Arrays 如何计算swift 4中阵列的所有模式?

Arrays 如何计算swift 4中阵列的所有模式?,arrays,swift,math,Arrays,Swift,Math,我现在使用的代码只提供一种模式,但如果有两种模式,则不会同时提供两种模式 func Mode() -> Float { var occurances: [Int: Int] = [:] for number in array { if var value = occurances[number] { occurances[number] = value + 1 } else {


func Mode() -> Float {
    var occurances: [Int: Int] = [:]
    for number in array {
        if var value = occurances[number] {
            occurances[number] = value + 1
            } else {
                occurances[number] = 1
    var highestKeyPair: (key: Int, value: Int) = (0,0)
    for (key,value) in occurances {
        highestKeyPair = (value > highestKeyPair.value) ? (key,value): highestKeyPair
    let mode = highestKeyPair.key
    return Float(mode)
  • 函数使用了从全局范围访问的
  • 我做了所有这些通用的
  • 我将函数的前8行提取到它自己的
  • 下面是我如何实现这一点的:

    extension Array where Element: Hashable {
        func countOccurrences() -> [Element: Int] {
            return self.reduce(into: [:]) { (occurences, element) in occurences[element, default: 0] += 1}
        func mode() -> [Element] {
            // Keeps track of the fist mode's num occurences.
            // Every other element with the same number of occurences is also a mode.
            var firstModeNumOccurences: Int? = nil
            let modes = countOccurrences()
                .sorted { pairA, pairB in pairA.value > pairB.value } // sorting in descending order of num occurences
                .prefix(while:) { (element, numOccurences) in  // Take all elements with the same num occurences
                    if firstModeNumOccurences == nil { firstModeNumOccurences = numOccurences }
                    return numOccurences == firstModeNumOccurences
                .map { (element, _) in element } // keep only the elements, not their counts
            return Array(modes)
