Language agnostic 动态编程语言优点的具体(代码)示例

Language agnostic 动态编程语言优点的具体(代码)示例,language-agnostic,programming-languages,type-systems,dynamic-typing,Language Agnostic,Programming Languages,Type Systems,Dynamic Typing,我目前正在设计一个受控实验,我 希望衡量动态类型编程语言的优势 与静态类型的比较 我不是在寻找另一个“哪一个更好”——这里辩论,那里辩论 关于这个话题的讨论是否足够(例如:。 或 ). 我也问了同样的关于LtU的问题,结果是另一个问题 讨论:-) 所有这些讨论都提到了一些好的观点,但几乎都没有提到 一些具体的代码(!)-例子证明了他们的观点 所以我的问题是:你们谁能给我一些示例代码 直接显示动态类型语言的一些优点或显示 静态类型系统与其说是有用的,不如说是障碍的情况 工具 提前感谢。根据定义:鸭

我目前正在设计一个受控实验,我 希望衡量动态类型编程语言的优势 与静态类型的比较

我不是在寻找另一个“哪一个更好”——这里辩论,那里辩论 关于这个话题的讨论是否足够(例如:。 或 ). 我也问了同样的关于LtU的问题,结果是另一个问题 讨论:-)

所有这些讨论都提到了一些好的观点,但几乎都没有提到 一些具体的代码(!)-例子证明了他们的观点

所以我的问题是:你们谁能给我一些示例代码 直接显示动态类型语言的一些优点或显示 静态类型系统与其说是有用的,不如说是障碍的情况 工具







不要因为他们是学者而忽视他们。事情变了。在过去的几年里,那些拥有强大打字系统的语言已经越来越流行。(2) 而且,我发现现在越来越少听到一种全新的语言,它不将安全性强的类型与方便性强的类型推断相结合,至少在某种程度上是这样。今天全新的深奥语言是下一个十年的“企业标准”,所以我认为每个人最终都会使用这种两全其美的方法





// Java 7 - strong typing but no type inference
// Notice that you get safety, because the wrong usage is caught at compile time
// But you have to type a lot :-(
  static interface Comparable { boolean compare(Comparable other); }
  boolean isListSorted( List<T extends Comparable> xs ) {
    T prev = null; for( T x: xs ) {
        if( prev!=null && ! ) return false;
        prev = x; 
    return true;
  public final class String implement Comparable { ... }
  public final class Animal /* definitely does not implement Comparable! :-) */ { ... }

  // proper usage
  List<String> names = Lists.newArrayListOf("Red", "Spinelli", "Ankh", "Morporkh", "Sam");
  boolean areTheNamesSorted = isListSorted(names);
  if(todayIsALeapDay()) {
     // bad usage -- the compiler catches it, so you don't have to worry about this happening 
     // in production when a user enters data that send your app down a rarely-touched codepath
     List<Animal> pets = Lists.newArrayListOf( Animal.getCat(), Animal.getDog(), Animal.getBird() );
     boolean areTheNamesSorted = isListSorted(pets);
class Animal:

# Python 2.6 -- dynamic typing
# notice how little keystrokes are needed
# but the bug is now
def isListSorted(xs):
  # to keep it more similar to the Java7 version, zip is avoied
  prev = None
  for x in xs:
    if prev is not None and not return False
    prev = x
  return True
# usage -- beautiful, isn't it?
names = ["Raph", "Argh", "Marge"]
areNamesSorted = isListSorted(names)

if isLeapDayToday():
   # ...but here comes trouble in paradise!
   animals = [Animal.getCat(), Animal.getDog()]
   # raises a runtime exception. I hope your unit tests catch it, but unlike type 
   # systems it's hard to make absolutely sure you'll be alerted if you forget a test
   # besides, then you've just traded the Evil of Having to Write Lots of Type Signatures
   # for the Evil of Having to Write Lots of Unit Tests. What kind of terrible deal is that?
   areAnimalsSorted = isListSorted(animals)

-- Haskell - full safety of strong typing, but easy on the fingers and eyes
class Comparable a where
  compare :: a -> a -> Bool
instance Comparable String where
data Animal = ...

isListSorted [] = True
isListSorted x:[] = True
isListSorted x1:x2:xs = (compare x1 x2) && (isListSorted xs)

names = ["Raplph", "Argh", "Blarge"]
areNamesSorted = isListSorted names

animals = [Cat, Dog, Parrot]

-- compile time error because [Animal] is not compatible with Comparable a => [a] since
-- Animal is not an instance of comparable

areAnimalsSorted = isListSorted animals
-- Same Haskell program as before, but we explicitly write down the types 
-- Just for educational purposes. Like comments, you can omit them if you don't think
-- the reader needs them because it's obvious. Unlike comments, the compiler verifies their truth!

class Comparable a where
  compare :: a -> a -> Bool
instance Comparable String where
data Animal = Cat | Dog | Parrot

isListSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
isListSorted [] = True
isListSorted x:[] = True
isListSorted x1:x2:xs = (compare x1 x2) && (isListSorted xs)

names :: [String]
names = ["Raplph", "Argh", "Blarge"]

areNamesSorted = isListSorted names

-- compile time error because [Animal] is not compatible with Comparable a => [a] since
-- Animal is not an instance of comparable

animals :: [Animal]
animals = [Cat, Dog, Parrot]

areAnimalsSorted = isListSorted animals

-- Haskell - full safety of strong typing, but easy on the fingers and eyes
class Comparable a where
  compare :: a -> a -> Bool
instance Comparable String where
data Animal = ...

isListSorted [] = True
isListSorted x:[] = True
isListSorted x1:x2:xs = (compare x1 x2) && (isListSorted xs)

names = ["Raplph", "Argh", "Blarge"]
areNamesSorted = isListSorted names

animals = [Cat, Dog, Parrot]

-- compile time error because [Animal] is not compatible with Comparable a => [a] since
-- Animal is not an instance of comparable

areAnimalsSorted = isListSorted animals
-- Same Haskell program as before, but we explicitly write down the types 
-- Just for educational purposes. Like comments, you can omit them if you don't think
-- the reader needs them because it's obvious. Unlike comments, the compiler verifies their truth!

class Comparable a where
  compare :: a -> a -> Bool
instance Comparable String where
data Animal = Cat | Dog | Parrot

isListSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
isListSorted [] = True
isListSorted x:[] = True
isListSorted x1:x2:xs = (compare x1 x2) && (isListSorted xs)

names :: [String]
names = ["Raplph", "Argh", "Blarge"]

areNamesSorted = isListSorted names

-- compile time error because [Animal] is not compatible with Comparable a => [a] since
-- Animal is not an instance of comparable

animals :: [Animal]
animals = [Cat, Dog, Parrot]

areAnimalsSorted = isListSorted animals