Xcode 使用Applescript在预览中调整颜色

Xcode 使用Applescript在预览中调整颜色,xcode,applescript,Xcode,Applescript,我对Applescripts很陌生 我的目标:使用“预览”应用程序自动打开(在一个窗口/实例中)目录中的所有图片,访问“调整颜色”工具箱[Tools>Adjust Color…],单击工具箱中的“Auto Level”按钮,继续下一个图像并单击“Auto Level”等,然后保存所有图片 我一直在使用Xcode“Accessibility Inspector”实用程序,试图获取这些按钮的名称和类,但我对使用Accessibility Inspector也很陌生,所以我主要是在这一点上玩 到目前为


我的目标:使用“预览”应用程序自动打开(在一个窗口/实例中)目录中的所有图片,访问“调整颜色”工具箱[Tools>Adjust Color…],单击工具箱中的“Auto Level”按钮,继续下一个图像并单击“Auto Level”等,然后保存所有图片

我一直在使用Xcode“Accessibility Inspector”实用程序,试图获取这些按钮的名称和类,但我对使用Accessibility Inspector也很陌生,所以我主要是在这一点上玩


tell application "Finder"
    open folder "Import" of folder "Shared" of folder "Users" of startup disk
    set pics to select every item of folder "Import" of folder "Shared" of folder "Users" of startup disk
    open pics
end tell
tell application "System Events" to tell Application "Preview"
    click menu item "Adjust Color..." of menu bar item "Tools" of window 1
end tell

  • 我不知道如何在一个窗口中打开所有图像。[open pics]行似乎分别打开每个文件,即使它们都已被选中
  • Applescripts似乎不喜欢我告诉应用程序单击菜单项这一事实。但我不认为预览构成了一个“过程”(即将“告诉应用程序”…更改为“告诉过程”)。允许代码进行编译,但过程“预览”不存在…oi
  • 期待着当我开始告诉它单击工具箱中的“自动级别”按钮时,工具箱的类可能是什么?我在可访问性检查器中看到“浮动窗口”,但在我的尝试中出现了错误

  • 感谢您提供的任何见解、资源或pep演讲…




    set sharedFolder to path to shared documents folder
    tell application "Finder" to set allImages to every item of folder "Import" of sharedFolder
    set adjustColorWindow to missing value
    repeat with anImage in allImages
        tell application "Finder" to open anImage
        activate application "Preview"
        tell application "System Events"
            tell process "Preview"
                repeat until exists (1st window whose value of attribute "AXSubRole" is "AXStandardWindow")
                    delay 0.2
                end repeat
                set documentWindow to (name of 1st window whose value of attribute "AXSubRole" is "AXStandardWindow")
                if adjustColorWindow is missing value then
                    click menu item "Adjust Color…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Tools" of menu bar 1
                    repeat until exists (1st window whose title starts with "Adjust Color")
                        delay 0.2
                    end repeat
                end if
                set adjustColorWindow to (1st window whose title starts with "Adjust Color")
                tell adjustColorWindow
                    click button "Auto Levels"
                end tell
                click menu item "Save" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
                click button 1 of window documentWindow
            end tell
        end tell
    end repeat




    set sharedFolder to path to shared documents folder
    tell application "Finder" to set allImages to every item of folder "Import" of sharedFolder
    set adjustColorWindow to missing value
    repeat with anImage in allImages
        tell application "Finder" to open anImage
        activate application "Preview"
        tell application "System Events"
            tell process "Preview"
                repeat until exists (1st window whose value of attribute "AXSubRole" is "AXStandardWindow")
                    delay 0.2
                end repeat
                set documentWindow to (name of 1st window whose value of attribute "AXSubRole" is "AXStandardWindow")
                if adjustColorWindow is missing value then
                    click menu item "Adjust Color…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Tools" of menu bar 1
                    repeat until exists (1st window whose title starts with "Adjust Color")
                        delay 0.2
                    end repeat
                end if
                set adjustColorWindow to (1st window whose title starts with "Adjust Color")
                tell adjustColorWindow
                    click button "Auto Levels"
                end tell
                click menu item "Save" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
                click button 1 of window documentWindow
            end tell
        end tell
    end repeat


    tell application "Finder"
        set desktopFolder to folder "Macintosh HD:Users:*Username*:Desktop"
        set allImages to every item of folder "APPLESCRIPT" of desktopFolder
    end tell
    set adjustColorWindow to missing value
    repeat with anImage in allImages
        delay 5.0
        tell application "Finder" to open anImage
        -- activate application "Preview"
        tell application "System Events"
            tell process "Preview"
                repeat until exists (1st window whose value of attribute "AXSubRole" is "AXStandardWindow")
                    delay 1.0
                end repeat
                set documentWindow to (name of 1st window whose value of attribute "AXSubRole" is "AXStandardWindow")
                if adjustColorWindow is missing value then
                    click menu item "Adjust Color ..." of menu 1 of menu bar item "Tools" of menu bar 1
                    repeat until exists (1st window whose title starts with "Adjust Color")
                        delay 1.0
                    end repeat
                end if
                set adjustColorWindow to (1st window whose title starts with "Adjust Color")
                tell adjustColorWindow
                    -- click button "Auto Levels"
                    -- get value of slider x
                    -- slider 1: exposure (-2.0; 2.0)
                    -- slider 2: contrast (-1.0; 1.0)
                    -- slider 3: highlights (-1.0; -0.3)
                    -- slider 4: shadows (0.0; 1.0)
                    -- slider 5: saturation (0.0; 2.0)
                    -- slider 6: temperature (3500.0; 6500.0)
                    -- slider 7: hue (-150.0; 150.0)
                    -- slider 8: eepia (0.0; 1.0)
                    -- slider 9: sharpness (-1.0; 1.0)
                    set value of slider 1 to 2.0
                    delay 3.0
                    set value of slider 6 to 3500.0
                    delay 3.0
                    set value of slider 9 to 1.0
                    delay 3.0
                    set value of slider 2 to -0.95
                    delay 3.0
                end tell
            end tell
            tell application "Preview" to close every window
        end tell
    end repeat
    tell application "System Events" to quit application "Preview"


    tell application "Finder"
        set desktopFolder to folder "Macintosh HD:Users:*Username*:Desktop"
        set allImages to every item of folder "APPLESCRIPT" of desktopFolder
    end tell
    set adjustColorWindow to missing value
    repeat with anImage in allImages
        delay 5.0
        tell application "Finder" to open anImage
        -- activate application "Preview"
        tell application "System Events"
            tell process "Preview"
                repeat until exists (1st window whose value of attribute "AXSubRole" is "AXStandardWindow")
                    delay 1.0
                end repeat
                set documentWindow to (name of 1st window whose value of attribute "AXSubRole" is "AXStandardWindow")
                if adjustColorWindow is missing value then
                    click menu item "Adjust Color ..." of menu 1 of menu bar item "Tools" of menu bar 1
                    repeat until exists (1st window whose title starts with "Adjust Color")
                        delay 1.0
                    end repeat
                end if
                set adjustColorWindow to (1st window whose title starts with "Adjust Color")
                tell adjustColorWindow
                    -- click button "Auto Levels"
                    -- get value of slider x
                    -- slider 1: exposure (-2.0; 2.0)
                    -- slider 2: contrast (-1.0; 1.0)
                    -- slider 3: highlights (-1.0; -0.3)
                    -- slider 4: shadows (0.0; 1.0)
                    -- slider 5: saturation (0.0; 2.0)
                    -- slider 6: temperature (3500.0; 6500.0)
                    -- slider 7: hue (-150.0; 150.0)
                    -- slider 8: eepia (0.0; 1.0)
                    -- slider 9: sharpness (-1.0; 1.0)
                    set value of slider 1 to 2.0
                    delay 3.0
                    set value of slider 6 to 3500.0
                    delay 3.0
                    set value of slider 9 to 1.0
                    delay 3.0
                    set value of slider 2 to -0.95
                    delay 3.0
                end tell
            end tell
            tell application "Preview" to close every window
        end tell
    end repeat
    tell application "System Events" to quit application "Preview"