Java 循环、方法和一些新手问题

Java 循环、方法和一些新手问题,java,Java,我正在写一个程序,可以接收一组数字作为字符串,然后使用数学过程来找到该数字序列的多项式函数。我上了两节课。好的,三个。但对于这个问题,两个因素很重要。这些类是顺序和术语,如下所示 顺序: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.lang.Math; public class Sequence { // the numbers in the sequence private double[] s



import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.lang.Math;

public class Sequence
   // the numbers in the sequence
   private double[] sequence;

   // sets up sequence by parsing s 
   // the numbers in s will be separated by commas 
   public Sequence(String s)
       sequence = new double[] {1, 4, 19, 52};

   // returns sequence 
   public double[] getSequence()
       return sequence;

   // returns 1 * 2 * ... * (x-1) * x 
   public double factorial(double x)
       for (double i=1;i<=x;i++){
            x = x*i;
        return x;

   // returns true iff all of the items on sequence are equal 
   public boolean allEqual(double[] sequence)
       boolean checker = true;
       double first = sequence[1];
       for (int i = 1; i<sequence.length ; i++) {
           if(sequence[i] == first) {
               checker = true;
       return checker;

   // returns a new array holding the differences between adjacent items on sequence 
   public double[] differences(double[] sequence)
       double[] diffs = new double[sequence.length - 1];
       for(int i = 0;i<=sequence.length;i++) {
           diffs[i] = sequence[i+1]- sequence[i];
       return diffs;

   // subtracts from each item in sequence the effect of the term t 
   // implements Step 4 of the algorithm description on the project web page 
   public void updateSequence(Term t)
       for(int i=0;i<=sequence.length;i++) {
         sequence[i] = sequence[i] - t.getCoefficient()*Math.pow(i,t.getExponent());

   // returns the next term in the simplest polynomial that generates sequence 
   // implements Steps 1-3 of the algorithm description on the project web page 
   public Term nextTerm()
       double[] lastSequence = sequence;
       int steps = 0;
       while ( !allEqual(lastSequence)) {
          lastSequence = differences(lastSequence);
       return new Term(lastSequence[1]/factorial(steps), steps); 

   // returns the simplest polynomial that generates sequence and displays      the polynomial as a String 
   // implements the algorithm description on the project web page 
   public  Polynomial solveSequence()
       // TODO
       return null;


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Polynomial
    // the terms making up the polynomial
    private ArrayList<Term> polynomial;

    // creates a zero polynomial
    public Polynomial()
        polynomial = new ArrayList<>();

    // returns the number of terms in polynomial
    public int numberOfTerms()
        return polynomial.size();

    // adds a new term to the end of polynomial
    public void addTerm(Term t)

    // returns the indicated term of polynomial
    public Term getTerm(int k)
        if (0 <= k && k < numberOfTerms()) 
             return polynomial.get(k);
        else return null;

    // returns polynomial as a String for display 
    // see the sample file for the layout required 
    public String display()
        // TODO
        return "";
import java.util.ArrayList;
public int numberOfTerms()
公共术语getTerm(int k)
all equal方法应返回标志false或true,这取决于它们在顺序上是相同的还是不同的

正如我所见,您的all equal方法总是返回true。请以这样的方式编写逻辑,如果所有元素都不相同,那么它将返回false。

根据我的理解,您希望在方法中执行某种操作,以创建术语并将其添加到结果中。您希望这样做,直到所有序列都相同。因此,我的建议on是迭代序列并检查序列中的相似性。如果发现了中断循环。我是指某种无限循环你好。是的。我有点理解这一点,并且正在试图弄清楚如何编写它。我是一个新手。无论如何,我真正想知道的是如何使用String.split和Double.parseDouble在构造函数中,将数字字符串分隔,然后存储在数组中并转换为双精度。请在该问题上提供帮助。关于拼图,您可以通过string string=“1,2,3,4”string[]parts=string.split(“,”);而不是“-”来实现…那是一个逗号,对吗?把它们存储在一个数组中,然后进行解析怎么样?我实际上不知道那是什么。是的,你能粘贴整个代码吗?我在多项式解序列中遇到错误。如果我将字符串s作为参数,我的设置中的这个计算不存在。我只需执行以下操作:string string=s;string[]parts=string.split(“,”);double.parsedouble(string);这将给我一个double数组?对不起。我是新手,需要帮助。
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Polynomial
    // the terms making up the polynomial
    private ArrayList<Term> polynomial;

    // creates a zero polynomial
    public Polynomial()
        polynomial = new ArrayList<>();

    // returns the number of terms in polynomial
    public int numberOfTerms()
        return polynomial.size();

    // adds a new term to the end of polynomial
    public void addTerm(Term t)

    // returns the indicated term of polynomial
    public Term getTerm(int k)
        if (0 <= k && k < numberOfTerms()) 
             return polynomial.get(k);
        else return null;

    // returns polynomial as a String for display 
    // see the sample file for the layout required 
    public String display()
        // TODO
        return "";
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String Args[]) {

  public static void parse(String s) {
    String[] parts = s.split(",");
    List<Double> list = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String string : parts) {
    for (double d : list) {
do other operation 