Javascript fabric.IText到SVG为每个字符生成TSPAN

Javascript fabric.IText到SVG为每个字符生成TSPAN,javascript,canvas,fabricjs,Javascript,Canvas,Fabricjs,如果没有对文本应用特殊格式,如何强制fabricjs IText对象生成单个文本 使用初始文本值创建新的fabric.IText对象实例时,svg输出与预期一致 例如: var textObject = new fabric.IText('{{variable2}}', { left: options.e.layerX, top: options.e.layerY, fontFamily: 'helvetica', font

如果没有对文本应用特殊格式,如何强制fabricjs IText对象生成单个文本



    var textObject = new fabric.IText('{{variable2}}', {
        left: options.e.layerX,
        top: options.e.layerY,
        fontFamily: 'helvetica',
        fontSize: 10,
        angle: 0,
        fill: '#000000',
        scaleX: 1,
        scaleY: 1,
        fontWeight: '',
        originX: 'left',
        hasRotatingPoint: true,
        centerTransform: true


<text font-family="helvetica" ...>
     <tspan x="-27" y="2.246" fill="#000000">{{variable2}}</tspan>

具体而言: activeObject.insertStyleObjects\u chars、isEndOfLine、activeObject.copiedStyles






     * @private
    _setSVGTextLineChars: function (lineIndex, textSpans, height, textLeftOffset, textBgRects) {

        var chars = this._textLines[lineIndex].split(''),
            lineLeftOffset = this._getSVGLineLeftOffset(lineIndex) - this.width / 2,
            lineOffset = this._getSVGLineTopOffset(lineIndex),
            heightOfLine = this._getHeightOfLine(this.ctx, lineIndex);

        var previousStyleDecl = undefined;
        var groups = [];
        var currentGroup = undefined;

        for (var i = 0, len = chars.length; i < len; i++) {
            var styleDecl = this.styles[lineIndex][i] || {};

            var a = JSON.stringify(previousStyleDecl), b = JSON.stringify(styleDecl);
            if (!a) a = '';
            if (!b) b = '';
            var areEqualStyles = (a.split('').sort().join('') == b.split('').sort().join(''));

            var charWidth = this._getWidthOfChar(this.ctx, chars[i], lineIndex, i);

            // If the previous style is not defined,
            // or, the current style does not match the previous style, then
            // create a new grouping
            if (previousStyleDecl == undefined || !areEqualStyles) {

                var prevCharOffset = 0;

                if (currentGroup != undefined) {
                    prevCharOffset = currentGroup.charWidth;

                currentGroup = {
                    style: styleDecl,
                    text: chars[i],
                    charWidth: charWidth,
                    charOffset: prevCharOffset


            // if the styles are equal, then add the current character to the group
            if (areEqualStyles) {
                if (currentGroup) {
                    currentGroup.text += chars[i];
                    currentGroup.charWidth += charWidth;

            previousStyleDecl = styleDecl;

        var charOffset = 0;
        for (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {
            var group = groups[j];

            charOffset += group.charOffset;

            textSpans.push(this._createTextCharSpan(group.text,, lineLeftOffset, lineOffset.lineTop + lineOffset.offset, charOffset));

            if ( {
                textBgRects.push(this._createTextCharBg(, lineLeftOffset, lineOffset.lineTop, heightOfLine, group.charOffset, charOffset));





     * @private
    _setSVGTextLineChars: function (lineIndex, textSpans, height, textLeftOffset, textBgRects) {

        var chars = this._textLines[lineIndex].split(''),
            lineLeftOffset = this._getSVGLineLeftOffset(lineIndex) - this.width / 2,
            lineOffset = this._getSVGLineTopOffset(lineIndex),
            heightOfLine = this._getHeightOfLine(this.ctx, lineIndex);

        var previousStyleDecl = undefined;
        var groups = [];
        var currentGroup = undefined;

        for (var i = 0, len = chars.length; i < len; i++) {
            var styleDecl = this.styles[lineIndex][i] || {};

            var a = JSON.stringify(previousStyleDecl), b = JSON.stringify(styleDecl);
            if (!a) a = '';
            if (!b) b = '';
            var areEqualStyles = (a.split('').sort().join('') == b.split('').sort().join(''));

            var charWidth = this._getWidthOfChar(this.ctx, chars[i], lineIndex, i);

            // If the previous style is not defined,
            // or, the current style does not match the previous style, then
            // create a new grouping
            if (previousStyleDecl == undefined || !areEqualStyles) {

                var prevCharOffset = 0;

                if (currentGroup != undefined) {
                    prevCharOffset = currentGroup.charWidth;

                currentGroup = {
                    style: styleDecl,
                    text: chars[i],
                    charWidth: charWidth,
                    charOffset: prevCharOffset


            // if the styles are equal, then add the current character to the group
            if (areEqualStyles) {
                if (currentGroup) {
                    currentGroup.text += chars[i];
                    currentGroup.charWidth += charWidth;

            previousStyleDecl = styleDecl;

        var charOffset = 0;
        for (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {
            var group = groups[j];

            charOffset += group.charOffset;

            textSpans.push(this._createTextCharSpan(group.text,, lineLeftOffset, lineOffset.lineTop + lineOffset.offset, charOffset));

            if ( {
                textBgRects.push(this._createTextCharBg(, lineLeftOffset, lineOffset.lineTop, heightOfLine, group.charOffset, charOffset));
     * @private
    _setSVGTextLineChars: function (lineIndex, textSpans, height, textLeftOffset, textBgRects) {

        var chars = this._textLines[lineIndex].split(''),
            lineLeftOffset = this._getSVGLineLeftOffset(lineIndex) - this.width / 2,
            lineOffset = this._getSVGLineTopOffset(lineIndex),
            heightOfLine = this._getHeightOfLine(this.ctx, lineIndex);

        var previousStyleDecl = undefined;
        var groups = [];
        var currentGroup = undefined;

        for (var i = 0, len = chars.length; i < len; i++) {
            var styleDecl = this.styles[lineIndex][i] || {};

            var a = JSON.stringify(previousStyleDecl), b = JSON.stringify(styleDecl);
            if (!a) a = '';
            if (!b) b = '';
            var areEqualStyles = (a.split('').sort().join('') == b.split('').sort().join(''));

            var charWidth = this._getWidthOfChar(this.ctx, chars[i], lineIndex, i);

            // If the previous style is not defined,
            // or, the current style does not match the previous style, then
            // create a new grouping
            if (previousStyleDecl == undefined || !areEqualStyles) {

                var prevCharOffset = 0;

                if (currentGroup != undefined) {
                    prevCharOffset = currentGroup.charWidth;

                currentGroup = {
                    style: styleDecl,
                    text: chars[i],
                    charWidth: charWidth,
                    charOffset: prevCharOffset


            // if the styles are equal, then add the current character to the group
            if (areEqualStyles) {
                if (currentGroup) {
                    currentGroup.text += chars[i];
                    currentGroup.charWidth += charWidth;

            previousStyleDecl = styleDecl;

        var charOffset = 0;
        for (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) {
            var group = groups[j];

            charOffset += group.charOffset;

            textSpans.push(this._createTextCharSpan(group.text,, lineLeftOffset, lineOffset.lineTop + lineOffset.offset, charOffset));

            if ( {
                textBgRects.push(this._createTextCharBg(, lineLeftOffset, lineOffset.lineTop, heightOfLine, group.charOffset, charOffset));