Python 3.x 在Python3.6中,如何创建变量的副本来为其分配不同的值?

Python 3.x 在Python3.6中,如何创建变量的副本来为其分配不同的值?,python-3.x,Python 3.x,我对python相当陌生,使用的是3.6,有点卡住了。我的节目- import time asdm = input ('what operation is it? ') #tell the program which operation while True: #list is in the program if asdm == 'idk': #if the a


import time
asdm = input ('what operation is it? ')       #tell the program which operation
while True:                                   #list is in the program
    if asdm == 'idk':                         #if the answer of the question
        print('* = product of')               #is 'idk', list these options
        print('/ = quotient of')
        print('+ = sum of')
        print('- = subtract')
        print('** = to the power of')
        print('// = floored quotient of')
        print('% = remainder of')
        asdm = old_asdm
    asdm = input('what operation is it? ')     #ask the same question
    if not 'idk':                              #if the answer is one of the listed
        break                                  #end the loop
while True:
    print ('what are the variables?')
    a = input ('what is the value of a? ')      #value 'a'
    b = input ('what is the value of b? ')      #value 'b'
    if asdm == '*':                             #if multiplication
        print ('a * b')
        print (a * b)                           #print 'a*b' and the answer
    if asdm == '/':                             #if division
        print ('a / b')
        print (a / b)                           #print 'a/b' and the answer
    if asdm == '+':                             #if addition
        print ('a + b')
        print (a + b)                           #print 'a+b' and the answer
    if asdm == '-':                             #if subtraction
        print ('a - b')
        print (a - b)                           #print 'a-b' and the answer
    if asdm == '**':                            #if power
        print ('a ** b')
        print (a ** b)                          #print 'a**b' and the answer
    if asdm == '//':                            #is division with no remainder`
        print ('a // b')
        print (a // b)                          #print 'a//b' and the answer
    input('another equation? ')
    if 'no':
time.sleep(3)                               #end
input ('Leave?')
  • 如何制作asdm的副本,以使用该副本代替分配的
    ? 我有其他一切正常工作(大概),但这一点我不明白

    • 不完全确定您想要实现什么,但我认为这应该可行

      asdm=old\u asdm
      ,其中old\u asdm尚未定义,这应该是错误的。此外,您的检查
      则无效。您需要检查asdm!='idk’。 最后,在所有输入完成后,您尝试对字符串进行数学运算,因此我在输入上使用float()将字符串转换为数字。最后的另一个等式输入条件语句也包含与上面类似的错误

      import time
      while True:                                   #list is in the program
          asdm = input ('what operation is it? ')       
          if asdm == 'idk':                         #if the answer of the question
              print('* = product of')               #is 'idk', list these options
              print('/ = quotient of')
              print('+ = sum of')
              print('- = subtract')
              print('** = to the power of')
              print('// = floored quotient of')
              print('% = remainder of')
          if asdm != 'idk'::                              #if the answer is one of the listed
              break                                  #end the loop
      while True:
          print ('what are the variables?')
          a = float(input('what is the value of a? '))      #value 'a'
          b = float(input('what is the value of b? '))      #value 'b'
          if asdm == '*':                             #if multiplication
              print ('a * b')
              print (a * b)                           #print 'a*b' and the answer
          if asdm == '/':                             #if division
              print ('a / b')
              print (a / b)                           #print 'a/b' and the answer
          if asdm == '+':                             #if addition
              print ('a + b')
              print (a + b)                           #print 'a+b' and the answer
          if asdm == '-':                             #if subtraction
              print ('a - b')
              print (a - b)                           #print 'a-b' and the answer
          if asdm == '**':                            #if power
              print ('a ** b')
              print (a ** b)                          #print 'a**b' and the answer
          if asdm == '//':                            #is division with no remainder`
              print ('a // b')
              print (a // b)                          #print 'a//b' and the answer
          another_equation = input('another equation? ')
          if another_equation == 'no':
      time.sleep(3)                               #end
      input ('Leave?')

      发布您收到的错误使我们可以更轻松地帮助您。您可以尝试将代码缩减为显示相同问题的较小版本吗?看,当我运行程序时,它一直认为'asdm'的值是'idk',所以我无法跳出循环。代码运行得更好。非常感谢你。今天就要交了,看来真的很有帮助,谢谢你。我刚给你做作业了吗?o、 哦,希望你能拿到A!;)有点像,但那只是第二个障碍。需要为初学者编写一个超级复杂的代码,或者是这个代码,或者是一个猜测数字的代码。我认为我不能用猜测代码做很多事情,对于arduino汽车来说,我不能用其他代码做更多的事情,所以剩下的就是这个。我现在正在做一个保存的工作,这样在最后我可以输入一个输入,询问用户是否想做另一个等式,然后它就转到了起点。我想你不知道怎么做,是吗?哦,我得到了班上一个孩子乔丹的帮助。他是个十足的技术迷,所以python、c#、c+等等,他都喜欢。因此,如果我使iasdm=None',那么它将重置asdm,然后出现中断问题。所以我再次提出这个问题,然后“如果asdm!=”idk':break',它可以工作。我不知道为什么,但它似乎不是从我用你的代码替换我的代码时复制过来的,所以我认为它是正确的(除了双冒号)“我目前正在进行保存,以便在最后输入一个输入,询问用户是否想做另一个等式,然后它进入起点。我想你不知道该怎么做,是吗?“我会使用while True循环,并以if输入(“另一个等式?(yes/no”)=“no”:break结尾。我不确定你的第二条评论是什么意思。