Php [function.file get contents]发生了非常奇怪的事情:无法打开流:中没有这样的文件或目录

Php [function.file get contents]发生了非常奇怪的事情:无法打开流:中没有这样的文件或目录,php,file-get-contents,Php,File Get Contents,在这个非常奇怪的错误上,每一个帮助都将是巨大的 我在目录的文件中循环,以检测它们的MIME类型。除一个错误外,所有这些错误都会引发以下错误: Warning: file_get_contents(3g.jpg) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/V10/getfiles.php on line 46 Warn



Warning: file_get_contents(3g.jpg) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/V10/getfiles.php on line 46

Warning: file_get_contents(4g.jpg) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/V10/getfiles.php on line 46
有一个文件“1g.jpg”可以正常工作!我重新命名了它们,不是内容,而是文件名,或者,我想,是事实,它是第一个。 我还检查了文件权限,但因为重命名可以做到这一点,当然这也不是一个解释

这是完整的代码 (在另一个目录中也可以正常工作):




$images   = array();
$dirName  = dirname(__FILE__) . '/images';   // substitute with your directory
$handle   = new DirectoryIterator($dirName);
$fileInfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);        // move "new finfo" outside of the loop;
                                             // you only need to instantiate it once
foreach ($handle as $fi) {

    // ignore the '.', '..' and other directories
    if ($fi->isFile()) {                    

        // remember to add $dirName here, as filename will only contain 
        // the name of the file, not the actual path
        $path     = $dirName . '/' . $fi->getFilename();

        $mimeType = $fileInfo->buffer(file_get_contents($path)); 

        if (strpos($mimeType, 'image') === 0) { // you don't need a regex here, 
                                                // strpos should be enough.
            $images[] = $path;



$images   = array();
$dirName  = dirname(__FILE__) . '/images';   // substitute with your directory
$handle   = new DirectoryIterator($dirName);
$fileInfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);        // move "new finfo" outside of the loop;
                                             // you only need to instantiate it once
foreach ($handle as $fi) {

    // ignore the '.', '..' and other directories
    if ($fi->isFile()) {                    

        // remember to add $dirName here, as filename will only contain 
        // the name of the file, not the actual path
        $path     = $dirName . '/' . $fi->getFilename();

        $mimeType = $fileInfo->buffer(file_get_contents($path)); 

        if (strpos($mimeType, 'image') === 0) { // you don't need a regex here, 
                                                // strpos should be enough.
            $images[] = $path;
