Java 如何将下一组变量分配给方程?

Java 如何将下一组变量分配给方程?,java,math,Java,Math,我必须创建一个从文本文件读取数据的程序。我让它读取第一个变量,并将其放入方程中,但我不确定如何设置其余变量 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(; Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(new File("energyProduced.txt")); stdIn.nextDouble();


 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
//   Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(;
   Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(new File("energyProduced.txt"));
        double energy1;
        double energy2;
        double energy3;
        double energy4;
        double energy5;
        double energy6;
        double energy7;
        energy1 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy2 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy3 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy4 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy5 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy6 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy7 = stdIn.nextDouble();
   int systemsCost;  //Total Systems Cost
   double ttlEnergy; //Total energy produced in a week
   double savingsWeek; //Total savings for one week
   double savingsDay;  //Total savings for one day
   double recoupDay;  //Days to recoup
   double recoupYear; //Years to recoup
   final double electricCost = 0.085;

   ttlEnergy = (energy1 * 7);
   savingsWeek = (ttlEnergy * electricCost);
   savingsDay = (savingsWeek / 7);
   systemsCost = (int) (savingsWeek * energy1);
   recoupDay = (int) (systemsCost / savingsDay);
   recoupYear = (int) (recoupDay / 365);

    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (ttlEnergy) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + savingsWeek);
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsDay);
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay);
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear);
它只读能量1,不读其余的2-7,我该怎么做才能让它读剩下的? 编辑 .txt文件是一个数字列表: 23(只有这一条) 26 75 98 45 等等



 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
//   Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(;
   Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(new File("energyProduced.txt"));
        double energy1;
        double energy2;
        double energy3;
        double energy4;
        double energy5;
        double energy6;
        double energy7;
        energy1 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy2 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy3 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy4 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy5 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy6 = stdIn.nextDouble();
        energy7 = stdIn.nextDouble();
   int systemsCost;  //Total Systems Cost
   double ttlEnergy; //Total energy produced in a week
   double savingsWeek; //Total savings for one week
   double savingsDay;  //Total savings for one day
   double recoupDay;  //Days to recoup
   double recoupYear; //Years to recoup
   int systemsCost2;  //Total Systems Cost
   double ttlEnergy2; //Total energy produced in a week
   double savingsWeek2; //Total savings for one week
   double savingsDay2;  //Total savings for one day
   double recoupDay2;  //Days to recoup
   double recoupYear2; //Years to recoup
   int systemsCost3;  //Total Systems Cost
   double ttlEnergy3; //Total energy produced in a week
   double savingsWeek3; //Total savings for one week
   double savingsDay3;  //Total savings for one day
   double recoupDay3;  //Days to recoup
   double recoupYear3; //Years to recoup
   int systemsCost4;  //Total Systems Cost
   double ttlEnergy4; //Total energy produced in a week
   double savingsWeek4; //Total savings for one week
   double savingsDay4;  //Total savings for one day
   double recoupDay4;  //Days to recoup
   double recoupYear4; //Years to recoup
   int systemsCost5;  //Total Systems Cost
   double ttlEnergy5; //Total energy produced in a week
   double savingsWeek5; //Total savings for one week
   double savingsDay5;  //Total savings for one day
   double recoupDay5;  //Days to recoup
   double recoupYear5; //Years to recoup
   int systemsCost6;  //Total Systems Cost
   double ttlEnergy6; //Total energy produced in a week
   double savingsWeek6; //Total savings for one week
   double savingsDay6;  //Total savings for one day
   double recoupDay6;  //Days to recoup
   double recoupYear6; //Years to recoup
   int systemsCost7;  //Total Systems Cost
   double ttlEnergy7; //Total energy produced in a week
   double savingsWeek7; //Total savings for one week
   double savingsDay7;  //Total savings for one day
   double recoupDay7;  //Days to recoup
   double recoupYear7; //Years to recoup
   final double electricCost = 0.085;

   ttlEnergy = (energy1 * 7);
   savingsWeek = (ttlEnergy * electricCost);
   savingsDay = (savingsWeek / 7);
   systemsCost = (int) (savingsWeek * energy1);
   recoupDay = (int) (systemsCost / savingsDay);
   recoupYear = (int) (recoupDay / 365);
   ttlEnergy2 = (energy2 * 7);
   savingsWeek2 = (ttlEnergy * electricCost);
   savingsDay2 = (savingsWeek / 7);
   systemsCost2 = (int) (savingsWeek * energy2);
   recoupDay2 = (int) (systemsCost / savingsDay);
   recoupYear2 = (int) (recoupDay / 365);
   ttlEnergy3 = (energy3 * 7);
   savingsWeek3 = (ttlEnergy * electricCost);
   savingsDay3 = (savingsWeek / 7);
   systemsCost3 = (int) (savingsWeek * energy3);
   recoupDay3 = (int) (systemsCost / savingsDay);
   recoupYear3 = (int) (recoupDay / 365);
   ttlEnergy4 = (energy4 * 7);
   savingsWeek4 = (ttlEnergy * electricCost);
   savingsDay4 = (savingsWeek / 7);
   systemsCost4 = (int) (savingsWeek * energy4);
   recoupDay4 = (int) (systemsCost / savingsDay);
   recoupYear4 = (int) (recoupDay / 365);
   ttlEnergy5 = (energy5 * 7);
   savingsWeek5 = (ttlEnergy * electricCost);
   savingsDay5 = (savingsWeek / 7);
   systemsCost5 = (int) (savingsWeek * energy5);
   recoupDay5 = (int) (systemsCost / savingsDay);
   recoupYear5 = (int) (recoupDay / 365);
   ttlEnergy6 = (energy6 * 7);
   savingsWeek6 = (ttlEnergy * electricCost);
   savingsDay6 = (savingsWeek / 7);
   systemsCost6 = (int) (savingsWeek * energy6);
   recoupDay6 = (int) (systemsCost / savingsDay);
   recoupYear6 = (int) (recoupDay / 365);
   ttlEnergy7 = (energy7 * 7);
   savingsWeek7 = (ttlEnergy * electricCost);
   savingsDay7 = (savingsWeek / 7);
   systemsCost7 = (int) (savingsWeek * energy7);
   recoupDay7 = (int) (systemsCost / savingsDay);
   recoupYear7 = (int) (recoupDay / 365);

    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (ttlEnergy) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + savingsWeek);
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsDay);
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay);
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear);
    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost2 );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (ttlEnergy2) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + savingsWeek2);
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsDay2);
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay2);
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear2);
    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost3 );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (ttlEnergy3) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + savingsWeek3);
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsDay3);
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay3);
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear3);
    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost4 );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (ttlEnergy4) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + savingsWeek4);
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsDay4);
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay4);
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear4);
    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost5 );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (ttlEnergy5) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + savingsWeek5);
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsDay5);
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay5);
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear5);
    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost6 );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (ttlEnergy6) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + savingsWeek6);
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsDay6);
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay6);
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear6);
    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost7 );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (ttlEnergy7) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + savingsWeek7);
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsDay7);
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay7);
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear7);

 } // end main


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

     // i like to underscore my static final variables
     // so i know when i use them
    static final double _electricCost = 0.085;

    int systemsCost = 0;

    List<Double> energyProductList = new ArrayList();

    Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File("energyProduced.txt"));

    //to prevent the no such element error you need to make sure
    // there is an element to be had with

        //your values looked like ints so we'll use that
        int energyProduced = fileScanner.nextInt();

    // now that we've grabbed all our energy values we can
    // iterate them and do the calculations we need

    // we will create some lists to contain our summary data

    List<Integer> weeklyEnergy = new ArrayList();
    List<Double> weeklySavings = new ArrayList();
    List<Double> savingsPerDay = new ArrayList();
    List<Double> systemsCost = new ArrayList();
    List<Integer> recoupDay = new ArrayList();
    List<Integer> recoupYear  = new ArrayList();

    for(int energy:energyProductList)
        int tempWeeklyEnergy = energy * 7;
        double tempWeeklySavings = tempWeeklyEnergy * _electricCost;
        double tempSavingsPerDay = tempWeeklySavings / 7;
        double tempSystemsCost = tempWeeklySavings * energy;
        int tempRecoupDay = (int)(tempSystemsCost / tempSavingsPerDay);
        int tempRecoupYear = (int) (recoupDay / 365);

        //here we are putting all our calculated values in their corresponding
        // containers

    //now that we have our values in nice lists so the length of them can be as big
    // or as small as they want we can print

    int max = energyProductList.size();
    int counter = 0;
    while(counter <= max)
    System.out.println("Energy -> " + counter)
    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost.get(counter) );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (weeklyEnergy.get(counter)) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + weeklySavings.get(counter));
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsPerDay.get(counter));
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay.get(counter));
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear.get(counter));

int systemsCost=0;
List energyProductList=新的ArrayList();
Scanner fileScanner=new Scanner(新文件(“energyProduced.txt”);
int energyProduced=fileScanner.nextInt();
List weeklyEnergy=new ArrayList();
List weeklySavings=new ArrayList();
List savingsPerDay=new ArrayList();
List systemsCost=new ArrayList();
List REQUEPDAY=新建ArrayList();
List REQUEPYEAR=new ArrayList();
int tempWeeklyEnergy=能量*7;
int temprecompday=(int)(tempSystemsCost/tempSavingsPerDay);
int temprecurypyear=(int)(补偿日期/365);
int max=energyProductList.size();


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

     // i like to underscore my static final variables
     // so i know when i use them
    static final double _electricCost = 0.085;

    int systemsCost = 0;

    List<Double> energyProductList = new ArrayList();

    Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File("energyProduced.txt"));

    //to prevent the no such element error you need to make sure
    // there is an element to be had with

        //your values looked like ints so we'll use that
        int energyProduced = fileScanner.nextInt();

    // now that we've grabbed all our energy values we can
    // iterate them and do the calculations we need

    // we will create some lists to contain our summary data

    List<Integer> weeklyEnergy = new ArrayList();
    List<Double> weeklySavings = new ArrayList();
    List<Double> savingsPerDay = new ArrayList();
    List<Double> systemsCost = new ArrayList();
    List<Integer> recoupDay = new ArrayList();
    List<Integer> recoupYear  = new ArrayList();

    for(int energy:energyProductList)
        int tempWeeklyEnergy = energy * 7;
        double tempWeeklySavings = tempWeeklyEnergy * _electricCost;
        double tempSavingsPerDay = tempWeeklySavings / 7;
        double tempSystemsCost = tempWeeklySavings * energy;
        int tempRecoupDay = (int)(tempSystemsCost / tempSavingsPerDay);
        int tempRecoupYear = (int) (recoupDay / 365);

        //here we are putting all our calculated values in their corresponding
        // containers

    //now that we have our values in nice lists so the length of them can be as big
    // or as small as they want we can print

    int max = energyProductList.size();
    int counter = 0;
    while(counter <= max)
    System.out.println("Energy -> " + counter)
    System.out.println("Total System Cost = $" + systemsCost.get(counter) );
    System.out.println("Total Energy Produced in one week" + (weeklyEnergy.get(counter)) + "Kwh");
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one week =" + weeklySavings.get(counter));
    System.out.println("Total Savings for one day =" + savingsPerDay.get(counter));
    System.out.println("Days to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupDay.get(counter));
    System.out.println("Years to recoup cost(truncated)" + recoupYear.get(counter));

int systemsCost=0;
List energyProductList=新的ArrayList();
Scanner fileScanner=new Scanner(新文件(“energyProduced.txt”);
int energyProduced=fileScanner.nextInt();
List weeklyEnergy=new ArrayList();
List weeklySavings=new ArrayList();
List savingsPerDay=new ArrayList();
List systemsCost=new ArrayList();
List REQUEPDAY=新建ArrayList();
List REQUEPYEAR=new ArrayList();
int tempWeeklyEnergy=能量*7;
int temprecompday=(int)(tempSystemsCost/tempSavingsPerDay);
int temprecurypyear=(int)(补偿日期/365);
int max=energyProductList.s