Python 但我从未真正探索过。 def get_hsv_positions(image, positions): #hsv comes in hue (color of image), saturation and value that's supposed

Python 但我从未真正探索过。 def get_hsv_positions(image, positions): #hsv comes in hue (color of image), saturation and value that's supposed,python,python-imaging-library,Python,Python Imaging Library,但我从未真正探索过。 def get_hsv_positions(image, positions): #hsv comes in hue (color of image), saturation and value that's supposed to be how light or dark the color is hsv_image = image.convert('HSV') values = [] for pixel in positions:

def get_hsv_positions(image, positions):
    #hsv comes in hue (color of image), saturation and value that's supposed to be how light or dark the color is
    hsv_image = image.convert('HSV')

    values = []

    for pixel in positions:

    hues = set([x[0] for x in values])
    hue_matches = []

    width, height = image.size

    img_width, img_height = 0,0

    for _ in range(width * height):
        if img_width == width:
            img_height += 1
            img_width = 0

        pixel = hsv_image.getpixel((img_width, img_height))
        if pixel[0] in hues:
            hue_matches.append((img_width, img_height))

        img_width += 1

    return hue_matches

def get_color_range(request):

    #this gets the x,y position on the image of interest to sample colors
    cells = []
    for item in selection:
        pos = get_position(item['position']['left'], item['position']['top'], image.width, image.height, width, height)
        item['position']['top'] = pos[1]
        item['position']['left'] = pos[0]

        scale_grid(item, width, height, image.width, image.height)

    image =

    if hsv:
        cells = get_hsv_positions(image, cells)
import numpy as np

hues = np.array(hues)  # numpy it
blended_hues = np.concatenate([
    hues + 1, hues + 2, ...  # as many points out as you want
    hues - 1, hues - 2, ...
all_hues = list(np.unique(np.concatenate([hues, blended_hues])))