}) error

// UnitOfWorkFn is the signature of the function
// that is the callback of the StartUnitOfWork
type UnitOfWorkFn func(ctx context.Context, uw UnitOfWork) error
我故意错过了一个实现,因为它对于sql来说看起来很可怕,应该有它自己的问题(想法是工作单元的存储库版本在引擎盖下用started tx装饰),在解决这个问题之后,您或多或少会遇到一些问题

err = svc.startUnitOfWork(ctx, uow.Write, func(ctx context.Context, uw uow.UnitOfWork) error {

            // _ = uw.Entities().Store(entity)
            // _ = uw.OtherEntities().Store(otherEntity)

            return nil
        }, svc.entityRepository, svc.otherEntityRepository)



