Perl 如何从没有非空行分隔符的输入创建数组哈希

Perl 如何从没有非空行分隔符的输入创建数组哈希,perl,data-structures,Perl,Data Structures,如何从以下代码和数据创建数组哈希: 这是我的代码: use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my %hash; while(<DATA>) { chomp; my $line = $_; print "$line\n"; my ($id) = /^(track.*$)/; my ($mem) = /^(chr22.*$)/; print " ID: $id - $mem\n"; push @{$hash{$



use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my %hash;
while(<DATA>) {
  my $line = $_;
  print "$line\n";
  my ($id) = /^(track.*$)/;
  my ($mem) = /^(chr22.*$)/;
  print " ID: $id - $mem\n";
  push @{$hash{$id}},$mem;

print Dumper \%hash;

track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_29112_INS_-263 
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29835   30134   
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29154   29453   
track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_30604_INV_8872
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29141   29440  




use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash;
my $track_chr = 0;
while( my $line = <DATA>) {
  chomp $line;
  if ($line =~ m/^track/) {
    $track_chr = $line;
  if ($track_chr && $line =~ m/^chr/) {
    push @{$hash{$track_chr}},$line;

print Dumper \%hash;

track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_29112_INS_-263 
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29835   30134   
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29154   29453   
track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_30604_INV_8872
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29141   29440  


use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; # personal preference for readability 

my %hash;
my $key;

# iterate over a line at a time
while ( my $line = <DATA> ) {
    chomp $line;

    # if the line begins with "track" store the key
    if ($line =~ /^track/) {
        $key = $line;
    } elsif ($line =~ /^chr22/) {
        # skip this line if we were not able to set a key...
        next if !defined $key;
        # else we push onto the array
        push @{$hash{$key}}, $line;

print Dumper \%hash;

track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_29112_INS_-263 
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29835   30134   
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29154   29453   
track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_30604_INV_8872
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29141   29440 
some random line
more randomnessssssss

您可以将Perl的记录分隔符设置为“track name=chr22”,并读取这些数据块中的数据:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my %hash;
local $/ = 'track name=chr22';

while (<DATA>) {
    my @items = split /\n/ or next;
    push @{ $hash{ $/ . $items[0] } }, @items[ 1 .. $#items ];

print Dumper \%hash;

track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_29112_INS_-263 
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29835   30134   
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29154   29453   
track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_30604_INV
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29141   29440

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; # personal preference for readability 

my %hash;
my $key;

# iterate over a line at a time
while ( my $line = <DATA> ) {
    chomp $line;

    # if the line begins with "track" store the key
    if ($line =~ /^track/) {
        $key = $line;
    } elsif ($line =~ /^chr22/) {
        # skip this line if we were not able to set a key...
        next if !defined $key;
        # else we push onto the array
        push @{$hash{$key}}, $line;

print Dumper \%hash;

track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_29112_INS_-263 
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29835   30134   
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29154   29453   
track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_30604_INV_8872
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29141   29440 
some random line
more randomnessssssss
$ perl
$VAR1 = {
  'track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_29112_INS_-263 ' => [
    'chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29835   30134   ',
    'chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29154   29453   '
  'track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_30604_INV_8872' => [
    'chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29141   29440 '
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my %hash;
local $/ = 'track name=chr22';

while (<DATA>) {
    my @items = split /\n/ or next;
    push @{ $hash{ $/ . $items[0] } }, @items[ 1 .. $#items ];

print Dumper \%hash;

track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_29112_INS_-263 
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29835   30134   
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29154   29453   
track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_30604_INV
chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29141   29440
$VAR1 = {
          'track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_29112_INS_-263 ' => [
                                                                              'chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29835   30134   ',
                                                                              'chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29154   29453   '
          'track name=chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]_30604_INV' => [
                                                                        'chr22[Target-Scrambled-Inversion]    29141   29440'