Java 模拟构建器模式外部类中存在的方法(单元测试)

Java 模拟构建器模式外部类中存在的方法(单元测试),java,unit-testing,mockito,testng,builder-pattern,Java,Unit Testing,Mockito,Testng,Builder Pattern,我正试图找出一种方法,在下面的构建器中模拟用于单元测试的方法 public class A { private C ObjectC; private D ObjectD; public getObjectC() { // This should not be executed in Unit test as object creation involves external systems. // The object C creation depends up


public class A  {
  private C ObjectC;
  private D ObjectD; 

  public getObjectC() {
    // This should not be executed in Unit test as object creation involves external systems.
    // The object C creation depends upon the properties set by Withers inside the inner Builder class.
    return new C();

  public A(ABuilder builder) {
    this.ObjectD = builder.ObjectD;
    this.ObjectC = geObjectC();

  // Similarly there are three for* methods.
  public D forXYZ(final String xyz) {
    // Sometimes based on the property of XYX, the value of ABC changes.
    return this.ObjectD;

  public static class ABuilder() {
    private D ObjectD;

    // Similar to the below wither method, I have four Withers with few branch logic to built Object D
    public A withFoo(final String foo) {
      return this;

    public A build() { 
      return new A(this);

A ObjectA = new A.ABuilder().withFoo("foo").build();
// Similarly assert other properties of Object D. This assertion is required as the property values varies based on what the user passes in the wither.
// Eg : If 'even' is set for value 10, 'odd' is set for value 5.

D ObjectD = A.forXYZ("Request");

// Now assert the properties of D and see if proper XYZ is set.
// Similarly I have two three for* methods inside A used for modifying the property of D after creation.

// The inside builder takes care of the creation of ObjectD with properties that are going to be set only once and changes very rarely. Where as the outside class A has for* methods which handles the setters of other properties which are going to be set multiple times.

D ObjectD = A.forXYZ("Request");


@Mock C ObjectC;
A a = spy(new A());
