3d 为什么我的相机不能跟踪它的目标?(XNA 4.0)

3d 为什么我的相机不能跟踪它的目标?(XNA 4.0),3d,xna,camera,3d,Xna,Camera,这是我的代码,它让对象用鼠标移动,但它不会使屏幕(相机)随之移动。我不明白为什么它会这样做。有人知道为什么吗 void UpdateCamera() { currentmousestate = Mouse.GetState(); // Calculate the camera's current position. Vector3 cameraPosition = avatarPosition; Matrix rotati


void UpdateCamera()
        currentmousestate = Mouse.GetState();
        // Calculate the camera's current position.
        Vector3 cameraPosition = avatarPosition;

        Matrix rotationMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationY(avatarYaw);

        // Create a vector pointing the direction the camera is facing.

        // Compare the original mouse position with the new one,
        // and divide that by a float of -80.

        cameraReference = new Vector3((currentmousestate.X - originalstate.X)/-80f, (currentmousestate.Y - originalstate.Y)/-80f, 1);
        avatarYaw = (float)(currentmousestate.X - originalstate.X)/-160f;

        Vector3 transformedReference = Vector3.Transform(cameraReference, rotationMatrix);

        // Calculate the position the camera is looking at.
        Vector3 cameraLookat = cameraPosition + transformedReference;

        // Set up the view matrix and projection matrix.
        view = Matrix.CreateLookAt(cameraPosition, cameraLookat, new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

        Viewport viewport = graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
        float aspectRatio = (float)viewport.Width / (float)viewport.Height;

        proj = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(viewAngle, aspectRatio, nearClip, farClip);
        //originalstate = currentmousestate;




我想你想实现一个arcball鼠标摄像头。。。但是,如果您要查找“xna arcball”,则有几个示例