
C#应用程序打开页面和关闭页面(使用计时器),c#,winforms,C#,Winforms,我正在创建一个应用程序,当按下该按钮时,将在Chrome中打开一个新选项卡,该选项卡将导致一个执行另一个功能的特定页面(我使用线程,因为它需要时间来执行此页面上的功能)。然后关闭页面。我怎样才能做到呢 var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab. Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute


var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab
“类型为'System.InvalidOperationException'的未处理异常” 发生在System.dll中

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab
其他信息:无法处理请求,因为该进程已启动 退出。”

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab


在执行chrome.exe时,chrome本身会检查chrome的另一个实例是否已经在运行(当您只想添加一个新选项卡时就是这种情况)。因此,新执行的chrome.exe只向已经运行的chrome.exe发送一组信息,用户试图访问cmdline args提供的页面。之后,新执行的chrome.exe将终止

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab

我猜您必须为远程控制编写一个chrome扩展,或者可能有一个现有的chrome api来实现您想要的功能。


var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab

您可以使用visual studio C#中的“计时器”工具,它将简单地完成您的工作
var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab

var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab
 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timer1.Interval = 100;

int timerCounter=0;
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timerCounter += 100;

            if (timerCounter == 100)
                var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.

            if (timerCounter == 5000) //5000 = 5  minutes , like waiting time for 5 mins  to execute the function on this page .
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab
                timerCounter = 0;


 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com"); //open chrome tab.
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page
                proc.Kill(); //remove tab
// Open chrome tab.
var proc = Process.Start("chrome.exe", "google.com");

// Wait for the page to load and execute the function on the page.

// Check for valid running new instance of Chrome.
if (!proc.HasExited)
    // Kill new Chrome proc.
    // Find already running proc of Chrome.
    var alreadyRunningProc = Process.GetProcessesByName("chrome.exe");

    foreach (var chrome in alreadyRunningProc)
        // Kill any already running Chrome procs.

尝试执行此操作时chrome是否已在运行?是。我想在一个新的选项卡中运行。如果用户没有打开chrome浏览器;它将打开chrome,然后为他们做。好的,请查看我的答案,并让我知道这可能是你正在寻找的。我加入了一些评论以作进一步解释。刚刚发现了我的错误。请再试一次。我需要更改if语句来检查它是否“已退出”,而不仅仅是一个空对象。嗯,是的,我只是进一步研究了一下,似乎您可能无法仅通过C#关闭特定选项卡。它不允许您在该位置使用var proc。因此,您不能使用“Proc.KillI();”是的,您是对的,var Proc;如果(timerCounter==100){proc=Process.Start(“chrome.exe”,“google.com”);//打开chrome选项卡。}