
Vim:将多条线取消插入到开头,vim,Vim,假设我有这样的东西: line 1 with text line 2 with text line 3 with text line 4 with text line 1 with text line 2 with text line 3 with text line 4 with text 我想从一开始就取消所有这些行,如下所示: line 1 with text line 2 with text line 3


line 1 with text
    line 2 with text
         line 3 with text
              line 4 with text
line 1 with text
line 2 with text
line 3 with text
line 4 with text

line 1 with text
    line 2 with text
         line 3 with text
              line 4 with text
line 1 with text
line 2 with text
line 3 with text
line 4 with text


  • 目视选择所有行,按

  • 直观地选择所有行,按Shift\u V+===================不这样做,我不认为?我想一次完成所有的工作。相关帖子:我找到了一个很好的解决方案::%leShift_V+==========我不这么认为?我想一次完成所有的工作。相关帖子:我找到了一个很好的解决方案::%leI相信你;)我相信你;)