Scheme函数,取n和list,返回list n

Scheme函数,取n和list,返回list n,scheme,Scheme,我尝试了很多方法来解决我的作业,但问题是我想我错过了什么或者我用错了什么方法: 我的: 解决方案 (define (return l) (cond ((null? l) '()) ( cond (!= (mod n (car l) 0) ) ;; here will check if not equal 0 so it is not return then I will remove it from the list ((eq? n (car l)


我的: 解决方案

 (define (return l)  
 (cond ((null? l) '())         
 ( cond (!= (mod n (car l) 0) )  
 ;; here will check if not equal 0 so it is not
 return then I will     remove it from the list 
 ((eq? n (car l) )  
(return (cdr l)) )        
 (else (cons (car l) (n (cdr l)))) 
 (return n (cdr l) ) ;;if not return then I will keep it in the list 


(define (divisibleByN n lst)
  (filter (lambda (e) (zero? (modulo e n))) lst))

(define (divisibleByN n lst)
        ; base case: if the list is empty, return the empty list
  (cond ((null? lst) '())
        ; if the current number is divisible by n
        ((zero? (modulo (car lst) n))
        ; add it to output list and advance recursion
         (cons (car lst) (divisibleByN n (cdr lst))))
        ; otherwise just advance recursion
        (else (divisibleByN n (cdr lst)))))

(divisibleByN 3 '(5 9 27 14))
=> '(9 27)    
(divisibleByN 4 '(15 6))
=> '() 
(divisibleByN 7 '())
=> ()    
(divisibleByN 5 '(40 40 40 3 10 50))
=> '(40 40 10 50)
