Javascript 运行时错误和时间复杂性问题:最小化值|(A[0]+…+A[P-1])-(A[P]+…+A[N-1])|

Javascript 运行时错误和时间复杂性问题:最小化值|(A[0]+…+A[P-1])-(A[P]+…+A[N-1])|,javascript,big-o,time-complexity,array-algorithms,Javascript,Big O,Time Complexity,Array Algorithms,我最近解决了一个编码问题。我想出了以下问题的解决办法 给出了一个由N个整数组成的非空零索引数组。数组A表示磁带上的数字。 任何整数P,使得0


给出了一个由N个整数组成的非空零索引数组。数组A表示磁带上的数字。 任何整数P,使得0 以下是我从测试解决方案中获得的反馈:

正确性: 小范围序列,长度=~1000 1.900 s运行时错误 测试程序意外终止 性能: 检测到的时间复杂度:开*N


1如何修复运行时错误? 2.对于同一个问题,如何构建算法?有什么建议吗


    function solution(A){
        var len = A.length;
        var diff = [];  // Array to store the differences
        var sumLeft = 0;    // Sum of array elements from index 0 to index p - 1
        var sumRight = 0;   // Sum of array elements from index p to index n - 1
        for(var p = 1; p < len; p++){
            sumLeft = 0;
            sumRight = 0;
            // Calculate sumLeft:
            for(var i = 0; i < p; i++){
                sumLeft += A[i];
            // Calculate sumRight:
            for(var j = p; j < len; j++){
                sumRight += A[j];
            // Calculate differences, compute absolute values, and push into diff array:
            diff.push(Math.abs(sumLeft - sumRight));
        // Return the minimum of diff array by sorting it and returning the first element:
        return bubbleSort(diff)[0];

    function bubbleSort(array){
        var len = array.length;
        for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
            for(var j = i + 1; j < len; j++){
                if(array[i] > array[j]){
                    var temp = array[i];
                    array[i] = array[j];
                    array[j] = temp;
        return array;


从rightSum中删除数组[p];和 将数组[p]添加到leftSum。 这两个都是O1。如果你做了n-1次,你的复杂性仍然很低




 Array indices -> A [0, 1, 2, 3, ....,p ,p+1, ....n-1] for a size n array

 At any point A[p] would act as a pivot as it breaks the array into two.
 For p = 1, You just take the first element i.e A[0] and the right part of the sum is
 A[1] + A[2] + .... A[n-1]

 Let S1 = A[0] and S2 = A[1] + A[2] + .... A[n-1] for p = 1
 The pivot or the break point here is A[p] i.e A[1]

 Calculate the absolute difference |S1- S2| and store it in a variable min-diff

 For p = 2, 

 S1 will simply be S1 + A[1] i.e the previous value of S1 including the last pivot 

 S2 = S2 - A[1], as we have moved on to the next element. 
 The sum of the remaining elements would not account the element we just crossed.


S1 = S1 + A[p-1] and S2 = S2 - A[p-1]

Calculate the new difference i.e |S1 - S2| and just check 
if it is smaller than the value of our variable min-diff. 
If it is, update the value of min-diff with the present difference, 
otherwise move on to the next element.

At any value of p, S1 represents sum of left half, 
S2 represents sum of right half and 
min-diff represents the minium absolute difference till now.
该算法的复杂度 时间复杂性

我们计算元素之和的唯一时间是第一次 当我们计算A[1]+…A[n-1]时。在那之后,我们只需穿过 数组的元素一个接一个

所以我们在max处遍历数组的元素两次。所以时间 复杂性显然在上升


我们始终使用三个额外变量,即S1、S2和min diff 此算法用于累加和和存储最小绝对值 随着p和n元素值的不同 数组





import java.math.*;

class Solution {

  public int solution(int[] A) {

    long sumright = 0;
    long sumleft = 0;
    long ans;

    for (int i =1;i<A.length;i++)
      sumright += A[i];

    sumleft = A[0];
    ans =Math.abs(sumright+sumleft);

    for (int P=1; P<A.length; P++)
      if (Math.abs(sumleft - sumright)<ans)
        ans = Math.abs(sumleft - sumright);
      sumleft += A[P];
      sumright -=A[P];
  return (int) ans;



function solution(A) {
    var sum_right = 0;

    for (int of A.slice(1)) {
        sum_right += int;

    var sum_left = A[0];
    var diff_of_sums = sum_left - sum_right;
    var lowest_diff = Math.abs(diff_of_sums);
    var diff_new;
    // we assume the length is at least 2
    if (A.length == 2) {
        return lowest_diff;
    for (var int of A.slice(1)) {
        diff_new = Math.abs(sum_left - sum_right);
        if (diff_new < lowest_diff) {
            lowest_diff = diff_new;
        sum_left += int;
        sum_right -= int;
    return lowest_diff;

// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// console.log('this is a debug message');

function solution(A) {
    var sum_right = 0;

    for (int of A.slice(1)) {
        sum_right += int;

    var sum_left = A[0];
    var diff_of_sums = sum_left - sum_right;
    // var total = Math.abs(sum_left + sum_right);
    var lowest_diff = Math.abs(diff_of_sums);
    var diff_new;
    // we assume the length is at least 2
    if (A.length == 2) {
        return lowest_diff;
    // console.log("lowest_diff initially:", lowest_diff)
    // var diff_of_sums_new = diff_of_sums;
    // console.log("diff_of_sums initially:", diff_of_sums)
    // console.log("A.slice(1):", A.slice(1))
    for (var int of A.slice(1)) {
        // console.log("lowest_diff", lowest_diff)
        diff_new = Math.abs(sum_left - sum_right);
        if (diff_new < lowest_diff) {
            lowest_diff = diff_new;
        sum_left += int;
        sum_right -= int;
    //           if (Math.abs(sumleft - sumright)<ans)
    //   {
    //     ans = Math.abs(sumleft - sumright);
    //   }
    //   sumleft += A[P];
    //   sumright -=A[P];
    //     // console.log("int === -1:", int === -1);
    //     // diff_of_sums = diff_of_sums_new;
    //     console.log("lowest_diff =", lowest_diff);
    //     // console.log("A[index + 1] =", A[parseInt(index) + 1]);
    //     // console.log("parseInt(index) === 1", parseInt(index) === 1)
    //     diff_of_sums = Math.abs(lowest_diff - 2 * Math.abs(int));
    //     // console.log("diff_of_sums =", diff_of_sums);
    //     // console.log("diff_of_sums = Math.abs(diff_of_sums - 2 * A[index + 1]) = ", diff_of_sums_new);
    //     if (diff_of_sums < lowest_diff) {
    //         lowest_diff = diff_of_sums;
    //         // console.log("lowest_diff = diff_of_sums =", diff_of_sums_new)
    //     } else {
    //         return lowest_diff;
    //     }
    // }
    // console.log("lowest_diff before returning", lowest_diff);
    return lowest_diff;
// Note that it's better to use test cases in Codility for this, but I've left here to show some.
// console.log("solution([-1000, 1000])", solution([-1000, 1000]));
// console.log("solution([2, 7, 20, 30, 1])", solution([2, 7, 20, 30, 1])); // sum 60, smallest diff = |29 - 31| = 2
// console.log("solution([-2, -7, -20, -30, -1])", solution([-2, -7, -20, -30, -1])); // sum -60, smallest diff = 2
// console.log("solution([-1, -1]):", solution([-1, -1]));
// console.log("solution([-2, -1]):", solution([-2, -1]));
// console.log("solution([-2, -1, -3]):", solution([-2, -1, -3]));
// console.log("solution([]):", solution([]))

function solution(A) {
    // const sum = A.reduce((partial_sum, a) => partial_sum + a); 
    // console.log(sum);
    var size = A.length;
    if (size % 2 == 0) {
        mid = size/2;
    } else {
        mid = Math.floor(size/2);
    console.log("mid initially", mid);
    var sum1 = A.slice(0, mid).reduce((partial_sum, a) => partial_sum + a);
    // console.log("sum1:",sum1);
    var sum2 = A.slice(mid).reduce((partial_sum, a) => partial_sum + a);
    // console.log("sum2:", sum2);
    var sum_diff = sum1 - sum2;
    // console.log("sum_diff:", sum_diff);
    if (sum_diff === 0) {
        return sum_diff;
    // sum_diff = function() {Math.abs(sum2 - sum1)};
    // sum_diff = sum_diff();
    var lowest_diff = Math.abs(sum_diff);
    var diff_negative = (sum_diff < 0);
    console.log("diff_negative initially:", diff_negative)
    var crossed_over = false;
    var sum_diff_new;
    while (diff_negative) {
        if (mid === size) {
            return lowest_diff;
        // var sum1_new = sum1 + A[mid];
        // var sum2_new = sum2 - A[mid];
        // sum_diff_new = sum1_new - sum2_new = sum1 - sum2 + 2*A[mid] = sum_diff - 2*A[mid];
        sum_diff_new = sum_diff - 2*A[mid];
        diff_negative = (sum_diff_new < 0);
        if (diff_negative = false) {
            crossed_over = true;
            if (lowest_diff <= sum_diff_new) {
                return lowest_diff;
            } else {
                return sum_diff_new;

    while(!diff_negative) {
        if (mid === -1) {
            return lowest_diff;
        // var sum1_new = sum1 - A[mid];
        // var sum2_new = sum2 + A[mid];
        // sum_diff_new = sum1_new - sum2_new = sum1 - sum2 - 2*A[mid] = sum_diff - 2*A[mid];
        console.log("sum_diff:", sum_diff);
        sum_diff_new = sum_diff + 2*A[mid];
        console.log("sum_diff_new:", sum_diff_new);
        diff_negative = (sum_diff_new < 0);
        if (diff_negative = true) {
            crossed_over = true;
            var sum_diff_new_pos = Math.abs(sum_diff_new);
            if (lowest_diff <= sum_diff_new_pos) {
                return lowest_diff;
            } else {
                return sum_diff_new_pos;

// Issues: doesn't work e.g. with  [-2, -1, -3] and [-2, -7, -20, -30, -1]
