
Java方法中的抽象方法工作不正常,java,abstract-class,abstract,Java,Abstract Class,Abstract,在以下问题上,我无法显示我的复利和贷款。我必须有一个抽象的超类和两个方法,一个集合和一个获取存储原理量的方法,一个抽象集合和一个获取存储速率和年数的方法。当我运行这个项目时,我不知道我做错了什么,不管我做什么,复合物和贷款都保持在0.0。请帮忙!!谢谢哦,我还必须创建对象的引用,我知道怎么做。注:我最初有公共双年费和公共双年费,但由于它不起作用,我创建了第2年费率2等 public static void main(String[] args) { //Instance of S


public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Instance of Scanner
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;

        Guarantee guara = new Guarantee();
        CompoundInterest compI = new CompoundInterest();
        Loan borrow = new Loan();

        System.out.println("Please enter the principle amount: ");
        double principleAmount = input.nextDouble();

        System.out.println("Please enter the rate ");
        double rate = input.nextDouble();
        System.out.println("Please enter the years : ");
        double years = input.nextDouble();

        Funds ref = guara;
        ref.setData(rate, years);
        System.out.printf("With a principle amount of $%.2f , an interest rate of %.2f, and %.2f years, you would have earned $%.2f\n", principleAmount, rate, years, guara.getData());

        ref = compI;
        ref.setData(rate, years);
        System.out.printf("With a principle amount of $%.2f, an interest rate of %.2f, and %.2f, you would have a compound interest of $%.2f\n", principleAmount, rate, years, ref.getData());


    }//End main

}//End class

//Super class
abstract class Funds{
    //Instance variables
    public double principleAmount;
    public double rate;
    public double years;
    public double rate2;
    public double rate3;
    public double year2;
    public double year3;
    public void setPrincipleAmount(double principleAmount){
        this.principleAmount = principleAmount;
    }//End setPrincipleAmount

    public double getPrincipleAmount(){
        return principleAmount;
    }//End getPrincipleAmount

    public abstract void setData(double rate, double years);
    public abstract  double getData();

}//End abstract class Funds

class Guarantee extends Funds{

    public void setData(double rate, double years) {
        this.rate = rate;
        this.years = years;


    public double getData() {
        return (principleAmount * rate * years);


}//End sub class Guarantee

class CompoundInterest extends Funds{

    public void setData(double rate, double years) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        this.rate = rate2;
        this.years = year2;


    public double getData() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return (principleAmount * Math.pow(1 + rate2, year2));

}//End sub class CompundInterest

class Loan extends Funds{

    public void setData(double rate, double years) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        this.rate = rate3;
        this.years = year3;

    public double getData() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return (principleAmount * rate3 * year3) + principleAmount;

public void setData(double rate, double years) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    this.rate2 = rate;
    this.years2 = year;



看起来您还没有弄清楚作业。在x=y中;,变量x获取变量y的值。所以你所有的作业都是错误的。这个比率=比率3;应为。比率3=比率;,等等,嗨!谢谢你回答我的问题,不过,我会把图像倒转过来。Y=X及其真值,因为X=Y Y必须等于X。我曾经这样尝试过,但它仍然保持在0.0x=y,这不是比较,而是赋值。颠倒它是不明智的。是的,只是确认变量的赋值不会影响任何事情。谢谢你的回答!这段代码中还有很多其他的bug,但这是一开始会给您带来最多问题的bug。首先尝试一个简单得多的问题;对于第一次尝试,您咬得太多了。可以,但我最初的代码让所有类都这样做:this.rate=rate;这个年=年。我知道在上面,它一定是这个。rate2=rate;这个。比率3=比率;对的还是我遗漏了什么?但仍然有所有这些变量,我已经翻转,放回,销毁,重新创建,制造了更多,但我的化合物和贷款保持在0.0
public void setData(double rate, double years) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    this.rate2 = rate;
    this.years2 = year;
