Gulp 构建@angular/material2时出错

Gulp 构建@angular/material2时出错,gulp,angular-material2,Gulp,Angular Material2,我刚拍了最新版本的Angular material 2。 我尝试构建,但它给出了gulp构建错误。我肯定出了什么问题,如果它的建筑很好,其他人能试试吗 TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript node_modules/@types/run-sequence/node_modules/@types/gulp/index.d.ts (15,15): Interface 'Gulp' incorrectly extends interface 'Orchestr

我刚拍了最新版本的Angular material 2。 我尝试构建,但它给出了gulp构建错误。我肯定出了什么问题,如果它的建筑很好,其他人能试试吗

TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript
node_modules/@types/run-sequence/node_modules/@types/gulp/index.d.ts (15,15): Interface 'Gulp' incorrectly extends interface 'Orchestrator'.
  Types of property 'task' are incompatible.
    Type 'AddMethod' is not assignable to type '{ (name: string): Task; (name: string, fn: TaskFunc): void; (name: string, dep: string[], fn: Tas...'.
      Type 'Orchestrator' is not assignable to type 'Task'.
        Property 'fn' is missing in type 'Orchestrator'. (2430)
tools/gulp/tasks/ci.ts (4,17): Argument of type 'string[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'TaskFunction'.
  Type 'string[]' provides no match for the signature '(done: (error?: any) => void): any'. (2345)
节点版本:v6.9.1 吞咽版本:3.9.1

尝试此解决方案: 不起作用


@type/run sequence