Math 将10周期曲线折叠为4个周期

Math 将10周期曲线折叠为4个周期,math,vba,interpolation,Math,Vba,Interpolation,我在下面有一个10个周期的成本曲线表。如何以编程方式将其折叠/压缩/收缩为4个句点。我正在使用VBA,但我应该能够学习其他语言。无论你经历了什么阶段,这套程序都应该有效。例如,如果我通过了7,那么应该将百分比压缩为7个周期。如果我通过24,那么将百分比扩展到24个周期,根据原始曲线分布百分比。任何帮助或榜样都将不胜感激。谢谢 ORIGINAL Period Pct 1 10.60% 2 19.00% 3 18.30% 4 14.50% 5


ORIGINAL Period Pct 1 10.60% 2 19.00% 3 18.30% 4 14.50% 5 10.70% 6 8.90% 7 6.50% 8 3.10% 9 3.00% 10 5.40% 起初的 周期Pct 1 10.60% 2 19.00% 3 18.30% 4 14.50% 5 10.70% 6 8.90% 7 6.50% 8 3.10% 9 3.00% 10 5.40% 崩溃 周期Pct 1 38.75% 2 34.35% 3 16.95% 4 9.95% 编辑:我已经在下面添加了一些示例代码。它只适用于时段1、2、3、5、9、10。也许有人可以帮助修改它,使其在任何时期都能工作。免责声明,我不是程序员,所以我的编码很糟糕。另外,我不知道我在做什么

Sub Collapse_Periods() Dim aPct As Variant Dim aPer As Variant aPct = Array(0.106, 0.19, 0.183, 0.145, 0.107, 0.089, 0.065, 0.031, 0.03, 0.054) aPer = Array(1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10) For i = 0 To UBound(aPer) pm = 10 / aPer(i) pct1 = 1 p = 0 ttl = 0 For j = 1 To aPer(i) pct = 0 k = 1 Do While k <= pm pct = pct + aPct(p) * pct1 pct1 = 1 p = p + 1 If k <> pm And k = Int(pm) Then pct1 = (pm - Int(pm)) * j pct = pct + (pct1 * aPct(p)) pct1 = 1 - pct1 End If k = k + 1 Loop Debug.Print aPer(i) & " : " & j & " : " & pct ttl = ttl + pct Next j Debug.Print "Total: " & ttl Next i End Sub 子周期() 作为变体的Dim-aPct 变光纸 aPct=阵列(0.106,0.19,0.183,0.145,0.107,0.089,0.065,0.031,0.03,0.054) aPer=数组(1,2,3,5,9,10) 对于i=0至UBound(纸张) pm=10/人(i) pct1=1 p=0 ttl=0 对于j=1到a(i) pct=0 k=1



Sub CallingProc()
Dim Periods As Long, returnArray() As Variant
Dim X_Values() As Variant, Y_Values() As Variant

Periods = 4
ReDim returnArray(1 To Periods, 1 To 2)

With Sheet1
    X_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("A2:A11"))
    Y_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("B2:B11"))
End With

FGraph X_Values, Y_Values, Periods, returnArray 'pass 1D array of X, 1D array of Y,    Periods, Empty ReturnArray
End Sub

Function FGraph(ByVal x As Variant, ByVal y As Variant, ByVal P As Long, ByRef returnArray As Variant)
Dim i As Long, mConstant As Double, cConstant As Double

'calc cumulative Y and take Ln (Assumes Form of Graph is logarithmic!!)
For i = LBound(y) To UBound(y)
    If i = LBound(y) Then
        y(i) = y(i)
        y(i) = y(i) + y(i - 1)
    End If

    x(i) = Log(x(i))
Next i

'calc line of best fit
With Application.WorksheetFunction
    mConstant = .LinEst(y, x)(1)
    cConstant = .LinEst(y, x)(2)
End With

'redim array to fill for new Periods
ReDim returnArray(1 To P, 1 To 2)

'Calc new periods based on line of best fit
For i = LBound(returnArray, 1) To UBound(returnArray, 1)
    returnArray(i, 1) = UBound(y) / P * i
    If i = LBound(returnArray, 1) Then
        returnArray(i, 2) = (Log(returnArray(i, 1)) * mConstant) + cConstant
        returnArray(i, 2) = ((Log(returnArray(i, 1)) * mConstant) + cConstant) - _
        ((Log(returnArray(i - 1, 1)) * mConstant) + cConstant)
    End If
Next i

'returnArray can be written to range

End Function


Sub CallingProc()
Dim Periods As Long, returnArray() As Variant
Dim X_Values() As Variant, Y_Values() As Variant

Periods = 4
ReDim returnArray(1 To Periods, 1 To 2)

With Sheet1
    X_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("A2:A11"))
    Y_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("B2:B11"))
End With

FGraph X_Values, Y_Values, returnArray 'pass 1D array of X, 1D array of Y, Dimensioned  ReturnArray
End Sub

Function FGraph(ByVal x As Variant, ByVal y As Variant, ByRef returnArray As Variant)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, mConstant As Double, cConstant As Double, Period As Long

Period = UBound(returnArray, 1)

'calc cumulative Y
For i = LBound(y) + 1 To UBound(y)
        y(i) = y(i) + y(i - 1)
Next i

'Calc new periods based on line of best fit
For i = LBound(returnArray, 1) To UBound(returnArray, 1)
    returnArray(i, 1) = UBound(y) / Period * i

        'find position of new period to return adjacent original data points
        For j = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
          If returnArray(i, 1) <= x(j) Then Exit For
        Next j

        'calc linear line of best fit between existing data points
        With Application.WorksheetFunction
            mConstant = .LinEst(Array(y(j), y(j - 1)), Array(x(j), x(j - 1)))(1)
            cConstant = .LinEst(Array(y(j), y(j - 1)), Array(x(j), x(j - 1)))(2)
        End With

        returnArray(i, 2) = (returnArray(i, 1) * mConstant) + cConstant

Next i

'returnarray holds cumulative % so calc period only %
For i = UBound(returnArray, 1) To LBound(returnArray, 1) + 1 Step -1
    returnArray(i, 2) = returnArray(i, 2) - returnArray(i - 1, 2)
Next i

'returnArray now holds your data

End Function
Sub CallingProc()
Dim X_值()作为变量,Y_值()作为变量
ReDim returnArray(1到句点,1到2)
FGraph X_值,Y_值,returnArray'通过X的一维数组,Y的一维数组,标注的returnArray
函数FGraph(ByVal x作为变量,ByVal y作为变量,ByRef returnArray作为变量)


你知道如何积分一个函数吗?不确定你的意思,积分一个函数?我的意思是这看起来又像微积分了。远远超过我的头。仍然不确定您将如何实施它。谢谢…@osknows,谢谢你的努力。我认为你在正确的轨道上;但是,你的4个周期不等于100%,并且它们与我预期的4个百分比不匹配。@Txoov-你是如何计算百分比的?我的方法是基于这样的假设,即函数是对数的,这可能不是最佳拟合。因为假设没有R2=1,所以会有一些变化,而且由于周期小于原始周期,所以实际上是下采样和丢失分辨率。@Osknow我认为他是在点之间线性插值。看看我的答案。@belisarius-下面的方法不错!这比我当时想的还要容易,一旦你有了4个周期(2.5,5,7.5和10),只需将它们与原始数据两侧的2个数据点的线性趋势进行对比即可。例如,对于P1 2.5,绘图2,29.6%和3,47.9%,并在2.5中找到Y((2.5*0.183)-0.07=38.75%)@osknows,感谢编辑的示例。看起来它应该可以工作,但是belisarius的方法对我来说更好,因为我不想依赖Excel函数。再次感谢您的帮助。我很喜欢VBA中6行与太多行的区别@奥斯汀知道,在学习之后,我真的很讨厌用其他语言写公式。顺便说一句,如果你使用函数表示法,整个问题实际上是一行,但我不愿意在这里使用它,因为它更模糊。你的公式正是我想要的。我应该在数学课上多加注意。谢谢你的帮助,我真的很感激。
Sub CallingProc()
Dim Periods As Long, returnArray() As Variant
Dim X_Values() As Variant, Y_Values() As Variant

Periods = 4
ReDim returnArray(1 To Periods, 1 To 2)

With Sheet1
    X_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("A2:A11"))
    Y_Values = Application.Transpose(.Range("B2:B11"))
End With

FGraph X_Values, Y_Values, returnArray 'pass 1D array of X, 1D array of Y, Dimensioned  ReturnArray
End Sub

Function FGraph(ByVal x As Variant, ByVal y As Variant, ByRef returnArray As Variant)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, mConstant As Double, cConstant As Double, Period As Long

Period = UBound(returnArray, 1)

'calc cumulative Y
For i = LBound(y) + 1 To UBound(y)
        y(i) = y(i) + y(i - 1)
Next i

'Calc new periods based on line of best fit
For i = LBound(returnArray, 1) To UBound(returnArray, 1)
    returnArray(i, 1) = UBound(y) / Period * i

        'find position of new period to return adjacent original data points
        For j = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
          If returnArray(i, 1) <= x(j) Then Exit For
        Next j

        'calc linear line of best fit between existing data points
        With Application.WorksheetFunction
            mConstant = .LinEst(Array(y(j), y(j - 1)), Array(x(j), x(j - 1)))(1)
            cConstant = .LinEst(Array(y(j), y(j - 1)), Array(x(j), x(j - 1)))(2)
        End With

        returnArray(i, 2) = (returnArray(i, 1) * mConstant) + cConstant

Next i

'returnarray holds cumulative % so calc period only %
For i = UBound(returnArray, 1) To LBound(returnArray, 1) + 1 Step -1
    returnArray(i, 2) = returnArray(i, 2) - returnArray(i - 1, 2)
Next i

'returnArray now holds your data

End Function