Javascript 如何匹配不在引号内的URL

Javascript 如何匹配不在引号内的URL,javascript,regex,url,Javascript,Regex,Url,这与此类似,但在javascript中,我有如下正则表达式: /(https?:((?!&[^;]+;)[^\s:"'<)])+)/ /(https?:((?!&[^;]+;)[^\s:”您可以使用与所引用主题中建议的相同解决方案 JavaScript中的代码段: var text = 'Hello this text is an <tagToReplace> example. bla bla bla "this text is inside <tagNotTo





var text = 'Hello this text is an <tagToReplace> example. bla bla bla "this text is inside <tagNotToReplace> a string" "random string" more text bla bla bla "foo"';

var patt1=/<[^>]*>(?=[^"]*(?:"[^"]*"[^"]*)*$)/g;
// output: ["<tagToReplace>"]

text.replace(patt1, '<newTag>');
// output: "Hello this text is an <newTag> example. bla bla bla "this text is inside <tagNotToReplace> a string" "random string" more text bla bla bla "foo""

text            # match the literal characters 'text'
(?=             # start lookahead
   [^"]*          # match any number of non-quote characters
   (?:            # start non-capturing group, repeated zero or more times
      "[^"]*"       # one quoted portion of text
      [^"]*         # any number of non-quote characters
   )*             # end non-capturing group
   $              # match end of the string
)              # end lookahead