Coq 依赖模式匹配要求使用通配符而不是正确的类型

Coq 依赖模式匹配要求使用通配符而不是正确的类型,coq,Coq,注意:此代码与中的代码类似(但不完全相同)。当代码处理相等的问题时,它尝试在这个小语言中扩展加法以包括对 Inductive type : Set := | Nat | Bool | Pair : type -> type -> type. Inductive numeric: type -> Set := | NNat: numeric Nat | MPair: forall a1 a2, numeric a1 -> numeric a2 -> numeric


Inductive type : Set :=
| Nat
| Bool
| Pair : type -> type -> type.

Inductive numeric: type -> Set :=
| NNat: numeric Nat
| MPair: forall a1 a2, numeric a1 -> numeric a2 -> numeric (Pair a1 a2).

Inductive tbinop : type -> type -> type -> Set :=
| TPlus : forall t, numeric t -> tbinop t t t
| TTimes : forall t, numeric t -> tbinop t t t
| TEq : forall t, tbinop t t Bool
| TLt : tbinop Nat Nat Bool
| TPair : forall in1 in2, tbinop in1 in2 (Pair in1 in2).

Inductive texp : type -> Set :=
| TNConst : nat -> texp Nat
| TBConst : bool -> texp Bool
| TBinop : forall t1 t2 t, tbinop t1 t2 t -> texp t1 -> texp t2 -> texp t.

Fixpoint typeDenote (t : type) : Set :=
  match t with
    | Nat => nat
    | Bool => bool
    | Pair l r => prod (typeDenote l) (typeDenote r)

Fixpoint typeDepth (t: type): nat :=
  match t with
  | Nat => 1
  | Bool => 1
  | Pair A B => 1 + Nat.max (typeDepth A) (typeDepth B)

Program Fixpoint tbinopDepth arg1 arg2 res (b: tbinop arg1 arg2 res)
{measure (Nat.max (typeDepth arg1) (typeDepth arg2))}
  : nat :=
match b with
| TPlus _ => 1
| TTimes _ => 1
| TEq Nat => 1
| TEq Bool => 1
| TEq (Pair A B) => tbinopDepth (TPair A B)
| TLt => 1
| TPair A B => 1 + Nat.max (typeDepth A) (typeDepth B)
Next Obligation.
rewrite Nat.max_idempotent.

Eval compute in tbinopDepth (TEq (Pair Nat Nat)). (* 2 *)
Eval compute in tbinopDepth (TEq Nat). (* 1 *)

Program Fixpoint tbinopDenote arg1 arg2 res (b : tbinop arg1 arg2 res)
  {measure (tbinopDepth b)} : typeDenote arg1 -> typeDenote arg2 -> typeDenote res :=
  match b with
    | TPlus MNat => fun (a:typeDenote Nat) (b:typeDenote Nat) => plus a b : typeDenote Nat
    | TPlus (MPair A B) => fun (a:typeDenote (Pair A B)) (b:typeDenote (Pair A B)) =>
        match a, b with
        | (x1, x2), (y1, y2) => (x1 + y1, x2 + y2)
        end : typeDenote (Pair A B)
    | TEq Nat => beq_nat
    | TEq Bool => eqb
    | TEq (Pair A B) => fun (a:typeDenote (Pair A B)) (b:typeDenote (Pair A B)) =>
        false (* obviously extremely wrong, doing this to unlock pending *)
        (*match a, b with
        | (x1, x2), (y1, y2) => eqb (tbinopDenote (TEq A) x1 y1) (tbinopDenote (TEq B) x2 y2)
        end : typeDenote Bool*)
    | TLt => leb
    | TPair _ _ => fun a b => (a,b)

Found type "typeDenote Nat" where "typeDenote wildcard'" was expected.
typeindicate Nat
TPlus MNat


| TPlus Nat => fun (a:typeDenote Nat) (b:typeDenote Nat) => plus a b : typeDenote Nat


Program Fixpoint tbinopDenote arg1 arg2 res (b : tbinop arg1 arg2 res)
  {measure (tbinopDepth b)} : typeDenote arg1 -> typeDenote arg2 -> typeDenote res :=
  match b in tbinop arg1 arg2 res return (typeDenote arg1 -> typeDenote arg2 -> typeDenote res) with
    | @TPlus Nat MNat => fun (a:typeDenote Nat) (b:typeDenote Nat) => plus a b : typeDenote Nat
    | @TPlus (Pair A B) (MPair A' B') => fun (a:typeDenote (Pair A B)) (b:typeDenote (Pair A B)) =>
        match a, b with
        | (x1, x2), (y1, y2) => (tbinopDenote (@TPlus A A') x1 y1, tbinopDenote (@TPlus B B') x2 y2)
        end : typeDenote (Pair A B)
    | @TPlus _ _ => !
    | TEq Nat => beq_nat
    | TEq Bool => eqb
    | TEq (Pair A B) => fun (a:typeDenote (Pair A B)) (b:typeDenote (Pair A B)) =>
        false (* obviously extremely wrong, doing this to unlock pending *)
        (*match a, b with
        | (x1, x2), (y1, y2) => eqb (tbinopDenote (TEq A) x1 y1) (tbinopDenote (TEq B) x2 y2)
        end : typeDenote Bool*)
    | TLt => leb
    | TPair _ _ => fun a b => (a,b)

The term "x1" has type
 "(fix typeDenote (t : type) : Set :=
     match t with
     | Nat => nat
     | Bool => bool
     | Pair l r => (typeDenote l * typeDenote r)%type
     end) A" while it is expected to have type
    (TPlus (eq_rect t0 (fun H : type => numeric H) A' A ?e@{b0:=b; b:=b0})) <
  tbinopDepth b".



Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive type : Type :=
| Nat
| Bool
| Pair : type -> type -> type.

Inductive numeric: type -> Set :=
| NNat: numeric Nat
| MPair: forall a1 a2, numeric a1 -> numeric a2 -> numeric (Pair a1 a2).

Inductive tbinop : type -> type -> type -> Set :=
| TPlus : forall t, numeric t -> tbinop t t t
| TTimes : tbinop Nat Nat Nat
| TEq : forall t, tbinop t t Bool
| TLt : tbinop Nat Nat Bool
| TPair : forall in1 in2, tbinop in1 in2 (Pair in1 in2).

Inductive texp : type -> Set :=
| TNConst : nat -> texp Nat
| TBConst : bool -> texp Bool
| TBinop : forall t1 t2 t, tbinop t1 t2 t -> texp t1 -> texp t2 -> texp t.

Fixpoint typeDenote (t : type) : Type :=
  match t with
    | Nat => nat
    | Bool => bool
    | Pair l r => prod (typeDenote l) (typeDenote r)

Fixpoint typeDepth (t: type): nat :=
  match t with
  | Nat => 1
  | Bool => 1
  | Pair A B => 1 + Nat.max (typeDepth A) (typeDepth B)

Fixpoint add t (n : numeric t) : typeDenote t -> typeDenote t -> typeDenote t :=
  match n in (numeric t0) return (typeDenote t0 -> typeDenote t0 -> typeDenote t0) with
  | NNat => Nat.add
  | @MPair a1 a2 n0 n1 => fun '(x1, y1) '(x2, y2) => (add n0 x1 x2, add n1 y1 y2)

Fixpoint eqb arg : typeDenote arg -> typeDenote arg -> bool :=
  match arg return typeDenote arg -> typeDenote arg -> bool with
  | Nat => Nat.eqb
  | Bool => Bool.eqb
  | Pair A B => fun '(x1, y1) '(x2, y2) => andb (eqb _ x1 x2) (eqb _ y1 y2)

Fixpoint tbinopDenote arg1 arg2 res (b : tbinop arg1 arg2 res) {struct arg1}
    : typeDenote arg1 -> typeDenote arg2 -> typeDenote res :=
  match b in tbinop arg1 arg2 res return typeDenote arg1 -> typeDenote arg2 -> typeDenote res with
  | TPlus n => add n
  | TTimes => Nat.mul
  | TEq arg => eqb arg
  | TLt => leb
  | TPair _ _ => fun a b => (a,b)

Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive type : Type :=
| Nat
| Bool
| Pair : type -> type -> type.

Inductive numeric: type -> Set :=
| NNat: numeric Nat
| MPair: forall a1 a2, numeric a1 -> numeric a2 -> numeric (Pair a1 a2).

Inductive tbinop : type -> type -> type -> Set :=
| TPlus : forall t, numeric t -> tbinop t t t
| TTimes : tbinop Nat Nat Nat
| TEq : forall t, tbinop t t Bool
| TLt : tbinop Nat Nat Bool
| TPair : forall in1 in2, tbinop in1 in2 (Pair in1 in2).

Inductive texp : type -> Set :=
| TNConst : nat -> texp Nat
| TBConst : bool -> texp Bool
| TBinop : forall t1 t2 t, tbinop t1 t2 t -> texp t1 -> texp t2 -> texp t.

Fixpoint typeDenote (t : type) : Type :=
  match t with
    | Nat => nat
    | Bool => bool
    | Pair l r => prod (typeDenote l) (typeDenote r)

Fixpoint typeDepth (t: type): nat :=
  match t with
  | Nat => 1
  | Bool => 1
  | Pair A B => 1 + Nat.max (typeDepth A) (typeDepth B)

Fixpoint add t (n : numeric t) : typeDenote t -> typeDenote t -> typeDenote t :=
  match n in (numeric t0) return (typeDenote t0 -> typeDenote t0 -> typeDenote t0) with
  | NNat => Nat.add
  | @MPair a1 a2 n0 n1 => fun '(x1, y1) '(x2, y2) => (add n0 x1 x2, add n1 y1 y2)

Fixpoint eqb arg : typeDenote arg -> typeDenote arg -> bool :=
  match arg return typeDenote arg -> typeDenote arg -> bool with
  | Nat => Nat.eqb
  | Bool => Bool.eqb
  | Pair A B => fun '(x1, y1) '(x2, y2) => andb (eqb _ x1 x2) (eqb _ y1 y2)

Fixpoint tbinopDenote arg1 arg2 res (b : tbinop arg1 arg2 res) {struct arg1}
    : typeDenote arg1 -> typeDenote arg2 -> typeDenote res :=
  match b in tbinop arg1 arg2 res return typeDenote arg1 -> typeDenote arg2 -> typeDenote res with
  | TPlus n => add n
  | TTimes => Nat.mul
  | TEq arg => eqb arg
  | TLt => leb
  | TPair _ _ => fun a b => (a,b)