Serial port Arduino未显示正确的输出

Serial port Arduino未显示正确的输出,serial-port,arduino,switch-statement,Serial Port,Arduino,Switch Statement,我正在为arduino编写一个程序来控制一对步进电机。我从序列中读取所有数据并将其放入数组中。现在,这对风扇非常有效,但是当我在case语句中输入一个等于第二个值的值时,它会呕吐。其他的都行 i.e.)from serial input: "F" output: "F" and the fan turns on/off but input: "a100" output: "a1" and noth


i.e.)from serial input: "F"
                 output: "F" and the fan turns on/off
but              input:  "a100" 
                 output: "a1"  and nothing the serial com freezes
Aduino Mega 2500 R3:

Arduino IDE 1.0.6

 #include <Stepper.h>
 #define FAN_PIN 9                                // the fan is hooked up to pin 9

 const int stepsPerRevolution = 200;              // change this to fit the number of steps per             
 revolution for your motor
 const int RPM = 30;                               // much over thirty is too fast to respond to      
 int step_mode = 4;                               // 4 = full, 8 = half
 int yPosition = 0;                               // number of steps the motor has taken
 byte byte_step;                                  // serial only reads in bytes
 long previous = stepsPerRevolution/2;            // This may come in handy eventually idk
 char dataIn[20];
 char data;
 int step_size[20];
 int count = 0;
 int count_new;
 int i;
 int num_steps = 0;
 boolean neg = false;                            // Default to positive steps
 boolean FAN = false;                            // Default to fan off

 // initialize the stepper library on pins :
 Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 60,61,56,57, step_mode);             
 //Stepper(number_of_steps, motor_pin_1, motor_pin_2, motor_pin_3, motor_pin_4)   

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()>0){
      command =;
      while(data != 13) {    
          data =;
          if(data == '-') neg = true;                     //    case you receive a negative, defaults to false (positive)
              dataIn[count] = data;
              count++;                 // count is NOT!!!!! equal to the number of relevant elements within the array

    case 'F':                                      // case to turn the fan on/off
       if (FAN == false){
           FAN = true;
       }                                          //   WRITE(FAN_PIN, HIGH); PWM because we have a 5V fan on a 12V pin
       else if(FAN == true){
           FAN = false;
           digitalWrite(FAN_PIN,LOW);               //   turn the fan off

    case 'G':                               // the case of motor "a"       
        for(i=2; count-1; i++){
                 num_steps = num_steps *10 + ;    //convert it to a base 10 number
  if(neg == true){
      num_steps = num_steps*-1;    // Make it negative then default it back to positive
      neg = false; 
  yPosition = yPosition + num_steps;
  for(i=0; i<20; i++){           //clear out the data
      dataIn[i] = 0;
  count = 0;
  num_steps = 0;

时间延迟是一种非常不可靠的同步方式!消除延迟并收集等待可用性的字符,直到获得最终终止条件(可能是换行符)。然后解析。我从来没有意识到这样做是错误的。读一篇关于它的文章。我将有问题的代码更改为:`void loop{whileSerial.available>0&&data!='\n'{;dataIn[count]=data;count++;}`但是问题仍然存在。@Chris Stratton没有可用数据时不退出,等待它,只退出到真正的换行符上进行分析。啊,gottcha。我尝试了这个'void loop{if Serial.available>0{;dataIn[count]=data;count++;whiledata!='\n'{dataIn[count++]=data;count++;//count现在等于数组中相关元素的数量}}}'不,这仍然是混淆的,不起作用-您将用接收到的第一个非换行符无限填充内存。