Python 查找函数的根/零

Python 查找函数的根/零,python,function,root,Python,Function,Root,我试图通过使用二分法找到函数的根,说明: if f(a)*f(b) < 0 then a root exists, then you repeat with f(a)*f(c)<0 where c = (a+b)/2 但我不知道如何修复代码,使其正常工作。 这是我的代码,但它不能正常工作 from scipy import * from numpy import * def rootmethod(f, a, b, tol): x = a fa


if f(a)*f(b) < 0 then a root exists, 
then you repeat with f(a)*f(c)<0 where c = (a+b)/2       
但我不知道如何修复代码,使其正常工作。 这是我的代码,但它不能正常工作

from scipy import *
from numpy import *

def rootmethod(f, a, b, tol):

    x = a
    fa = sign(eval(f))

    x = b
    fb = sign(eval(f))

    c = a + b
    iterations = 0

    if fa == 0:
        return a
    if fb == 0:
        return b

    calls = 0         
    fx = 1

    while fx != 0:
        iterations = iterations + 1
        c *= 0.5
        x = a + c
        fc = sign(eval(f))
        calls = calls + 1

        if fc*fa >= 0:
            x = a
            fx = sign(eval(f))
        if fc == 0 or abs(sign(fc)) < eps:
            fx = sign(eval(f))
            return x, iterations, calls

print rootmethod("(x-1)**3 - 1", 1, 3, 10*e-15)

   if fa*fb < 0:

        while fx != 0:
            iterations = iterations + 1
            c = (a + b)/2.0
            x =  c
            fc = sign(eval(f))
            calls = calls + 1

            if fc*fa >= 0:
                x = c
                fx = sign(eval(f))
            if fc == 0 or abs(sign(fc)) < tol:
                fx = sign(eval(f))
                return x, iterations, calls


    x = a + c




x = a
fa = sign(eval(f))

x = b
fb = sign(eval(f))

iterations = 0

if fa == 0:
    return a
if fb == 0:
    return b

calls = 0         
fx = 1

while fa != fb:
    iterations += 1
    c = (a + b)/2.0
    x = c
    fc = eval(f)
    calls += 1

    if fc == 0 or abs(fc) < tol:
        #fx = fc not needed since we return and don't use fx
        return x, iterations, calls
    fc = sign(fc)
    if fc != fa:
        b = c
        fb = fc
        a = c
        fa = fc
#error because no zero is expected to be found


before loop:
a is lower bound
b is upper bound
Establish that f(a) * f(b) is < 0

while True:
    c = (a+b)/2
    if f(c) is close enough to 0:
        return c
    if f(a) * f(c) > 0:
        a = c
        b = c


坦白地说,您的代码有点乱。这里有一些有效的方法。阅读循环中的注释。 顺便说一句,给定函数的解是2,而不是3.75

from scipy import *
from numpy import *

def rootmethod(f, a, b, tol):

  x = a
  fa = sign(eval(f))

  x = b
  fb = sign(eval(f))

  c = a + b
  iterations = 0

  if fa == 0:
    return a
  if fb == 0:
    return b

  calls = 0         
  fx = 1

  while 1:
    x = (a + b)/2
    fx = eval(f)

    if abs(fx) < tol:
      return x

    # Switch to new points.
    # We have to replace either a or b, whichever one will
    # provide us with a negative 
    old = b # backup variable
    b = (a + b)/2.0

    x = a
    fa = eval(f)

    x = b
    fb = eval(f)

    # If we replace a when we should have replaced b, replace a instead
    if fa*fb > 0:
      b = old
      a = (a + b)/2.0

print rootmethod("(x-1)**3 - 1", 1, 3, 0.01)


c又变成b了,快看!。 你可以在无限循环中结束 如果公差非常小,如1e-16

def FindRoot( fun, a, b, tol = 1e-16 ):
  a = float(a)
  b = float(b)
  assert(sign(fun(a)) != sign(fun(b)))  
  c = (a+b)/2
  while math.fabs(fun( c )) > tol:
    if a == c or b == c: 
    if sign(fun(c)) == sign(fun(b)):
      b = c
      a = c
    c = (a+b)/2
  return c
现在,一遍又一遍地调用eval不是很有效。 这是你可以做的

expr = "(x-1.0)**3.0 - 1.0"
fn = eval( "lambda x: " + expr )
print FindRoot( fn, 1, 3 )



你能具体说明出了什么问题吗?i、 e.解释器错误消息,不正确的输出(如果是),例如输入/输出。。这个输入..x3-4*x2+2*x-4,2,5,10*e-15给出了2,1,1,其中2是根,但正确答案是3.75。。它没有到达那里,也没有超过1absignfc