Matrix 确认我了解矩阵行列式

Matrix 确认我了解矩阵行列式,matrix,3d,determinants,Matrix,3d,Determinants,基本上,在过去的几周里,我一直试图对矩阵数学有一个理解,在阅读(和重读)许多数学方面的文章和文档后,我认为我已经有了足够的理解,但我只是想确保 我最后给出的定义是: /* Minor ----- -A determinant of a sub matrix -The sub matrix used to calculate a minor can be obtained by removing more then one row/column from the o



    -A determinant of a sub matrix
    -The sub matrix used to calculate a minor can be obtained by removing more then one row/column from the original matrix
    -First minors are minors of a sub matrix where only the row and column of a single element have been removed

    -The (signed) minor of a single element from a matrix
     ie. the minor of element 2,3 is the determinant of the submatrix, of the matrix, defined by removing row 2 and column 3

    -1. Choose any single row or column from a Matrix.
     2. For each element in the row/column, multiply the value of the element against the First Minor of that element.
     3. This result is then multiplied by (-1 raised to the power of the elements row index + its column index) which will give the result of step 2 a sign.
     4. You then simply sum all these results to get the determinant (a real number) for the Matrix.



