
如何使用python动态修改json中的datetime对象?,python,mysql,json,Python,Mysql,Json,我正在尝试将JSON输出日期时间属性转换为以下内容: “路径”:“2021-03-30 19:35:51”改为类似的->“路径”:“FA\21\03\30\project” 我的做法: 查询MYSQL数据库以获取所需的属性 将结果另存为dict 将dict转换为JSON 自定义JSON日期时间(路径)对象 我尝试访问JSON对象进行转换,但始终遇到以下错误: AttributeError:“str”对象没有属性 输入: pid = 1 mycursor = db.cursor(dictiona

我正在尝试将JSON输出日期时间属性转换为以下内容: “路径”:“2021-03-30 19:35:51”改为类似的->“路径”:“FA\21\03\30\project”


  • 查询MYSQL数据库以获取所需的属性
  • 将结果另存为dict
  • 将dict转换为JSON
  • 自定义JSON日期时间(路径)对象
  • 我尝试访问JSON对象进行转换,但始终遇到以下错误: AttributeError:“str”对象没有属性


    pid = 1 
    mycursor = db.cursor(dictionary=True)
    mycursor.execute("SELECT o.id as id_room, l.id as id_layer, po.id as id_point, c_x_axis, c_y_axis, c_z_axis, p.id_project as pid, p.c_date_created as path FROM optimization.tbl_room o INNER JOIN platform.tbl_project p ON o.fk_project = p.id_project INNER JOIN optimization.tbl_layer l ON l.fk_room = o.id INNER JOIN optimization.tbl_point po ON po.id = l.fk_center_point WHERE id_project = " + str(pid))
    results = mycursor.fetchall()
    to_json = json.dumps(results, default=str)

    [{'id_room': 1, 'id_layer': 1, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 2, 'id_layer': 2, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 3, 'id_layer': 3, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 4, 'id_layer': 4, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 5, 'id_layer': 5, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 6, 'id_layer': 6, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 7, 'id_layer': 7, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 8, 'id_layer': 8, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 9, 'id_layer': 9, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 10, 'id_layer': 10, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 11, 'id_layer': 11, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 12, 'id_layer': 12, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 13, 'id_layer': 13, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}, {'id_room': 14, 'id_layer': 14, 'id_point': 1, 'c_x_axis': -3.38823, 'c_y_axis': 2.41626, 'c_z_axis': 0.0, 'pid': 1, 'path': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 30, 19, 35, 51)}]

    {"id_room": 1, "id_layer": 1, "id_point": 1, "c_x_axis": -3.38823, "c_y_axis": 2.41626, "c_z_axis": 0.0, "pid": 1, "path": "2021-03-30 19:35:51"}



    "SELECT o.id as id_room, l.id as id_layer, po.id as id_point, c_x_axis, c_y_axis, c_z_axis, p.id_project as pid, 
    DATE_FORMAT(p.c_date_created,'FA\\%Y\\%m\\%d\\project') as path 
    FROM optimization.tbl_room o INNER JOIN platform.tbl_project p ON o.fk_project = p.id_project INNER JOIN optimization.tbl_layer l ON l.fk_room = o.id INNER JOIN optimization.tbl_point po ON po.id = l.fk_center_point
     WHERE id_project = " + str(pid))
    此外,您应该在execute命令中使用%s来标识变量。 因此,您的代码如下所示,具体取决于您使用哪个库访问MySQL:

    pid = 1 
    sql_query = """
    SELECT o.id as id_room, l.id as id_layer, po.id as id_point, c_x_axis, c_y_axis, c_z_axis, p.id_project as pid, 
    DATE_FORMAT(p.c_date_created,'FA\\%Y\\%m\\%d\\project') as path 
    FROM optimization.tbl_room o INNER JOIN platform.tbl_project p ON o.fk_project = p.id_project INNER JOIN optimization.tbl_layer l ON l.fk_room = o.id INNER JOIN optimization.tbl_point po ON po.id = l.fk_center_point 
    WHERE id_project = %s
    mycursor = db.cursor(dictionary=True) # you should use "_" to separate words eg:"my_cursor"
    variables:tuple = (pid,) 
    # be aware of the ","
    # if you had n variables you would write 
    # variables:tuple = (variable_1, variable_2,..., variable_n)
    mycursor.execute(sql_query, variables) 
    results = mycursor.fetchall()
    to_json = json.dumps(results, default=str) # avoid using function alike wording and prefer: "result_to_json"

    通常情况下,您可能不希望twick json结果,因为当它失败时,它会向您提供信息/引发错误。我通常处理特定情况的方法(当我知道将遵循一种信息模式时)是提供json.dump类来处理特定python类到字符串的转换):


    from uuid import UUID # which could have been datetime
    import json
    class UUIDEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, UUID):
                # if the obj is uuid, we simply return the value of uuid
                return obj.hex
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
    json_dump = json.dumps(list_of_dicts, cls=UUIDEncoder)
    Last, and depending of the flexibility you have and since you are flagged as a "New Contributor", you may want to use PostGresSQL, rather than MySQL. 
    It gives you much  more functions that you may want to use at a later stage (only a Nota Bene).
    I hope this kicks you off.

    尝试加载,但它告诉我无法加载列表,因此我再次遇到与以前相同的问题,无法访问path属性。您可以更改sql查询以获得所需的输出:SELECT DATE\u格式(“2021-03-30”、“FA\\%Y\\%m\\%d\\project”)或使用您的查询变量:DATE_FORMAT(p.c_DATE_created,'FA\\\%Y\\\%m\\\%d\\project')作为路径非常感谢!这解决了我的问题,使用DATE_CREATE我能够正确创建路径。很好,我已经使用变量编辑了答案,希望这有帮助,您可能会发现编写代码更容易(例如,不需要强制转换类(如果它们在预期类中)
    from uuid import UUID # which could have been datetime
    import json
    class UUIDEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, UUID):
                # if the obj is uuid, we simply return the value of uuid
                return obj.hex
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
    json_dump = json.dumps(list_of_dicts, cls=UUIDEncoder)
    Last, and depending of the flexibility you have and since you are flagged as a "New Contributor", you may want to use PostGresSQL, rather than MySQL. 
    It gives you much  more functions that you may want to use at a later stage (only a Nota Bene).
    I hope this kicks you off.