Math RSA私钥和公钥

Math RSA私钥和公钥,math,rsa,Math,Rsa,对于如何解决这个问题,我几乎没有什么疑问: Xavier and Yvonne are in love. They both set up their own RSA keys: Xavier’s public key is (eX , nX ) = (887, 15833), and Yvonne’s public key is (eY , nY ) = (977, 13019). For each of the following, do not factor nX nor n


Xavier and Yvonne are in love. They both set up their own RSA keys: 
Xavier’s public key     is (eX , nX ) = (887, 15833), and Yvonne’s public key 
is (eY , nY ) = (977, 13019). For each of the following, do not factor nX nor 
nY , show the set up of the calculations and the results. You should use a 
computer to perform the calculations.

(a) Yvonne wants to send Xavier a private message of love, which is
    M = 3141. What is the ciphertext that Yvonne needs to send to Xavier?

(b) In return, Yvonne received three mysterious messages: C1 = 10889, 
    C2 = 2622, C3 = 4061. All three senders claim to be Xavier, and all 
    claim to have sent the message Ci ≡ MdX (mod nX) where M = 3141 and dX 
    is Xavier’s private key. However, only Xavier himself knows the actual 
    value of dX , and the other two are imposters trying to steal Yvonne away 
    from him. Help Yvonne determine which message is actually from Xavier, 
    and explain why your method works.


信息:M=3141 密文:C=MeX mod nX C=3141887模块15833 C=2054 b) 这本质上是对使用Xavier私钥签名的消息的签名验证,这需要使用签名者的公钥。当使用Xavier的公钥解密时,有必要找出三条消息中的哪一条会导致发送的消息(3141):

密文1:C1=10889 消息1:M1=C1eX模块nX M1=10889887模块15833 M1=6555(不匹配) 密文2:C2=2622 消息2:M2=C2eX模块nX M2=2622887 mod 15833 M2=1466(不匹配) 密文3:C3=2622 消息3:M3=C3eX模块nX M3=4061887模块15833 M3=3141(匹配!) 当使用Xavier的公钥解密时,只有C3与消息匹配,因此是唯一可信的消息


你能给我们展示一下你的尝试吗?这不是建设性的,人们不应该只是在没有解释的情况下发布他们的家庭作业。 Message: M = 3141 Ciphertext: C = MeX mod nX C = 3141887 mod 15833 C = 2054 Ciphertext 1: C1 = 10889 Message 1: M1 = C1eX mod nX M1 = 10889887 mod 15833 M1 = 6555 (mismatch) Ciphertext 2: C2 = 2622 Message 2: M2 = C2eX mod nX M2 = 2622887 mod 15833 M2 = 1466 (mismatch) Ciphertext 3: C3 = 2622 Message 3: M3 = C3eX mod nX M3 = 4061887 mod 15833 M3 = 3141 (match!)