
';Nchoosek';或Excel查询,excel,octave,vba,Excel,Octave,Vba,数据采用以下格式,每行一个数据集: Column A Column B Abc 123 Def 456 Ghi 789 Jkl 000 我试图列出三个数据集的所有可能组的组合。例如: Column A. B. C. D. E. F. Abc 123 Def


     Column A          Column B
      Abc              123
      Def              456
      Ghi              789
      Jkl              000

      Column A.  B.   C.    D.   E.  F.
      Abc       123  Def    456  Ghi 789
      Abc       123  Def    456  Jkl 000
      Def       456  Ghi    789  Jkl 000
      Abc.      123 Ghi     789  JKl 000



Sub CreatePermutation()

 Dim lFirstCellRow As Long
 Dim lSecondCellRow As Long
 Dim lThirdCellRow As Long
 Dim lNumRows As Long
 Dim iNumCols As Integer
 Dim lOutputRow As Long

 With ActiveSheet

  'start your source data in A1 without empty cells
  lNumRows = .Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Row()
  If lNumRows = .Rows.Count Then lNumRows = 1
  iNumCols = .Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column()
  If iNumCols = .Columns.Count Then iNumCols = 1

  'target data will begin after one empty row below the source data
  lOutputRow = lNumRows + 2

  For lFirstCellRow = 1 To lNumRows - 2
   For lSecondCellRow = lFirstCellRow + 1 To lNumRows - 1
    For lThirdCellRow = lSecondCellRow + 1 To lNumRows

     .Range(.Cells(lOutputRow, 1), .Cells(lOutputRow, iNumCols)).Value = .Range(.Cells(lFirstCellRow, 1), .Cells(lFirstCellRow, iNumCols)).Value
     .Range(.Cells(lOutputRow, 1 + iNumCols), .Cells(lOutputRow, 2 * iNumCols)).Value = .Range(.Cells(lSecondCellRow, 1), .Cells(lSecondCellRow, iNumCols)).Value
     .Range(.Cells(lOutputRow, 1 + 2 * iNumCols), .Cells(lOutputRow, 3 * iNumCols)).Value = .Range(.Cells(lThirdCellRow, 1), .Cells(lThirdCellRow, iNumCols)).Value

     lOutputRow = lOutputRow + 1

    Next lThirdCellRow
   Next lSecondCellRow
  Next lFirstCellRow

 End With

End Sub

Abc 123 Ghi 789 Jkl 000