Graph 如何在Gnuplot中创建蜘蛛图?

Graph 如何在Gnuplot中创建蜘蛛图?,graph,plot,gnuplot,Graph,Plot,Gnuplot,我想使用Gnuplot生成一个spider(又名雷达/星)图,其中不同的轴具有独立的比例。我可以使用OriginPro(商业版)生成这样的图,但使用Gnuplot,我只能设置具有统一比例的雷达图 (csv文件)数据集如下所示(第一行是列标签): 我要找的情节是这样的:- 正如您所看到的,每个轴代表不同的属性,并且具有自己的比例 我猜Gnuplot的起始代码是: set polar set grid polar set angles degrees set size square set styl



我要找的情节是这样的:- 正如您所看到的,每个轴代表不同的属性,并且具有自己的比例


set polar
set grid polar
set angles degrees
set size square
set style data filledcurves



set nokey
set polar
set grid polar
set angles degrees
set size square
set style data lines
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 10*cos(a1) , 10*sin(a1)
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 10*cos(a2) , 10*sin(a2)
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 10*cos(a3) , 10*sin(a3)
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 10*cos(a4) , 10*sin(a4)
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 10*cos(a5) , 10*sin(a5)
set xrange [-10:10]
set yrange [-10:10]
plot '-' using ($1==1?a1:($1==2?a2:($1==3?a3:($1==4?a4:($1==5?a5:$1))))):2 lt 2
1 4
2 8
3 6
4 9
5 5
1 4

@george的回答帮助我找到了如何重新排列数据集,以便从中选择相应的属性数据。 因为我也在为不同的蜘蛛轴寻找不同的范围刻度,除了@george的建议,我认为将特定于轴的标准化为共同的[0:1]范围将解决问题。然后,使用




对于你的特殊情况,我将: -创建将规范化所有数据以适应图表比例的函数, -隐藏tge标准比例, -使用箭头表示轴, -为特定比例添加带有标签的点,并将其与数据函数一起放置


这里有一个关于“蜘蛛图”的建议,它取自我的收藏。 由于它使用数据块中的数据而不是文件中的数据(因为更容易寻址某些行,例如通过
),因此需要gnuplot>=5.2.0。 实际数据在
中。 如果在



### spider plot/chart with gnuplot 
# also known as: radar chart, web chart, star chart, cobweb chart, 
#                radar plot,  web plot,  star plot,  cobweb plot,  etc. ...
reset session
set size square
unset tics
set angles degree
set key top left

# Data
$Data <<EOD
SpiderData     "Product A"  "Product B"  "Product C"  "Product D"
Colors                red        green         blue       violet
"attribute 1"           2           10            7          3.5
"attribute 2"           1          0.5            3            4
"attribute 3"          37           58           49           72
"attribute 4"        1985         1992         2006         2010
"attribute 5"         0.1          0.5          0.3          0.8
HeaderLines = 2

# Settings for scale and offset adjustments
# axis min max tics axisLabelXoff axisLabelYoff ticLabelXoff ticLabelYoff
$Settings <<EOD
1     0    12  6  0.00 -0.02 -0.05  0.00
2     0     6  6  0.00  0.05  0.00  0.05
3    30    90  6  0.00  0.00  0.05  0.03
4  1980  2016  6  0.00  0.00  0.09 -0.02
5     0   1.2  6  0.00  0.05  0.00 -0.05

# General settings
DataColCount = words($Data[1])-1
AxesCount = |$Data|-HeaderLines
AngleOffset = 90
Max = 1
Direction = -1   # counterclockwise=1, clockwise = -1

# Tic settings
TicCount = 6
TicValue(axis,i) = real(i)*(word($Settings[axis],3)-word($Settings[axis],2)) \
          / word($Settings[axis],4)+word($Settings[axis],2)
TicLabelPosX(axis,i) = PosX(axis,i/TicCount) + word($Settings[axis],7)
TicLabelPosY(axis,i) = PosY(axis,i/TicCount) + word($Settings[axis],8)
TicLen = 0.03
TicdX(axis,i) = 0.5*TicLen*cos(alpha(axis)-90)
TicdY(axis,i) = 0.5*TicLen*sin(alpha(axis)-90)

# Functions
alpha(axis) = (axis-1)*Direction*360.0/AxesCount+AngleOffset
PosX(axis,R) = R*cos(alpha(axis))
PosY(axis,R) = R*sin(alpha(axis))
Scale(axis,value) = real(value-word($Settings[axis],2))/(word($Settings[axis],3)-word($Settings[axis],2))

# Spider settings
set style arrow 1 dt 1 lw 1.0 lc -1 head     # style for axes
set style arrow 2 dt 2 lw 0.5 lc -1 nohead   # style for weblines
set style arrow 3 dt 1 lw 1 lc -1 nohead     # style for axis tics
set samples AxesCount
set isosamples TicCount
set urange[1:AxesCount]
set vrange[1:TicCount]
do for [i=1:DataColCount] {                  # set linetypes/colors
    set linetype i lc rgb word($Data[2],i+1)
set style fill transparent solid 0.2

set xrange[-Max-4*d:Max+4*d]
set yrange[-Max-4*d:Max+4*d]
plot \
    '+' u (0):(0):(PosX($0,Max+d)):(PosY($0,Max+d)) w vec as 1 not, \
    $Data u (PosX($0+1,Max+2*d)+word($Settings[$0+1],5)): \
        (PosY($0+1,Max+2*d)+word($Settings[$0+1],6)):1 every ::HeaderLines w labels center enhanced not, \
    '++' u (PosX($1,$2/TicCount)):(PosY($1,$2/TicCount)): \
        (PosX($1+1,$2/TicCount)-PosX($1,$2/TicCount)):  \
        (PosY($1+1,$2/TicCount)-PosY($1,$2/TicCount)) w vec as 2 not, \
    '++' u (PosX($1,$2/TicCount)-TicdX($1,$2/TicCount)): \
        (PosY($1,$2/TicCount)-TicdY($1,$2/TicCount)): \
        (2*TicdX($1,$2/TicCount)):(2*TicdY($1,$2/TicCount)) \
        w vec as 3 not, \
    for [i=1:DataColCount] $Data u (PosX($0+1,Scale($0+1,column(i+1)))): \
        (PosY($0+1,Scale($0+1,column(i+1)))) every ::HeaderLines w filledcurves lt i title word($Data[1],i+1), \
    '++' u (TicLabelPosX($1,$2)):(TicLabelPosY($1,$2)): \
        (sprintf("%g",TicValue($1,$2))) w labels font ",8" not
### end of code

$Data谢谢@george的回答!非常感谢。plot命令的using字段中的逻辑功能极大地帮助了我解决了这个问题。检查这一项[,调整星号等要容易得多。必须提到的是,gnuplot 5.4以较短的方式提供了蜘蛛图:
set nokey
set polar
set angles degrees
npoints = 5
a1 = 360/npoints*1
a2= 360/npoints*2
a3= 360/npoints*3
a4= 360/npoints*4
a5= 360/npoints*5
set grid polar 360.
set size square
set style data lines
unset border
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 1*cos(a1) , 1*sin(a1)
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 1*cos(a2) , 1*sin(a2)
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 1*cos(a3) , 1*sin(a3)
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 1*cos(a4) , 1*sin(a4)
set arrow nohead from 0,0 to first 1*cos(a5) , 1*sin(a5)
a1_max = 10
a2_max = 5
a3_max = 100
a4_max = 2020
a5_max = 1
a1_min = 0
a2_min = 0
a3_min = 50
a4_min = 1980
a5_min = 0
set label "(0:10)" at cos(a1),sin(a1) center offset char 1,1
set label "(0:5)" at cos(a2),sin(a2) center offset char -1,1
set label "(50:100)" at cos(a3),sin(a3) center offset char -1,-1
set label "(1980:2020)" at cos(a4),sin(a4) center offset char 0,-1
set label "(0:1)" at cos(a5),sin(a5) center offset char 3,0
set xrange [-1:1]
set yrange [-1:1]
unset xtics
unset ytics
set rrange [0:1]
set rtics (""0,""0.25,""0.5,""0.75,""1)

plot '-' using ($1==1?a1:($1==2?a2:($1==3?a3:($1==4?a4:($1==5?a5:$1))))):($1==1?(($2-a1_min)/(a1_max-a1_min)):($1==2?(($2-a2_min)/(a2_max-a2_min)):($1==3?(($2-a3_min)/(a3_max-a3_min)):($1==4?(($2-a4_min)/(a4_max-a4_min)):($1==5?(($2-a5_min)/(a5_max-a5_min)):$1))))) w l
1 8
2 3
3 67
4 2000
5 0.2
1 8

plot '-' using ($1==1?a1:($1==2?a2:($1==3?a3:($1==4?a4:($1==5?a5:$1))))):($1==1?(($2-a1_min)/(a1_max-a1_min)):($1==2?(($2-a2_min)/(a2_max-a2_min)):($1==3?(($2-a3_min)/(a3_max-a3_min)):($1==4?(($2-a4_min)/(a4_max-a4_min)):($1==5?(($2-a5_min)/(a5_max-a5_min)):$1))))) w l
1 6
2 1.5
3 85
4 2010
5 0.5
1 6
### spider plot/chart with gnuplot 
# also known as: radar chart, web chart, star chart, cobweb chart, 
#                radar plot,  web plot,  star plot,  cobweb plot,  etc. ...
reset session
set size square
unset tics
set angles degree
set key top left

# Data
$Data <<EOD
SpiderData     "Product A"  "Product B"  "Product C"  "Product D"
Colors                red        green         blue       violet
"attribute 1"           2           10            7          3.5
"attribute 2"           1          0.5            3            4
"attribute 3"          37           58           49           72
"attribute 4"        1985         1992         2006         2010
"attribute 5"         0.1          0.5          0.3          0.8
HeaderLines = 2

# Settings for scale and offset adjustments
# axis min max tics axisLabelXoff axisLabelYoff ticLabelXoff ticLabelYoff
$Settings <<EOD
1     0    12  6  0.00 -0.02 -0.05  0.00
2     0     6  6  0.00  0.05  0.00  0.05
3    30    90  6  0.00  0.00  0.05  0.03
4  1980  2016  6  0.00  0.00  0.09 -0.02
5     0   1.2  6  0.00  0.05  0.00 -0.05

# General settings
DataColCount = words($Data[1])-1
AxesCount = |$Data|-HeaderLines
AngleOffset = 90
Max = 1
Direction = -1   # counterclockwise=1, clockwise = -1

# Tic settings
TicCount = 6
TicValue(axis,i) = real(i)*(word($Settings[axis],3)-word($Settings[axis],2)) \
          / word($Settings[axis],4)+word($Settings[axis],2)
TicLabelPosX(axis,i) = PosX(axis,i/TicCount) + word($Settings[axis],7)
TicLabelPosY(axis,i) = PosY(axis,i/TicCount) + word($Settings[axis],8)
TicLen = 0.03
TicdX(axis,i) = 0.5*TicLen*cos(alpha(axis)-90)
TicdY(axis,i) = 0.5*TicLen*sin(alpha(axis)-90)

# Functions
alpha(axis) = (axis-1)*Direction*360.0/AxesCount+AngleOffset
PosX(axis,R) = R*cos(alpha(axis))
PosY(axis,R) = R*sin(alpha(axis))
Scale(axis,value) = real(value-word($Settings[axis],2))/(word($Settings[axis],3)-word($Settings[axis],2))

# Spider settings
set style arrow 1 dt 1 lw 1.0 lc -1 head     # style for axes
set style arrow 2 dt 2 lw 0.5 lc -1 nohead   # style for weblines
set style arrow 3 dt 1 lw 1 lc -1 nohead     # style for axis tics
set samples AxesCount
set isosamples TicCount
set urange[1:AxesCount]
set vrange[1:TicCount]
do for [i=1:DataColCount] {                  # set linetypes/colors
    set linetype i lc rgb word($Data[2],i+1)
set style fill transparent solid 0.2

set xrange[-Max-4*d:Max+4*d]
set yrange[-Max-4*d:Max+4*d]
plot \
    '+' u (0):(0):(PosX($0,Max+d)):(PosY($0,Max+d)) w vec as 1 not, \
    $Data u (PosX($0+1,Max+2*d)+word($Settings[$0+1],5)): \
        (PosY($0+1,Max+2*d)+word($Settings[$0+1],6)):1 every ::HeaderLines w labels center enhanced not, \
    '++' u (PosX($1,$2/TicCount)):(PosY($1,$2/TicCount)): \
        (PosX($1+1,$2/TicCount)-PosX($1,$2/TicCount)):  \
        (PosY($1+1,$2/TicCount)-PosY($1,$2/TicCount)) w vec as 2 not, \
    '++' u (PosX($1,$2/TicCount)-TicdX($1,$2/TicCount)): \
        (PosY($1,$2/TicCount)-TicdY($1,$2/TicCount)): \
        (2*TicdX($1,$2/TicCount)):(2*TicdY($1,$2/TicCount)) \
        w vec as 3 not, \
    for [i=1:DataColCount] $Data u (PosX($0+1,Scale($0+1,column(i+1)))): \
        (PosY($0+1,Scale($0+1,column(i+1)))) every ::HeaderLines w filledcurves lt i title word($Data[1],i+1), \
    '++' u (TicLabelPosX($1,$2)):(TicLabelPosY($1,$2)): \
        (sprintf("%g",TicValue($1,$2))) w labels font ",8" not
### end of code