Language agnostic 代码高尔夫:画ascii艺术明星

Language agnostic 代码高尔夫:画ascii艺术明星,language-agnostic,code-golf,rosetta-stone,Language Agnostic,Code Golf,Rosetta Stone,由于本周没有人发布代码高尔夫挑战赛,我将试一试。我这样做是为了让你在漫长的编译周期中除了玩剑之外还能做些别的事情 挑战: 绘制ASCII艺术星星,在标准输入上给出三个数字(尖峰数、星星类型(通过连接相隔n个顶点的顶点绘制星星)和星星直径)。示例: Input: Input: Input: 5 2 20 7 2 20


挑战: 绘制ASCII艺术星星,在标准输入上给出三个数字(尖峰数、星星类型(通过连接相隔n个顶点的顶点绘制星星)和星星直径)。示例:

Input:                        Input:                       Input:

5 2 20                        7 2 20                       7 3 20

Output:                       Output:                      Output:

             x                        x                        x
            xx                        xx                       x
            xx                       x  xx   xx                xx      x
           x x                       x   xxxx x                xx     xx
  xx      x  x                      xxxxx  x  x                x x  xxx
   xxxx   x  x                   xxxx       x x                x x x  x
   x   xxx   x                 xx  x         xx         xxx    x  x  x
    x   x xxxx                 x   x          xx         x xxxxx xx  x
     x  x    xxx                x x           x x         xx   xxxxxx
     x x     x  xxx             x x           x  x          x xx   xxxxxx
      x      x     xx            x            x   x          x x   x     xxx
     x x     x  xxx              x            x  x          x xx   xxxxxx
     x x     xxx                x x           x x         xx   xxxxxx
    x   x xxxx                  x x           xx         x xxxxx xx  x
   x   xxx   x                 xx  x         xx         xxx    x  x  x
   xxxx   x  x                   xxxx       x x                x x x  x
  xx      x  x                      xxxxx  x  x                x x  xxx
           x x                      x    xxxx x                xx     xx
            xx                       x  xx   xx                xx      x
            xx                       x x                       x
             x                        x                        x


    x           x                   x       x
     xx       xx                    x       x
       x     x                       x     x
     x  xx xx  x                      x   x
          x                            x x
         x x                            x
      xxx   xxx                      x     x
      x       x               xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     x         x                xx    x   x    xx
   xx  x     x  xx                xx x     x xx
  x               x                 xxx   xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                 xxxxx
        x   x                      x  xx xx  x
                                  x xx     xx x
                                 xxx         xxx
         x x                    xx     x x     xx


            x                  xx               xx
            xx                   x             x
            xx                    x           x
           x x                     xx       xx
 xx       x  x                       x     x
  xxxx   x   x                     x  xx xx  x
  x   xxxx   x                          x
   x    xxxx x                         x x
    x  x    xxx                     xxx   xxx
     xx      x xxxxxx               x       x
     xx      x xxxxxx              x         x
     xx     xxx                  xx  x     x  xx
    x  x xxx x                  x               x
    x xxx    x                xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   xxx  x    x                        x   x
 xx      x   x
          x  x
          x  x                         x x
           x x

 Lack of precission              Lack of clipping



使用经典的Bresenham算法绘制线条,使其具有递归的乐趣。 另存为
echo 5 2 20 | ocaml

let pl b x y=b.(x).[y]<-'x'
let ln b x0 y0 x1 y1 =
let rec h p x0 y0 x1 y1 =
if x0>x1 then h p x1 y1 x0 y0
let dx,dy,ys=x1-x0,abs(y1-y0),if y0<y1 then 1 else -1 in
let rec k x y e=
if x<=x1 then(
p y x;
if e<dy then k(x+1)(y+ys)(e-dy+dx)
else k(x+1)y(e-dy)
k x0 y0(dx/2)
if abs(y1-y0)>abs(x1-x0)then
h(fun x y->pl b y x)y0 x0 y1 x1
else h(pl b)x0 y0 x1 y1
let f=float
let g n s d=
let b=Array.init d(fun _->String.make d ' ')in
let r=f(d/2)-.0.1 in
let k h i=int_of_float(r+.r*.h(6.2831853*.(f(i mod n)/.(f n))))in
let x,y=k cos,k sin in
for i=0 to n do ln b(x i)(y i)(x(i+s))(y(i+s))done;Array.iter print_endline b
let()=Scanf.scanf"%d %d %d"g


Python-550 533 507 484 451 437个字符 另存为
。以python 5 2 20运行

import sys,math as m
G=[[' ']*-~w for i in R(w+1)]
def L(a,b,c,d):
 if s:a,b,c,d=b,a,d,c
 if a>c:a,b,c,d=c,d,a,b
 while x<X(c):
  if e<0:y+=(-1,1)[y<d];e+=f
s=[(m.sin(k*i)*r+r,m.cos(k*i)*r+r)for i in R(p+t)]
for i in R(p):L(*(s[i]+s[i+t]))
for i in G:print''.join(i)
VBScript,584 511 482字节 我还对线条使用了Bresenham算法

g=Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll):t=g(1):d=g(2):ReDim r(d*d)
For i=0 To d*d:r(i)=" ":Next
c=1.57:u=(d-1)/2:b=c*4/g(0):For i=1 To g(0)
Z n:x=g:Z n+c:y=g:Z n-b*t:f=g:Z n-b*t+c:n=n+b
s=Abs(g-y)>Abs(f-x):If s Then W x,y:W f,g
If x>f Then W x,f:W y,g
For x=x To f:r((s+1)*(y*d+x)-s*(x*d+y))="x"
h=h-q:If h<0 Then y=y+v:h=h+p
Next:Next:For i=0 To d:WScript.Echo Mid(Join(r,""),i*d+1,d):Next
Sub W(a,b):e=a:a=b:b=e:End Sub
Sub Z(e):g=Int(u*Cos(e)+u):End Sub

Dim PI, args, output, i
PI = 4 * Atn(1)

args = Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll, " ")
output = Join(Star(args(0), args(1), args(2)), vbNullString)

For i = 1 To Len(output) Step args(2)
    WScript.Echo Mid(output, i, args(2))

Function Star(spikes, star_type, diameter)
    Dim result(), i, vertexes(), angle, radius, p1, p2
    ReDim result(diameter * diameter - 1)
    ReDim vertexes(spikes - 1)

    For i = 0 To UBound(result)
        result(i) = " "

    radius = (diameter - 1) / 2
    For i = 0 To UBound(vertexes)
        vertexes(i) = Array(CLng(radius * Cos(angle) + radius), _
            CLng(radius * Sin(angle) + radius))
        angle = angle - (2 * PI / spikes)

    For i = 0 To UBound(vertexes)
        p1 = vertexes(i)
        p2 = vertexes((i + star_type) Mod spikes)
        DrawLine p1(0), p2(0), p1(1), p2(1), result, diameter

    Star = result
End Function

Sub DrawLine(ByVal x0, ByVal x1, ByVal y0, ByVal y1, arr, diameter)
    Dim steep, deltax, deltay, error, ystep

    steep = Abs(y1 - y0) > Abs(x1 - x0)
    If steep Then
        Swap x0, y0
        Swap x1, y1
    End If
    If x0 > x1 Then
        Swap x0, x1
        Swap y0, y1
    End If

    deltax = x1 - x0
    deltay = Abs(y1 - y0)
    error = deltax \ 2
    If y0 < y1 Then ystep = 1 Else ystep = -1

    For x0 = x0 To x1
        If steep Then
            arr(x0 * diameter + y0) = "x"
            arr(y0 * diameter + x0) = "x"
        End If
        error = error - deltay
        If error < 0 Then
            y0 = y0 + ystep
            error = error + deltax
        End If
End Sub

Function Swap(a, b)
    Dim temp
    temp = a
    a = b
    b = temp
End Function
var p = parseInt(arguments[0]),
    t = parseInt(arguments[1]),
    w = parseInt(arguments[2]);

var g = [];
for(var i = 0; i < (w + 1) * w; i++)
        g.push((i + 1) % (w + 1) ? ' ' : '\n');

function plot(x, y) { g[y * (w + 1) + x] = 'x';}
function line(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
        var steep = Math.abs(y1 - y0) > Math.abs(x1 - x0), temp;
        if(steep) {
                temp = x0; x0 = y0; y0 = temp;
                temp = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = temp;
        if(x0 > x1) {
                temp = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = temp;
                temp = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = temp;
        var deltax = x1 - x0;
        var deltay = Math.abs(y1 - y0);
        var error = 0;
        var deltaerr = deltay / deltax;
        var ystep
        var y = y0;
        if(y0 < y1) ystep = 1; else ystep = -1;
        for(var x = x0; x <= x1; x++) {
                if(steep) plot(y,x); else plot(x,y);
                error = error + deltaerr;
                if(error >= 0.5) {
                        y = y + ystep;
                        error = error - 1.0;

var r = (w-1)/2, points = [];
for(var i = 0; i < p; i++) {
        Math.floor(r * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 / p * i) + w/2),
        Math.floor(r * Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 / p * i) + w/2)

for(var i = 0; i < p; i++) {
    line(points[i][0], points[i][1], points[((i + t) % p)][0], points[((i + t) % p)][1]);

Dim PI,args,输出,i
Echo Mid(输出,i,参数(2))
副抽绳(ByVal x0、ByVal x1、ByVal y0、ByVal y1、arr、直径)
Ruby-323276304297 Javascript(基于Isc的python解决方案),598 591 586 559字节(与rhino shell一起使用:另存为'stars.js',与'rhino stars.js 7 2 20'一起运行):

for(var a=Math,b=parseInt,c=a.floor,d=a.abs,e=arguments,f=b(e[0]),g=b(e[1]),h=b(e[2]),i=[],j=0;jx1){
var deltay=数学绝对值(y1-y0);
var deltaerr=三角洲/三角洲税;
var ystep
var y=y0;
C#:555 428个字符
使用系统图;类P{static void Main(string[]a){int P=int.Parse(a[0]),i=int.Parse(a[1]),l=int.Parse(a[2]),n;var o=System.Console.Out;var b=new Bitmap(l*4/3,l*4/3);var g=Graphics.frommage(b);g.TranslateTransform(l/8,l/3);for(n=0;允许使用像6220这样的星星吗?是的,那是大卫的星星。示例输出中的星星直径似乎是21而不是20?@lsc:oops,似乎我的星星有点偏了。捕捉得好!很好,尽管它需要对8220进行一个小的修复。真的很好,我喜欢在更大的星星上的结果,比如301290hm,真的,8220在我的solu上失败了(注)我在想…看起来像是为了让星星好看,寻找任何参数都太难解决了(可能是+100个字符)@纳基隆:我觉得你的8220星看起来还不错。@ninjalj,带
。那些星的直径不是也是21吗?@Nakilon:你应该从stdin@Chubas不幸的是,Yui Naruse说,这不是一个bug,而是1.9特性。我想这会解决光栅化I苏伊,是的。我喜欢这个。很好!这一个有一些关于如何绘制ascii艺术星星的有趣的扭曲,不幸的是,它不适用于6 2 20、8 2 20等。ninjalj是的,我知道,几何也有点幼稚…星星的直径是错误的,它使用直径参数作为线条的长度,而不是圣ar…我将修复。有趣。如果y0,我将替换

            x               x                    x            
           xx               xx                   x            
           xx              x  xx  xxx            xx      x    
          x x              x  xxxx  x            xx     xx    
  xx     x  x            xxxxx   x  x            x x   xx     
   xxxx  x  x         xxx x       x x      xx    x x xx x     
   x   xxx  x         x  x         xx       xxxxxx  x  x      
    x  x  xxx          x x          xx       x   xxxx  x      
     x x    xxx        x x          x x       xx xx  xxx      
     xx     x  xxx      x           x  x        xx   xx xxxx  
     xx     x     xx    x           x   x       xx   xx    xxx
     x x    x xxxx     x x          x  x      xx xx  xxxxxx   
    x  x   xxx         x x          xxx      x   xxxxxxx      
   x    xxx x         x  x          x       x xxxx  x  x      
   xxxxx x  x         xxx x        xx      xxx   x x xx x     
  xx     x  x            xxxxx   xx x            x x   xx     
          x x              x  xxxx  x            xx     xx    
           xx              x   x  xxx            xx      x    
           xx               xxx                  x            
            x               x                    x            
Dim PI, args, output, i
PI = 4 * Atn(1)

args = Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll, " ")
output = Join(Star(args(0), args(1), args(2)), vbNullString)

For i = 1 To Len(output) Step args(2)
    WScript.Echo Mid(output, i, args(2))

Function Star(spikes, star_type, diameter)
    Dim result(), i, vertexes(), angle, radius, p1, p2
    ReDim result(diameter * diameter - 1)
    ReDim vertexes(spikes - 1)

    For i = 0 To UBound(result)
        result(i) = " "

    radius = (diameter - 1) / 2
    For i = 0 To UBound(vertexes)
        vertexes(i) = Array(CLng(radius * Cos(angle) + radius), _
            CLng(radius * Sin(angle) + radius))
        angle = angle - (2 * PI / spikes)

    For i = 0 To UBound(vertexes)
        p1 = vertexes(i)
        p2 = vertexes((i + star_type) Mod spikes)
        DrawLine p1(0), p2(0), p1(1), p2(1), result, diameter

    Star = result
End Function

Sub DrawLine(ByVal x0, ByVal x1, ByVal y0, ByVal y1, arr, diameter)
    Dim steep, deltax, deltay, error, ystep

    steep = Abs(y1 - y0) > Abs(x1 - x0)
    If steep Then
        Swap x0, y0
        Swap x1, y1
    End If
    If x0 > x1 Then
        Swap x0, x1
        Swap y0, y1
    End If

    deltax = x1 - x0
    deltay = Abs(y1 - y0)
    error = deltax \ 2
    If y0 < y1 Then ystep = 1 Else ystep = -1

    For x0 = x0 To x1
        If steep Then
            arr(x0 * diameter + y0) = "x"
            arr(y0 * diameter + x0) = "x"
        End If
        error = error - deltay
        If error < 0 Then
            y0 = y0 + ystep
            error = error + deltax
        End If
End Sub

Function Swap(a, b)
    Dim temp
    temp = a
    a = b
    b = temp
End Function
a,b, &:to_i
o=(0..c).map{' '*c}
j,x,i,y=i,y,j,x if k=((i-y)/(j-x))**2>1
k ?(o[t][m]='x'):(o[m][t]='x')}}
puts o

             x              xx                   x                      xx          
             x              x x                  x                      x x         
            xx              x  x    xx           xx       x            x   x        
           x x             x    xxxx x           xx      xx      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   
 xxx      x  x             xxxxx xx  x           x x    xx       x   x       x  x   
  x xxx   x  x         xxxxx       x x    x      x x   x x       x  x         x x   
  x    xxx   x       xx   x         xx     xxxx  x  xxx x        x x           xx   
   x    x xxxx        x  x           x       x xxxxxx   x        xx             x   
    x  x     xxx      x  x           xxx      x  x xxxxx         x              xx  
     x x     x  xxx    xx            x  x      x xx  x xxxxx    xx              x x 
     xx      x     xx  xx            x   x      xx    x     xxxx x              x  x
     xx      x  xxx    xx            x  x      x xx   x xxxx    xx              x x 
     x x     xxx       xx            xxx      x  x xxxxx         x              xx  
    x  x  xxxx        x  x           x       x xxxxxxx x         xx             x   
   x   xxx   x       xx  x          xx     xxxx  x  xxx x        x x           xx   
  x xxx  x   x         xxxxx       x x    x      x  x  xx        x  x         x x   
 xxx      x  x            x xxxx xx  x           x x    xx       x   x       x  x   
          x  x             x    xxxx x           x x     x       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   
           x x             x   x    xx           xx       x            x   x        
            xx              x x                  xx                     x x         
             x              xx                   x                       x          
for(var a=Math,b=parseInt,c=a.floor,d=a.abs,e=arguments,f=b(e[0]),g=b(e[1]),h=b(e[2]),i=[],j=0;j<(h+1)*h;j++)i.push((j+1)%(h+1)?" ":"\n");function k(w,x){i[x*(h+1)+w]="x"}var l=(h-1)/2,m=[];for(j=0;j<f;j++)m.push([c(l*a.cos(a.PI*2/f*j)+h/2),c(l*a.sin(a.PI*2/f*j)+h/2)]);
for(j=0;j<f;j++){var n=m[j][0],o=m[j][1],p=m[(j+g)%f][0],q=m[(j+g)%f][1],r=void 0,s=void 0;if(r=d(q-o)>d(p-n)){s=n;n=o;o=s;s=p;p=q;q=s}if(n>p){s=n;n=p;p=s;s=o;o=q;q=s}for(var t=p-n,u=0,v=d(q-o)/t,y=o<q?1:-1,z=o,A=n;A<=p;A++){r?k(z,A):k(A,z);u+=v;if(u>=0.5){z+=y;u-=1}}}print(i.join(""));
x xx xx x x xx x x xxxx x x x xxx x x x xxx x x xxx xx x xxx xx x xx x x x xxxx x x xxx x xxx x xxxxx x x xx x x x x xx xx x x xx x x xxx x xxxx x xxxxx x x xxx x x x x x xx x x x x x xxx x x x x x x x x x xx x x xx x x x xxx x xxx xxxxx x x x xxxx x x xx xxx xx x x x xx x xx xx x x xx xx x x xx x xxxxxx x x x xxxx x xx xx xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xx xxx xx xx xxxxxx x xxxxxxx x xxxx x x xxx x x xx x x x xx xx xx xx x x x
var p = parseInt(arguments[0]),
    t = parseInt(arguments[1]),
    w = parseInt(arguments[2]);

var g = [];
for(var i = 0; i < (w + 1) * w; i++)
        g.push((i + 1) % (w + 1) ? ' ' : '\n');

function plot(x, y) { g[y * (w + 1) + x] = 'x';}
function line(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
        var steep = Math.abs(y1 - y0) > Math.abs(x1 - x0), temp;
        if(steep) {
                temp = x0; x0 = y0; y0 = temp;
                temp = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = temp;
        if(x0 > x1) {
                temp = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = temp;
                temp = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = temp;
        var deltax = x1 - x0;
        var deltay = Math.abs(y1 - y0);
        var error = 0;
        var deltaerr = deltay / deltax;
        var ystep
        var y = y0;
        if(y0 < y1) ystep = 1; else ystep = -1;
        for(var x = x0; x <= x1; x++) {
                if(steep) plot(y,x); else plot(x,y);
                error = error + deltaerr;
                if(error >= 0.5) {
                        y = y + ystep;
                        error = error - 1.0;

var r = (w-1)/2, points = [];
for(var i = 0; i < p; i++) {
        Math.floor(r * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 / p * i) + w/2),
        Math.floor(r * Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 / p * i) + w/2)

for(var i = 0; i < p; i++) {
    line(points[i][0], points[i][1], points[((i + t) % p)][0], points[((i + t) % p)][1]);

           # #
           # #
           # #
          #   #
          #   #
   ##    #     #    ##
     #   #     #   #
      #  #     #  #
       ##       ##
        ##     ##
        # #   # #
       #   ###   #
       #   # #   #
       # ##   ## #
      # #       # #
      ##         ##
      #           #