Algorithm 深度优先搜索(DFS)与广度优先搜索(BFS)伪码和复杂性

Algorithm 深度优先搜索(DFS)与广度优先搜索(BFS)伪码和复杂性,algorithm,time-complexity,depth-first-search,breadth-first-search,pseudocode,Algorithm,Time Complexity,Depth First Search,Breadth First Search,Pseudocode,我必须为一个算法开发伪代码,该算法计算连接的数据的数量 图G=(V,E)中给定顶点V和边E的分量 我知道我可以使用深度优先搜索或广度优先搜索来计算连接组件的数量 然而,我想使用最有效的算法来解决这个问题,但我不确定每个算法的复杂性 下面是以伪代码形式编写DFS的尝试 function DFS((V,E)) mark each node in V with 0 count ← 0 for each vertex in V do if vertex

我必须为一个算法开发伪代码,该算法计算连接的数据的数量 图G=(V,E)中给定顶点V和边E的分量




function DFS((V,E))
     mark each node in V with 0
     count ← 0
     for each vertex in V do
          if vertex is marked then

function DFSExplore(vertex)
     count ← count + 1
     mark vertex with count
     for each edge (vertex, neighbour) do
          if neighbour is marked with 0 then
function BFS((V, E))
     mark each node in V with 0
     count ← 0, init(queue)     #create empty queue 
     for each vertex in V do
          if vertex is marked 0 then
               count ← count + 1
               mark vertex with count
               inject(queue, vertex)             #queue containing just vertex
               while queue is non-empty do
                    u ← eject(queue)                          #dequeues u
                    for each edge (u, w) adjacent to u do
                         if w is marked with 0 then
                              count ← count + 1
                              mark w with count
                              inject(queue, w)     #enqueues w

function DFS((V,E))
     mark each node in V with 0
     count ← 0
     for each vertex in V do
          if vertex is marked then

function DFSExplore(vertex)
     count ← count + 1
     mark vertex with count
     for each edge (vertex, neighbour) do
          if neighbour is marked with 0 then
function BFS((V, E))
     mark each node in V with 0
     count ← 0, init(queue)     #create empty queue 
     for each vertex in V do
          if vertex is marked 0 then
               count ← count + 1
               mark vertex with count
               inject(queue, vertex)             #queue containing just vertex
               while queue is non-empty do
                    u ← eject(queue)                          #dequeues u
                    for each edge (u, w) adjacent to u do
                         if w is marked with 0 then
                              count ← count + 1
                              mark w with count
                              inject(queue, w)     #enqueues w




图像礼貌-Narasimha Karumachi简化了DSA

。在BFS代码中,与u do相邻的每条边(u,w)都有