Php 使用会话

Php 使用会话,php,Php,我的应用程序通过服务器使用信息。我有一行代码在运行时连接到我的数据库,称为“stream”。它的主要功能是从名为photos的数据库表中检索用户设备令牌 $result = query("INSERT INTO login(username, pass, device_token) VALUES('%s','%s','%s')", $user, $pass, $token); 这对我的应用程序来说是非常有价值的信息。有人能帮我将上面语句中的$token值存储到会话中,以便在这个方法中使用它吗


$result = query("INSERT INTO login(username, pass, device_token) VALUES('%s','%s','%s')", $user, $pass, $token);

function handleMessage()
    $userId = $this->getUserId();
    /*$text = $this->getString('text', self::MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, true);*/

    // First, we get the record for the sender of the message from the
    // active_users table. That gives us the nickname, device token, and
    // secret code for that user.

    $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM active_users WHERE user_Id = ? LIMIT 1');
    $user = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

    if ($user !== false)
        // Put the sender's name and the message text into the JSON payload
        // for the push notification.
        $payload = $this->makePayload($user->nickname/*, $text*/);

        // Find the device tokens for all other users who are registered
        // for this secret code. We exclude the device token of the sender
        // of the message, so he will not get a push notification. We also
        // exclude users who have not submitted a valid device token yet.

        $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT device_token FROM active_users WHERE secret_code = ? AND device_token <> ? AND device_token <> '0'");
        $stmt->execute(array($user->secret_code, $user->device_token));
        $tokens = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

        // Send out a push notification to each of these devices.
        foreach ($tokens as $token)
            $this->addPushNotification($token, $payload);

