Perl 如何计算两个数组中每个元素之间的差异?

Perl 如何计算两个数组中每个元素之间的差异?,perl,matrix,perl-data-structures,Perl,Matrix,Perl Data Structures,我有一个带有数字的文本文件,我将其分组如下,用空行分隔: 42.034 41.630 40.158 26.823 26.366 25.289 23.949 34.712 35.133 35.185 35.577 28.463 28.412 30.831 33.490 33.839 32.059 32.072 33.425 33.349 34.709 12.596 13.332 12.810 13.329 13.329 13.569 11.418 注:组的长度始终相等,如果组较大,则可以安


42.034 41.630 40.158 26.823 26.366 25.289 23.949

34.712 35.133 35.185 35.577 28.463 28.412 30.831

33.490 33.839 32.059 32.072 33.425 33.349 34.709

12.596 13.332 12.810 13.329 13.329 13.569 11.418
注:组的长度始终相等,如果组较大,则可以安排在多行中,例如500个数字长。 我正在考虑将这些组放入数组中,并沿着文件的长度进行迭代


i、 e:


i、 e:



use List::MoreUtils qw<pairwise>;

my @list1 = split ' ', <$file_handle>;
my @list2 = split ' ', <$file_handle>;

my @diff  = pairwise { $a - $b } @list1, @list2;


use strict;
use warnings;
use List::MoreUtils qw<pairwise>;

my (@prev_line, @this_line, @diff);
while (<>) {
    next if /^\s+$/; # skip leading blank lines, if any
    @prev_line = split;

# get the rest of the lines, calculating and printing the difference,
# then saving this line's values in the previous line's values for the next
# set of differences
while (<>) {
    next if /^\s+$/; # skip embedded blank lines

    @this_line = split;
    @diff      = pairwise { $a - $b } @this_line, @prev_line;

    print join(" ; ", @diff), "\n\n";

    @prev_line = @this_line;

2 ; 1 ; 0

-1 ; 0 ; 1

# construct a list using each index in @list1 ( 0..$#list1 )
# consisting of the difference at each slot.
my @diff = map { $list1[$_] - $list2[$_] } 0..$#list1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::MoreUtils qw<pairwise>;

my (@prev_line, @this_line, @diff);
while (<>) {
    next if /^\s+$/; # skip leading blank lines, if any
    @prev_line = split;

# get the rest of the lines, calculating and printing the difference,
# then saving this line's values in the previous line's values for the next
# set of differences
while (<>) {
    next if /^\s+$/; # skip embedded blank lines

    @this_line = split;
    @diff      = pairwise { $a - $b } @this_line, @prev_line;

    print join(" ; ", @diff), "\n\n";

    @prev_line = @this_line;
1 1 1

3 2 1

2 2 2
2 ; 1 ; 0

-1 ; 0 ; 1