Object 减速物体?

Object 减速物体?,object,unity3d,smooth,Object,Unity3d,Smooth,我有一个球体对象从屏幕顶部掉落(球体位置y=5)。我有一个“isTrigger=true”和“Mesh renderer=false”的立方体,位置是“y=0.5”(0.5=立方体的中心)。你看不到立方体 球体正在下降。现在我想,当球体接触立方体时,球体的速度会减慢到零(没有反转)。我想要衰减/阻尼 我尝试了这个例子,但没有成功: 脚本已附加到多维数据集。您可能希望尝试以下方法: // We will multiply our sphere velocity by this number wi

我有一个球体对象从屏幕顶部掉落(球体位置y=5)。我有一个“isTrigger=true”和“Mesh renderer=false”的立方体,位置是“y=0.5”(0.5=立方体的中心)。你看不到立方体





// We will multiply our sphere velocity by this number with each frame, thus dumping it
public float dampingFactor = 0.98f;
// After our velocity will reach this threshold, we will simply set it to zero and stop damping
public float dampingThreshold = 0.1f;

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    if (other.name == "Sphere")
        // Transfer rigidbody of the sphere to the damping coroutine

IEnumerator DampVelocity(Rigidbody target)
    // Disable gravity for the sphere, so it will no longer be accelerated towards the earth, but will retain it's momentum
    target.useGravity = false;

        // Here we are damping (simply multiplying) velocity of the sphere whith each frame, until it reaches our threshold 
        target.velocity *= dampingFactor;
        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
    } while (target.velocity.magnitude > dampingThreshold);

    // Completely stop sphere's momentum
    target.velocity = Vector3.zero;


// We will multiply our sphere velocity by this number with each frame, thus dumping it
public float dampingFactor = 0.98f;
// After our velocity will reach this threshold, we will simply set it to zero and stop damping
public float dampingThreshold = 0.1f;

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    if (other.name == "Sphere")
        // Transfer rigidbody of the sphere to the damping coroutine

IEnumerator DampVelocity(Rigidbody target)
    // Disable gravity for the sphere, so it will no longer be accelerated towards the earth, but will retain it's momentum
    target.useGravity = false;

        // Here we are damping (simply multiplying) velocity of the sphere whith each frame, until it reaches our threshold 
        target.velocity *= dampingFactor;
        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
    } while (target.velocity.magnitude > dampingThreshold);

    // Completely stop sphere's momentum
    target.velocity = Vector3.zero;