Algorithm 针对多种模式进行有效字符串匹配的数据结构

Algorithm 针对多种模式进行有效字符串匹配的数据结构,algorithm,language-agnostic,pattern-matching,string-matching,trie,Algorithm,Language Agnostic,Pattern Matching,String Matching,Trie,我正在寻找一个有效的数据结构,允许字符串到模式匹配。这些模式遵循类似正则表达式的语法,但允许递归。它们包含选项、选项和递归/通配符。模式的一些示例包括: how many * (are coming|came) to (the)? party (drunk|sober)? people annoying * 这些模式将匹配以下字符串: how many drunk people are coming to the party how many people came to party how


how many * (are coming|came) to (the)? party
(drunk|sober)? people
annoying *

how many drunk people are coming to the party
how many people came to party
how many annoying drunk people are coming to the party

how many are coming to the party  <-- expected something else after 'many'
drunk sober people  <-- has to be either 'drunk' or 'sober' but not both


你检查过了吗?考虑建立一个有限状态机:@ Juvia:是的,但是这些算法是为了精确的字符串匹配。“JimMISCHEL状态机是一个选项,但是我在寻找更具体的东西。我看到了递归。”但是没有看到任何例子。非常感谢你的链接!我一定会看一看他们。我看了看消息来源,我有两个顾虑。首先,语法的大小将是巨大的,而且算法似乎只是试图一个接一个地匹配一个模式(这是我想要避免的)。其次,看起来您无法在运行时向语法中添加其他规则。但我很确定我能以某种方式实现这一点。